fure. For here they will find that Real Chriftianity consists in Poverty of Spirit, Humility, Self-denial, Mortification, Meekness, Mercifulness, Purity of Heart, Peaceableness, and such like inward Disposi tions of Soul, and not in a few outward Formalities, Sighs and Groans, Looks and Postures, Words and Phrases, and such other affected Badges of a fond Distinction. And as the Subjects themselves are Great and Noble, so I hope these Discourses will be found in fome measure to rise up to their Dignity. I am sure there has been no Care wanting on my part to make them worthy of their Subjects, to which I have endeavoured to do the utmost Justice. But however I may fail of that, yet I hope the Reader will not be altogether disappointed of his Expectations, or repent of his Labour, but will find here fufficient Entertainment both for his Speculation, and for his Devotion. It may perhaps be a Surprize to some to see me appear again so foon in publick. To this, if there needs any Apology, that which I shall offer is, That if these Discourses be not worthy of publick View, then tis not fit they should ever be sent abroad, but if they be, 1 cannot understand how they can be publish'd too foon. The Truth is, confidering the shortness and uncertainty of Life, I have been lately very much of Opinion, That a Man can never live too fast, (the Heathen will tell you Never fast enough) nor make too much haste to do good; especially when a Man's Sphere is such, that he has but Few Ways and Opportunities of doing it, which by Experience I am well convinc'd to be my Cafe. ٢٠٠ I am afraid (where-ever the fault lies) that it will not be my Happiness to be able to do that good where I am, which I might have done in some other Station. Which makes me the more frequent in Publick, that I may supply this Defect by the Service of my Pen, having some Reason to hope that my Discourses will meet with better liking Abroad, than they usually do at Home; and that there are Some in the World to whom I shall not be a Barbarian. What has been here the Performance of my Pen, was (as I learn from Dr. Rust) intended, and in part performed by the Excellent Bishop Taylour, who while he was meditating upon the Beatitudes, was receiv'd up into the Enjoyment of them. And 1 have lately spoken with a Gentleman, who told me, That he himself saw a Manuscript of it in the Bi Shop's own Hand. I am very sensible how much the Subject has lost by the Change of its Author. All that I can say is, That I have done my Best, and I hope God will accept of my good Intention, and that the World will be something the better for my Performance. JOHN NORRIS. THE
THE CONTENTS. D Iscourse the First, on Matth. V. Discourse the Second, on Matth. V. Difcourse the Third, on Matth. V. Discourse the Fourth, on Matth. V. Discourse the Fifth, on Matth. V. The Conclusion of the whole, in a Discourse concerning the Beatitudes in general. p. 177 : MATTH. V. Ver. iii. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. T HUS the Divine Angel of the Covenant, Chrift Jesus, begins that Great and Noble Institution of Chriftian Philosophy, his Sublime Sermon on the Mount. This was he that was pointed at by the eminent Prophecy, I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thes, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him, Deut. 18. And now it was that this Prophecy had its full Accomplishment; Christ was now entring upon his Prophetick Office, and was to shew himfelf a Prophet like unto Moses. This great Truft he discharged with as great Care and Fidelity, and (as the Author to the Hebrews observes) was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house, Heb. 3. 2. As therefore Mofes gave a Digest of Laws to the People with whom he was intrusted, so it became this Divine Prophet alfo to give Laws and Precepts for the Instruction and Order of his Disciples. He was to be a Law-giver, as well as Mofes; and to carry on the Proportion yet farther, he thought fit to imitate him in the very Manner and Circumstance of delivering his Law, and, accordingly afcended up into a Mountain, from whence he show'rd down his Heavenly Manna upon his Hearers: So also making good another Instance of Resemblance relating to Mofes, who speaks thus of himself, My doctrin shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew; as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grafs, Deut. 32. 2. But the Parallel will not run throughout : For the Divine Oracles were not now accompanied with Thundrings and Lightnings; with Blackness, and Darkness, and Tempest; but were deliver'd in the small still Voice of Bleffing and Confolation. 'Twas with a Beatitude that David began |