| William Assheton - 1706 - Страниц: 430
...jbutteth up his bowels of cornpa ffion from him ; how dvoetteth the love of God in him ? i Joh. ^. He that hath pity on the Poor, lendeth. unto the Lord ; and that which he hath given, will he pa\ ftini 'again. Prov. 1 9 . tj~.\ ' In as much as ye have done... | |
| John Norris - 1707 - Страниц: 572
...Water only in the Name of A Difeiple% foall iff no wife lofe his Reward. To which purpofe there is alfo a very exprefs place in the Proverbs, Prov. 19. 17....lendeth unto the Lord ; and look what he layeth out itjball be paid him again. Where there is a Reward promifed not only to Charity in general, but to... | |
| Exeter guide - 1715 - Страниц: 380
...anoth„cr Faith, but not if fome particulars be more largely ex, plain'd. §. 37. $42 that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord: and look what he layeth out , it flull be paid him again. trov. 19-17. §. 38. C1S<B grace of our Lord JtfusChrifi, and the love oFGod,... | |
| Josiah Hort (abp. of Tuam.) - 1738 - Страниц: 534
...Waters, Jor thou jh alt find it after many Days. The Third is placing out Money at P«T. 19.17 Jntereft ; He that hath Pity on the Poor, lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given, will he pay him again. The Intereft will be large, and the Security is undeniable.... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - Страниц: 470
...expreffion of our Love towards him, and as if the benefit of it had accrued immediately to himfelf : He that hath pity on the poor, lendeth unto the Lord : and look, what he layeth out, it feall be paid him again, Prov. xix. 17. and inajmucb as ye have done it to the leaft ef thefe my Brethren,... | |
| William Whiston - 1753 - Страниц: 380
...gathered thou thy felf a good reward in the day ot neceffity. Tab. 4- 8, 9He thrt :i,-th pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord : and look what he layeth out it fhal! ''>? paid hiin again. Prov. 19. 17. Blefferl is the man that provideth for the rtck and needy... | |
| 1765 - Страниц: 410
...gatherert thou thy felf a good reward in the day of neceffity. Tub. 4. 8, 9. He that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord ; and look, what he layeth out, it mall be paid him again. Pro*. >9- 17BlefTed be the man that provideth for the fick and needy : the... | |
| Thomas Wilson (bp. of Sodor and Man.) - 1777 - Страниц: 208
...gathereft thou thyfelf a good Reward in the Day of Neceffity. Tab. iv. 8, 9. He that hath pity upon the Poor, lendeth unto the Lord : And look, what he layeth out, it fhall be paid him again. Prov. xix. 17. Obfervations. My God, we hare nothing bat what is thine ; and... | |
| John Disney - 1793 - Страниц: 516
...meet, but it tendeth to poverty." We might begin our remarks by obferving with Solomon himfelf, that " he that hath pity " on the poor, lendeth unto the Lord; and " that which he hath given, will he pay him " again :"* we might alfo add, that he who had improved... | |
| Charles Daubeny - 1803 - Страниц: 498
...who are ftrangers to their Bible ; for there the doftrine is to be found in more places than one. " He that hath pity on the poor, lendeth unto the LORD, and look what he layeth out, it fhall be paid him again." Prov. xix. According to this paflage, taken from our Communion Service, GOD,... | |
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