Principles of the Law of Contracts: Based on the Original Text of Sir William R. Anson, BartCallaghan, 1939 - Всего страниц: 519 |
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Стр. 2
... agreement resulting in obligation . Con- tract results from a combination of the two ideas of agree- ment and obligation . Contract is that form of agreement which ... agreement resulting in obligation AGREEMENT Nature of agreement.
... agreement resulting in obligation . Con- tract results from a combination of the two ideas of agree- ment and obligation . Contract is that form of agreement which ... agreement resulting in obligation AGREEMENT Nature of agreement.
Стр. 397
... agreement ; ( 3 ) to prove the terms of the agreement.s § 367. Proof of existence of contract . The attesting witnesses to a deed can testify to the execution of the instrument . Oral tes ... agreement Proof of terms of agreement.
... agreement ; ( 3 ) to prove the terms of the agreement.s § 367. Proof of existence of contract . The attesting witnesses to a deed can testify to the execution of the instrument . Oral tes ... agreement Proof of terms of agreement.
Стр. 400
... agreement . As it is their agreement which binds them , so by their agreement they may be loosed . This mode of discharge may occur in one of three forms : waiver , rescission , or cancellation ; substituted agreement ; con- dition ...
... agreement . As it is their agreement which binds them , so by their agreement they may be loosed . This mode of discharge may occur in one of three forms : waiver , rescission , or cancellation ; substituted agreement ; con- dition ...
TABLE OF CASES | xxiii |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
accord and satisfaction actual agreed agreement alleged amount arising assent assumpsit bailment Bank benefit bilateral contract bond breach cause of action choses in action claim common law condition constitute contract under seal court held creditor debt debtor deed defendant defendant's delivery doctrine effect enforceable equity estoppel evidence executed executory contract express fact grantor gratuitous implied intention interest in land judgment letter liability Lumber marriage Mass memorandum ment merely moral obligation mutual Negotiable Instruments offeree offeror oral contract oral promise parol parties payment performance person plaintiff promise to pay promisor purchaser quasi-contract reason received regarded rendered request revocation rule satisfy the statute sealed instrument Seventeenth Section sideration signed simple contract specified Statute of Frauds sued sufficient consideration suit ticket tion tract valid void weight of authority Western Union writing written