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THE attention of those who use this book as a basis for class work is called to the fact that the sizes of type employed are intended to indicate, to some extent, the relative importance of the matters treated. The type will therefore guide those who wish to omit portions of the book, in order to pursue only a shorter course. The plan is explained in Note 22, page 323. It will suffice here to point out that paragraphs printed in the smaller type, and especially those preceded by an asterisk, may, at the teacher's discretion, be omitted. The essentials of the subject are contained in the paragraphs printed in large type, and these will be found to provide a continuous exposition of English grammar.





Exercise 1.

a. In the following sentences pick out all names of per


Jack' is playing with Tom and Alfred. Mary and Edith are writing. Harold was reading to little Maggie. Howard and Kate are coming to-morrow. Mr. Jones is talking to Mr. Brown. Mrs. Cooper has gone abroad. Miss Percy and Miss Griffiths have just called. King James reigned after Queen Elizabeth. Captain Green waited for Major Owen. Can you tell me where Mayor Carrington lives? We met Governor Knox yesterday. Wellington defeated Napoleon.

b. Give the names of

1. Ten boys.

2. Ten girls.

3. Ten persons whom you know.

4. Ten persons about whom you have read.

Exercise 2.

a. In the following sentences pick out all names

1. Of persons.

2. Of places.

Victor lives at Richmond. Carlton is in Minnesota. King Solo

1 See "Notes for Teachers," p. 323, Note 20.

See "Notes for Teachers," p. 323, Note 21.

mon reigned in Jerusalem. Mr. Bosworth has sailed for Germany. Washington crossed the Delaware. General Wolfe was killed outside Quebec. India belongs to the English. Tom Truscott walked from Berwick-on-Tweed through Newcastle-on-Tyne to Ashton-underLyne. Moses led the Jews from Egypt to Canaan. Mrs. Jones took Minnie along Regent Street and Oxford Street to Hyde Park. There they met Miss Latham. The Dutch live in Holland.

b. Give the names of

1. Ten countries.

2. Ten places in your own country.

3. Ten places in which you have been.

4. Ten streets.

1. When I say Captain Kidd I use the name of one particular sailor, not of every sailor; but when I say sailor I may mean Captain Kidd or any other sailor. In the same way, Miss Scott is the name of some lady, but lady means any lady. Sailor and lady are as truly names as Captain Kidd and Miss Scott are, but instead of being names of particular persons they are names of kinds of persons.

Exercise 3

a. In the following sentences pick out all names of kinds of persons.

The master is kind to his servants. Children, obey your parents. The boy hurt his sister. I met my uncle, aunt, and three cousins to-day. The king sent for his wise men. The princess was walking with her maids. The girl is nursing the baby. The scholars love their teacher. The huntsman passed by. That child's father is a grocer. The general ordered his soldiers to charge.

b. Give the names of

1. Ten kinds of shopkeepers; as grocer, butcher.

2. Ten kinds of relatives; as father.

3. Ten kinds of workmen ; as carpenter.

Exercise 4.

In the following sentences pick out all names
1. Of kinds of persons.


Of kinds of places.

The shepherd is

in the field; his sister is in the cottage. Our friends live in the town. The queen was in the parlor. The king was in his counting house. The lad has gone to his home. The citizens fled into the country. The fisherman is at sea. A policeman was walking up the street. The workman was digging in his garden. The girls were sent to school. The old man was waiting at the station for his son. fell over the cliff.

The child

Exercise 5.

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a. In the following sentences pick out all names of kinds of animals.

The hawk killed three
Drive the cattle home.

The dog ran after the sheep and lambs. chickens. The cat is playing with her kittens. The cows are grazing. Hares are timid. Puss caught a mouse. The thrushes and blackbirds were singing. The bird was picking up worms. An elephant is larger than a lion. Some parrots can talk. Ducks, geese, and swans can swim, but hens cannot. The hounds caught a fox. Swallows fly swiftly.

b. Give the names of

1. Ten kinds of animals that live on land.

2. Ten kinds of birds.

3. Ten kinds of fishes.

Exercise 6.

a. In the following sentences pick out all names of things.

The book is on the table. That jar contains ink. This pen is broken. There are three coats, two waistcoats, and six shirts in the trunk. A stone was thrown at the window. The bottle is full of water. The plow is made of iron. Put some coal on the fire. The roof is covered with snow. The car is loaded with chairs. The tree has shed its leaves. The milk stood in a pan. Acorns grow on oaks. The picture hangs on the wall. Buy some tea, coffee, sugar, and bread.

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