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306. Remember that all Copulative Verbs take the same Case after as before them.

Exercise 141.

Pick out the Copulative Verbs and say in each case what is the Attribute.

When the Attribute is a Noun or a Pronoun say what is its Case.

a. Jackson is our gardener. You are she. That is he. These buds will be pretty flowers. John Gilpin was a citizen. The boys are at school. Our cousins are here. Old King Cole was a merry old soul. I'm the chief of Ulva's isle. I wanted to be a carpenter. I found it to be only a stone. We understood the town to be a seaport.

Additional sentences:-Exercise 14, a.

b. William became king. The child grows pretty. The girls seem happy. The flowers appear dead. Good boys make good men. The paint looks fresh. We feel tired. The flowers smell sweet. The water tastes warm. The very houses seem asleep. Man became a living soul. The temptation proved irresistible. Some men are born great. He remained a poor man all his life. You keep quiet. The child seems no fool. Trust me to become master of the subject. I feel a regular invalid to-day. The captain told John to be pilot an hour longer. My father wished me to become a doctor.

307. Some Transitive Verbs in the Passive Voice may be regarded as Copulative Verbs. Examples of Passive Copulative Verbs :

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Exercise 142.

Pick out the Passive Copulative Verbs and say what is the Attribute in each case.

This town is called Kingston. Harrison was elected President. Henry of Navarre was chosen their leader. Solomon was deemed the wisest of men. The baby has been named Maud. Louis was styled the father of his people. The general was made emperor. I understand the village is called Olney.


308. Different forms of the Verb are used according to the way or mode or Mood in which a thought is conceived and a зtatement made. Thus

(1) We may say

(a) What we know; as,

"Jack has a new hat."

(b) What we think; as, "I believe that Jack has a new


(c) What we assume to be true; as, "If the moon is smaller than the planets she must be nearer to


Or we may


a question: as,

"Has Jack a new hat ?"

(2) We may command; as, "Have your books ready," or we may beg; as, "Have pity on me."

(3) We may speak of a thing not as a fact, but as

(a) A thing of which we are in doubt; as, "If the soldier have leave he will visit his home."

(b) A wish; as, "Oh that it were with me as in the days that are past."

(c) A possible happening or result; as, "Give him some food, lest he perish."


309. The form of the Verb which is used in making a simple statement or in asking a question is called the Indicative' Mood.

Examples of the Indicative Mood.

(1) Simple statement.

Fred went to school.

The master is teaching Greek.

The girl is loved by all who know her.

My brother has been living in Florence.

The house was already sold.

(2) Statement of something which is assumed to be true.

If there is snow upon the ground you must wear thick boots.

[We assume that there is snow upon the ground.]

Though he is naughty his parents love him.

[We assume that he is naughty.]

If you saw me, what was I doing?

(3) Question.

Are you pleased with your new book?

Has Henry found his ball?

Had the children warm clothing?

Were Annie and Edith early this morning?

Have you been waiting for me long?

Exercise 143.

Pick out the Verbs in the Indicative Mood.

(a) In Exercise 140, a.

(b) In Exercise 31, b.

(c) In the following:—

Croker had a very good opinion of himself. Once, when he was in the company of the Duke of Wellington, the talk turned upon the battle 1 From the Latin indicare (p.p. indicatus), to point out, indicate. The Indicative Mood is supposed to be that which points out or indicates.

of Waterloo, and Croker actually contradicted several of the statements made by the Duke. Afterwards some one spoke about the copper caps which were used for firing muskets, and again Croker put the Duke right. This upset the patience of the great soldier, and he exclaimed, 'Perhaps I know little about Waterloo, but I certainly know something about copper caps."


An ignorant countryman visited Paris. One day after he had returned he was talking to some of his friends about the wonders which he had seen. "I was most surprised," he said, "with the cleverness of the children. Boys and girls of seven or eight spoke French quite as well as the children in this part of the world speak English."


310. The form of the Verb which is used in commanding or entreating is called the Imperative' Mood.

Examples of the Imperative Mood.

(1) Commanding.

Come to me, O ye children.

Stand at ease.

Unhand me, gentlemen.

(2) Entreating.

Have mercy upon us.

Grant us thy aid.

Help me over this difficulty, please.

311. The Imperative Mood is of course used almost always in addressing some person or persons. But occasionally it is used with a Plural Subject of the First Person or with a Singular or a Plural Subject of the Third Person; as:

"Break we our watch up."-Shakspere.

"Come one, come all."

Usually let is employed to express the Imperative with the First or the Third Person; as, "Let us go," "Let everyone shout at once." 'From the Latin imperare (p.p. imperatus), to command.

Pick out the Verbs

Exercise 144.

(a) In the Indicative Mood.

(b) In the Imperative Mood.

Come live with me and be my love. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. Look, in this place ran Cassius' dagger through. Judge, O ye gods, how dearly Cæsar loved him.

Good Cromwell,

Neglect him not; make use now and provide
For thine own future safety.

Love thyself last; cherish those hearts that hate thee
Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace

Be just and fear not.

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Wake from thy nest, Robin Red-breast,

Sing, birds, in every furrow.

Break his bands of sleep asunder

And rouse him.

Grieve not, my child; chase all thy fears away.

But see! look up! on Flodden bent,

The Scottish foe has fired his tent.

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The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold,
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
Where the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

Look up at the brooding clouds on high,

Look up at the awful sun!

And behold, the sea-flood

Is all red with blood:

Hush!-a battle is lost-and won.


312. The form of the Verb which is used when we are speaking, not of something viewed as a fact, but of something which is only thought of, is called the Subjunctive' Mood.

1 From the Latin sub, under, and jungere (p.p. junctus), to join. The name should not be understood to imply that Verbs in the Subjunctive Mood must be in subjoined statements, or that Verbs in such statements are always in the Subjunctive Mood.

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