| John Flavel - 1689 - Страниц: 412
...Christ bears — no patience is like the patience of Christ. It is said of Moses, " Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth." Numb. 12:3. There was never such a man born into the world, for patience, meekness, and long-suffering, as... | |
| Richard Kidder - 1694 - Страниц: 584
...But let us confider the Matter more clofely. 'Tis faid indeed that the Man Mofes was very meek alo-ve all the Men which were upon the face of the Earth, Numb. ix. 3. This is faid upon occafion of what was faid againft him by Miriam and Aaran. They fpake againft... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - Страниц: 332
...fpoken only by Mofes ? hath he not fpoken alfo by us ? And the LORD heard it. 3 (Now the Man Mofes was very meek, above all the Men which were upon the Face of the Earth. ) 4 And the LORD fpake fuddenly unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - Страниц: 764
...fpoken only by Mofes ? hath he not fpoken alfo by us ? And the LORD heard it. 3 (Now the Man Mofes was very meek, above all the Men which were upon the Face of the Earth.) 4 And the LQRD fpake fuddenly unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the... | |
| Samuel Shuckford - 1740 - Страниц: 502
...Children of his People ; for he had married the Daughter of Jetbro the Cujhite or Arabian (t) : Mofes was very meek, above all the Men "which were upon the Face of the Earth («) ; and the exceeding Goodnefs of his Temper led Miriam and Aaron. moft warmly to oppofe him upon... | |
| Thomas Stackhouse - 1760 - Страниц: 370
...fo Very eminent for this Virtue, that the Scripture gives us this Character of him, that he was very above all the Men which were upon the Face of the Earth ; and yet we find, that, with all his Meeknefs, he could not bear with the Perverfenefs of that untractable... | |
| James Hervey - 1767 - Страниц: 464
...though a Champion for the living GOD, He yielded to unbelieving Fear \.—The Man Mofes -was \>ery meek> above all the Men which were upon the Face of the Earth |j : Yet He, even He was provoked in his Spirit, and fpake unadvifedly with his Lips §. —Was not... | |
| Henry Hunter - 1794 - Страниц: 508
...lovely fimplicity, which charafteriies all that he relates of himfelf or of others. " Now the" man Mofes was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth."f He either had riot heard the fcandalous fpeeches which were propagated to his difadvantage... | |
| Henry Hunter - 1795 - Страниц: 472
...thou hajt written.^ " What gentlenefs ! Witnefs what is faid of him, Numbers xii. 3. Now tbe man Mofes was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. " What earneft defire to draw fupplies of grace and truth immediately from their fource ! Witnefs thefe... | |
| Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - Страниц: 436
...pentateuch. They obferve that the author fpeaks aluray« in the third perfon. " Now the тгп Mofes was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. The Loi d fpake unto Mof.s, faying, &c. Mofes faid to Pharao!-., &c." Thus they think he would never... | |
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