TO THE RIGHT REVEREND JOHN LAW, D.D. LORD BISHOP OF KILLALA AND ACHONRY, AS A TESTIMONY OF ESTEEM FOR HIS VIRTUES AND LEARNING, AND OF GRATITUDE FOR THE LONG AND FAITHFUL FRIENDSHIP WITH WHICH THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN HONOURED BY HIM, THIS ATTEMPT TO CONFIRM THE EVIDENCE OF THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY IS INSCRIBED BY HIS AFFECTIONATE AND MOST OBLIGED SERVANT, W. PALEY. SECT. II. Rules for the manner of visiting the sick ib. SECT. III. Of instructing the sick man in the na- ture of repentance and confession of Arguments and exhortations to move the sick man to repentance and confession Arguments and general heads of dis- course, by way of consideration, to is suddenly seized with the symptoms of death 286 A prayer for a person, whose illness is chiefly brought on him by some calamitous disaster or loss; as, of estate, relations, or friends, &c. For a person who, by any calamitous disaster, hath |