A Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada; with Remarks on the Present Situation of the People, as Regards Their Manners, Character, Religion, &c., &cW. Marsh & A. Miller, 1830 - Всего страниц: 275 |
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acres administering the government appointed assent authority aforesaid Bill British cause Chicoutimy Chief Justice civil clergy colony Committee common soccage conduct constitution Council and Assembly Court Crown desire district district of Montreal election endeavours England English established evils Executive Council Executive Government feelings fief France free and common French further enacted Governor or Lieutenant-Governor granted hath heirs or successors hitherto Honourable House of Assembly inhabitants instruction interest James Monk Jesuits John Jonathan Sewell King labour lake St lands laws leagues Legislative Council Legislature Lord Lower Canada Majesty Majesty's Government manner means ment Montreal officers opinion person administering petition population possessed present Provided province of Lower province of Quebec provinces respectively purpose qu'il revenues river Royal Saguenay schools seigneurie seigniories seminaries settlement settlers Sir James Craig sujets summoned Tadoussac tenure thereof towns or townships Upper Canada writ of summons writs
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 175 - Pounds over and above all Rents and Charges payable out of or in respect of the same...
Стр. 176 - I AB do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance, to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary: So help me God.
Стр. 164 - I, AB, do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King George...
Стр. 163 - Realm; and that the Clergy of the said Church may hold, receive, and enjoy, their accustomed Dues and Rights, with respect to such Persons only as shall profess the said Religion.
Стр. 164 - Attempts whatever, which shall be made against his Person, Crown, or Dignity; and I will do my utmost Endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, all Treasons and traitorous Conspiracies which may be formed against him or them...
Стр. 165 - Kingdom, then and in that case it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty, his heirs and successors, to...
Стр. 183 - Act the King and Parliament of Great Britain will not impose any duty, tax or assessment whatever, payable in any of his Majesty's colonies, provinces and plantations in North America or the West Indies, except only such duties as it may be expedient to impose for the regulation of commerce...
Стр. 183 - That it may be proper to repeal an act, made in the seventh year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for granting certain duties in the British colonies and plantations in America; for allowing a drawback of the duties of customs upon the exportation from this kingdom, of coffee and...
Стр. 164 - Britian ; and that in all matters of controversy, relative to property and civil rights, resort shall be had to the laws of Canada, as the rule for the decision of the same...
Стр. 183 - ... America, or the West Indies, except only such duties as it may be expedient to impose for the regulation of commerce, the net produce of such duties to be always paid and applied to and for the use of the Colony, Province, or Plantation, in which the same shall be respectively levied, in such manner as other duties collected by the authority of the respective General Courts or General Assemblies of such Colonies, Provinces, or Plantations are ordinarily paid and II.CC 9 applied ": And whereas...