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AGE, its problems defined, 33
Aristotle, man a political being, 80
Arnold, Thomas, on reform and
Christianity, 175

Apocalypse, quoted in victory of
Christ, 97

Apologetic of results is final, 213
Atmosphere, its influence upon life,

Augustine, on the City of God, 66
Axioms of reform stated, 162

BASCOM, on renewing opportuni-
ties, 149

Batten, "The Redemption of the
Unfit," 63; "The Christian
State," 150; "The Church as
the Maker of Conscience," 132
Beecher, Lyman, on perseverance
of saints, 166

Bible, to be taught the people, 190
Booth, on life in London, 43
Brace," Gesta Christi," 32
Brierley, defines social problem,

38; describes useless religion,
220; on contentment with the
world, 176; on crisis of the
Church, 184

Brooks, "The Social Unrest," 32
Brotherhood of the Kingdom, 10
Bruce, "The Kingdom of God,"
83; says many Christians outside
churches, 186

Bryce, describes church morality,

Bryden, on conditions in Africa, 25
Burbank, on training the child, 170
Bushnell, on cosmic effects of sin,

[ocr errors][merged small]

Capital, by Marx quoted, 136
Carlyle, on unity of universe, 48
Causes, must be considered, 155
Children, playgrounds for in city,

Christendom, hinders mission work,

198; the Christianization of, 8;
present condition, 22

Christian men, have social duty,
130; to build Christian society,
74; to lead in reform, 211
Christian spirit, created the Chris-
tian family, 17; created the
Church, 18; created the mis-
sionary enterprise, 20

Christian social order, to be built,

Christianity, is ever new, 13; its

achievements, 16; its real nature
revealed, 200; new task defined,
82; not finished its work, 31;
on trial to-day, 195; present
crisis of, 7, 184; to be tested by
fruits, 193; to inspire social ac-
tion, 180

Christianization of Christendom, 8
Church, an agency of the kingdom,

110; created by Christian spirit,
18; compared with the kingdom,
66; does not include all life, 80;
is not only institution of religion,
115; not seeking whole king-
dom, 113; religion outside, 28;
without a parish, 160
Churches, in best parts of the city,

160; must show their fruits, 191;
to create an active conscience,
Cities, are they improving? 156;
conditions of modern, 24; re-
proach of Christianity, 199
City, the Holy City on earth, 58;
Christians no vision of, 90

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Marx, Karl, on economic structure
of society, 135; on the ideal of
Socialism, 136

Mathews, "The Church and the
Changing Order,” 32

Maurice, on the true use of the
Bible, 175

Melchizedec, King of Righteous-
ness and Peace, 127

Men, why not interested in church,

Mill, J. S., on selfishness, 170
Milton, on effects of sin, 55
Missionary converts lack enthusi-
asm, 205

Mosaic legislation, for present life,

Moss, on the unity of the universe,
Munger, "The Freedom of Faith,"

[blocks in formation]

RAUSCHENBUSCH, "Christianity
and the Social Crisis," 83, 184
Relations, man a being of rela-
tions, 77; to be adjusted, 121
Religion outside the churches, 28
Richards, Timothy, meaning of
conversion, 75

Riis, "How the Other Half Lives,"

Ritschl, Christianity is essentially
social, 71; on ideal of the king-
dom, 86

Romans, Epistle to quoted, on sin,

Ross, on social interference, 39
Rothe, on Jesus' interest in social
question, 204; says Christianity
is least immutable, 12

Ruskin, making a better world,
208; on Bishop, 178; on lack of
moral passion, 125

SAINTS in modern world, 223
Saleeby, "Parenthood and Race
Culture," 132

Salvation, different conceptions of,
100; of the whole man, 76, 100;
the problem of social salvation,

Samaritan, down to date, 163

Sanday, on need of freshness, 201
Saved life demands safe environ-

ment, 157

Savonarola, his vision of city, 120
Scotland, housing conditions in, 44
Serviceableness test of religion, 217
Sidis, "The Psychology of Sugges-
tion," 183

Small, on crisis in morals, 29
Smith, George A., economic prob-

lem is Christian, 142; effects of
sin on world, 55; prosperity and
religion, 138

Social action, the method, 133;
Christianity is needed, 212;
problem considered, 34; recon-
struction is necessary, 150; sal-

vation required social action,
152; task defined, 82; workers,
not exclusive, 151

Society needs saving, 151
Solidarity defined and illustrated,
47, 60

Somerville, on the solidarity of hu-
manity, 54

Spargo, "The Spiritual Signif-
icance of Modern Socialism,"


Spencer, on destruction of the
unfit, 39; quoted on happiness,
Sphinx, sitting by roadside, 33
Spirit at work in the world, 15
Spiritual life not isolated, 74
State to be Christianized, 112
Strong, "The Challenge of the
City," 63; "The Next Great
Awakening," 132

Subconscious life important, 171

THRESHOLD of consciousness, 171
Trocadero, scene in recently, 185

UNFIT, the preservation of, 38
Union of all who love, 181

VICTORIES for the kingdom to-day,


Von Hase, on the lack of the age,

WARD, L. S., "Applied Sociol-

ogy," 132; on influence of en-
vironment, 144

Ward and others, "Social Min-
istry," 83

Wernle, early Christians were
rebels, 174

Wesley, on solitary religion, 73
Westcott, describes the Church, III
Whitman, "There was a child
went forth," 168

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