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They breed not in cold Countries; for they are impatient of Cold, fo that they can hardly bear our Winters, unless they be kept in hot Places. They are faid to be very long-lived. There are feveral Sorts of Parrots, differing both in Size and Colour. The foregoing Defcription belonging to Parrots in general, fhall forbear to give a particular Defcription of each; but have given the Figures of three, viz. the Common,the White-crested, and the Parrot called the Macao.

24. THE RAVEN is a very large Fowl, being in Length, from the Tip of the Bill to the End of the Tail, about two Feet. The Bill is long, thick, sharp, and very black; the upper Chap fomewhat hooked, but not fo as in Hawks; the lower ftraight; the Feathers are black all over the Body, having a blue Splen dor, or Glofs; which is feen efpecially in the Tail and Wings. The Belly is fomething paler, inclining to brown. It has large crooked Claws. The Raven feeds not only upon Fruits and Infects, but also upon the Carcaffes of Beafts, Birds, and Fiskes; moreover, it fets upon, kills, and devours living Birds, after the Manner of Hawks. Ravens abound in all Countries, they being hardy Birds, that will eafily bear all Changes of Weather, fearing neither Heat nor Cold. The Raven lays about five or fix Eggs before it begins to fit, of a pale greenish blue, full of black Spots. This Bird is faid to live to a very great Age, 40 or 50 Years or upwards.

25. THE Common, or CARRION CRÓW, is leffer than the Raven, being about eighteen Inches in Length. The Bill is ftrong, thick, and ftraight. The Colour of the whole Body is black, only the Ground or Bottom of the Feathers of a lead or darkish Colour. This Bird delights to feed upon Carrion, that is, Carcaffes of dead Animals when they begin to putrefy. It likewife kills, and devours living Birds, in like Manner as the Raven; moreover, it eateth Grain and all Sorts of Infects, in England at least. For beyond Seas (they fay) it meddles with no Sort of Grain. It builds upon high Trees, and lays four or five Eggs at a Time, like the Raven, but lefs. The Crow is faid to have a very fagacious Scent, fo that it is difficult to shoot it, the Bird Imelling the Gunpowder afar off. 26. THE

26. THE ROOK is fomething bigger than the Crow. It has no Craw, but, inftead thereof, the Gullet below the Bill is dilated into a Kind of Bag, wherein it brings Meat to feed its Young. Its Colour is black, but brighter than that of the Crow. The Rooks build many together, upon high Trees about Gentlemen's Houfes, who are much delighted with the Noife they make in Breeding-time. Both Cock and Hen fit by Turns. Their Eggs are like a Crow's, but leffer, fpotted with greater Spots. It is faid, that when Rooks build, one of the Pair always fits to watch the Neft, till it be finished, whilst the other goes about to fetch Materials; elfe, if both go, and leave the Neft unfinished, as fometimes they venture to do, their Fellow Rooks, e'er they return again, will have robbed them, and carried away to their feveral Nefts all their Sticks, and whatever else they had got together. Hence, perhaps, the Word Rocking with us is ufed for Cheating or Abufing. Young Rooks are good Food.


THE JACKDAW is much leffer than the Crow. It has a large Head, and a ftrong Bill. The hinder Part of the Head, as far as the Middle of the Neck, inclines to an Afh Colour, as alfo the Breaft and Belly, but lefs; elfe the whole Plumage is black, with a Kind of blue Glofs; the fore Part of the Head is of a deeper black. It feeds upon Nuts, Fruits, Seeds, and Infects. Jackdaws ufually frequent and build in antient Caftles, Towers, Cliffs, Houfes, and StoneWalls, especially if they be defolate and ruinous. They lay five or fix Eggs, leffer, paler, and having fewer Spots than thofe of Crows. The Jackdaw, being a very fubtil and cunning Bird, may be taught to imitate the human Voice like a Magpie.

28. THE MAGPIE is about the Bignefs of the Jackdaw; and excepting the Whiteness of the Breaft and Wings, and the Length of the T'ail, 'tis very much like that Bird. The Head, Neck, Throat, Back, Rump, and lower Belly, are of a black Colour. The Breaft and Sides are white, as alfo the firft Joint of the Wing. The Wings are smaller than the Bignefs of the Body would feem to require. "Tis a very crafty and cunning


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