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57. THE BISON, or Wild Ox, is bred chiefly in the Northern Parts of the World, viz. Muscovy, Scythia, &c. It is as big as a Bull, or Ox; being maned about the Neck and Back, like a Lion; and his Hair hanging down under his Chin, or nether Lip, like a large Beard; and a Rifing, or little Ridge, down along his Face, from his Fore-head to his Nofe, very hairy. His Horns are large, very sharp, and turning up towards his Back, like thofe of a wild Goat on the Alps. It is of fuch great Strength, that it can fif fome Writers may be believed) tofs an Horfe and Horfeman. With its Tongue, which is hard and rough, like a File, it can draw a Man to him, whom by licking he can wound to Death. Its Hair is red, yellow, or black; its Eyes very large and fierce. It smells like a Mufk-Cat. Its Flesh is very fat in Summer-time, but not good to eat, being ftrong. The Blood is thought to be the pureft in the World, excelling in Colour any Purple.

58. THE white Scotish BISON, or Wild Ox, is maned about the Neck, like a Lion; but in other Parts like a common Ox. The Animals of this Kind once overspread the Woods of Callendar, or Caldar ; but now they are all flain, except in that Scotif Part which is called Cumirnal. The Bifon is faid to dread and abhor Mankind to that Degree, that he will not feed on any Grafs or Herbs, if he can difcern by his Smell a Man has touched them, at leaft for many Days together. If he meets a Man, he prefently makes at him, fearing neither Dogs nor Spears, nor any Kind of Weapons. It is excellent Food; and used formerly to be very acceptable to Perfons of the first Rank.

59. THE

59. THE CAMELOPARDAL is bred in Ethio pia, India, Georgia, &c. The Head of it is like a Camel's; its Colour, for the moft Part, red and white, beautifully mixed together, and the Skin full of Spots. It has two little Horns upon its Head, of the Colour of Iron; has a fmall Mouth, like an Hart's; a Tongue near three Feet long, and a Neck of divers Colours, of a very great Length, which he holds higher than a Camel's, and is far above the Proportion of his other Parts. His fore Feet are much longer than his hinder. His Pace is different from all other Beafts; for he moves right and left Feet together. This Creature is like both a Camel and a Panther. The Skin of this Beaft is very valuable. It is a folitary Beast, and keepeth in the Woods, if it be not taken when it is young. It is very tractable, and easy to be governed, fo that a Chid may lead it, with a fmall Line or Cord about its Head. The Flesh of this Creature is good Meat.

60. THE REINDEER of Lapland is fomewhat bigger than a Stag; with Horns branching out into feveral small ones; Feet thick, like a Bull's; Colour near an Ash, but white on the Belly and Haunches. It resembles more an Afs than a Stag. Though its. Hoof be cleft, it does not chew the Cud. It is naturally wild, but tamed for domeftic Service, fuch as drawing a Sledge, Cart, or carrying of Burdens.. In the Summer-time it feeds on Grafs, and Leaves of Trees; and at other Times on a Sort of white Mofs, which that Country abounds with: When the Mountains are covered with Snow, it fcrapes out this. Mofs with its Feet. It goes a rutting about the Middle of September, and goes with Young ten Months, and breeds one at a Time. It is at its full Growth at four Years; and feldom lives above ten.. With the Milk of this Creature they make Cheese, but no Butter.

61. THE







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61. THE HARE has every Limb and Part of it made for Swiftnefs. Its hinder Legs are longer than its fore Legs. It always looks backwards when purfued. It has, like all fearful and unarmed Creatures, long Ears; that, from the Advantage of Hearing, it may avoid its Enemies by Flight. The Hare and Rabbet fcarce laft feven Years; they are both great Breeders, and have many Young at once. They differ in this, that the Rabbet lives under Ground, and the Hare above; and that the Flesh of the Hare is the darkeft.

62. THE RABBET is bred in moft Countries, but few have greater Plenty of them than England. It is almost like an Hare, except in its Head and Tail, which are forter; and in its Colour, which is brighter. There are Rabbets of feveral Colours, as white, black, &c. The Rabbet begins to breed in England, at a Year old, and bears every Month, or, at least, seven Times in a Year. Its Skin is much esteemed for feveral Uses, as its Flesh is for Food. The Male will kill the Young, if it can get at them; to prevent which, the Female will cover her Litter with Gravel, or Earth.

63. THE MOLE is about the Bignefs of a Rar. The Snout is like an Hog's; its Feet are like a Bear's, and Legs fhort; its Toes, with which it digs up the Earth, have fharp Nails. It lives in the Earth upon Worms. It has no Ears that can be difcerned; yet it hears in the Ground perfectly well. It is generally of a blackish Colour, with fhort smooth Hair, and foft as Wool. Its Eyes are commonly hut, or covered,


64. AN

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