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sel, they saw her pitch on her boom's end; and then suddenly recovering herself, she regained her equilibrium, and in a few - moments she gradually sunk to the bottom: the sensations of the anxious sailors, as almost breathless they watched her majestic disappearance, may be conceived, but cannot be described. Towards evening the weather became a little more temperate, and as night came on, they could discover a star or two twinkling occasionally through the gloomy sky. About midnight the clouds began to disperse, and the captain then observed, from the position of the stars, that they were steering towards the north-east, instead of the southwest. This discovery caused an unusual sensation among the people, and a consultation followed as to the course they should pursue, when it was agreed, that as they had been driven so far in that direction, it would perhaps be as well to continue it, hoping they might fall in with some vessel which might take them on board, before their slender stock of provisions should be exhausted. Having rowed all night and great part of the next day, Edward pointed out, in the distance, a small speck, which he found increased in size, and in a short time it was pronounced by the exhausted mariners, to be a ship. They now redoubled their exertions, and Edward, who had never pronounced one single word indicative either of fear or apprehension, but had preserved the most calm and composed manner, during the whole of their perilous situation, threw down his oar, and burst into tears, as a universal shout from the sailors proclaimed, that their signal was observed, and that the vessel was bearing down to their assistance. "Thank God, you are safe," exclaimed the agitated youth, as he grasped the hand of his tutor. My poor mother, you don't know what I have suffered on her account too." The sailors, in the rude but glowing language of nature, expressed their joy in the strongest terms, upon their providential escape, and upon discovering the British ensign, as the vessel drew near, their satisfaction was complete. They found she was bound for Drontheim in Norway, and thither the captain safely conveyed our travellers. He too had been in the storm, but appeared to have escaped its most violent effects. When the Dr. mentioned how much they had been deceived in their route, the captain said the compass had no doubt been affected by the lightning, a circumstance which had once happened to him on a voyage to Barbadoes.

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He and his pupil had lost every thing, and but for the kindness of Captain Welch, who spoke of them to the master of the vessel who had taken them up, they would have been a little distressed. They, however, wrote immediately to England; and while they waited for an answer, they took up their quarters at an inn, and, except in small excursions round the town, they remained stationary at Drontheim.

"We can embark for Sweden; but we must not quit Sleswick without visiting the village of Anglen, as it gave name to the Anglos or Anglo. Saxons, the ancient possessors of England," said Dr. Walker.

Their mode of travelling in Holstein, was in what is called a post waggon, a vehicle without springs, drawn swiftly by four horses over abominable roads, varied by deep, uneven sands, and wretched layers of large rough stones, placed by way of pavement. But the discomforts of such a conveyance could not destroy the pleasure of travelling through so fine a country. There is no part of the continent of Europe so like many of the more beautiful districts in England. It reminded our travellers of many parts of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex; even the bleak parts seemed like Cambridgeshire, though more level. The lakes are numerous, and finely adorned with trees; but the shores too flat to admit any comparison with the lakes of England. The frogs of Holstein, which we believe were always remarkable for their numbers, and for the disturbance occasioned by their loud croaking, reminded Edward of the frog concerts which he had heard of in America.

Upon their return to the inn they had previously occupied at Copenhagen, the Doctor was accosted by a Danish gentleman, to whom he had letters of introduction, but who was not in the city when our travellers called upon him; he pressed them exceedingly to dine with him, and Dr. Walker at length consented, although he had made up his mind to spend the evening quietly at home. A large company was invited to meet them, and the table might be said to groan under the-weight of soups, Norwegian beef boiled, hams, strongly salted, fish, poultry, pigeons, fowls, and stewed vegetables. The meat is always cut into thin slices, and handed round by the servants, and etiquette forbids that one dish should be touched before another out of the regular course. This weighty display of hospitality was followed

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by that of confectionary and sweetmeats, with a profusion of good wines.

"We must now pay a visit to the Museum," said Dr. Walker on the following morning, "which contains many curiosities." That which principally attracted their attention was, a fine collection of coins, particularly those of the consuls in the time of the Roman Republic, and of the em perors after the seat of empire was divided into east and west. Besides artificial skeletons, ivory carvings, models, clock-work, and a beautiful cabinet of ivory and ebony made by a Danish artist who was blind; here are to be seen two famous drinking vessels; the one of gold, the other of silver, and both in the form of a hunting horn; and from the rais ed hieroglyphic figures on the outside, they are supposed to have been made use of in religious ceremonies.

"There is but little doubt upon the subject," said the Doctor to the exhibitor of these curiosities, "in Dr. Meyrick's costume of the Ancient Britons, whose druidical wor ship bears a strong resemblance to that of the ancient Scandinavian nations, (both nations offered human sacrifices to their god Odin,) there is a picture of a priest holding a horn to catch the blood of the unhappy victim about to be immolated by the priestess. These horns are there described as being sometimes highly ornamented." From the top of the Museum our travellers enjoyed a most extensive prospect. The city, the roads, the sound, the coast of Sweden, were all before them, sketched as on a map.

Having gratified their curiosity with a view of the Museum, cabinets and mineral collections which are found in the capital of Denmark, they prepared for their departure. "The geography of this country is not very intricate, and you of course can give a brief sketch of it, Edward," said the Doctor, after they were embarked.

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"I will try what I can do," replied his pupil: " I think I ought from the information you have given me upon this as well as upon many other occasions."

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CONTINENTAL Denmark is a flat country, much interspersed with lakes, small rivers and hills; its havens and gulfs are numerous. In winter the navigation is frequently impeded by ice; and the air, at this season, is very cold and foggy, and over the marshy ground, insalubrious: in summer it is frequently much hotter than in England. The transitions in the seasons are extremely sudden; for one month the cold is intense, and the next you may be fainting with heat.

It produces good pastures; and Denmark, were it not for the oppression of its peasantry, might be a very productive and fertile country. It abounds in timber and cattle; the islands are fertile, and furnish grain for exportation: the seas, lakes, and rivers abound with fish. Its exports are timber; horses and other cattle to Holland and Germany; butter, fish, tallow, hides, oil, tar, pitch, resin and grain. Of corn, to the value of 105,000l. is sometimes exported in a year.

The river Eydar, and the canal of Kiel, connect the Baltic and the British seas; the canal admits vessels of 120 tons. Its Chief Ports are Copenhagen, Altona, Kiel, Elsinore, Rypen, Tonningen; and it has two Universities, that of Copenhagen and that of Kiel.



THE second evening after their arrival, Edward asked Dr. Walker if lightning was not the effect of electricity. Dr. Walker."Yes, Lightning appears to be the rapid motion of vast masses of electric matter; and Dr. Franklin has proved, by a variety of experiments, that the lightning of electricity, and the lightning that flashes from the clouds in a thunder-storm, are exactly of the same kind, and operate in the same manner.

"Electricians have the art of making a machine, by which

they can draw fire from a variety of bodies, and even accumulate, or heap it together in such quantities, that when it is discharged, or let off, it will make a report like a pistol, and even kill animals.

"The particulars, in which lightning and the electric fluid agree, are as follow. 1. Flashes of lightning are generally seen crooked, and waving in the air. The same is the electric spark always, when it is drawn from an irregular body, at some distance. 2. Lightning strikes the highest and most pointed objects in its way, in preference to others, as high hills, and trees, towers, spires, masts of ships, points of spears, and the like. In like manner, all pointed conductors receive or throw off the electric fluid more readily than those that are terminated by flat surfaces. 3. Lightning is observed to take the readiest and best conductor. So does electricity in the discharge of the Leyden phial. For this reason Dr. Franklin supposes that it would be safer, during a thunder storm, to have one's cloaths wet than dry, as the lightning might then, in great measure, be transmitted to the ground, by the water on the outside of the body. It is found, he says, that a wet rat cannot be killed by the explosion of the electrical bottle, but that a dry rat may. 4. Lightning burns: ́so does electricity. Dr. Franklin says, that he could kindle with it hard dry rosin, spirits unwarmed, and even wood. 5. Lightning sometimes dissolves metals: so does electricity. 6. Lightning has often been known to strike people blind. And a pigeon, after a violent shock of electricity, by which the doctor intended to have killed it, was observed to have been struck blind. 7. Lightning destroys animal life. Animals have likewise been killed by the shock of electricity. The largest animals, which Dr. Franklin and his friends had been able to kill, were a hien, and a turkey which weighed about ten pounds."

EDWARD." That appears proof sufficient that they are both alike in nature and operations."

Dr. W." To demonstrate, in the clearest manner possible, the sameness of electrical fire with the matter of lightning, Dr. Franklin, astonishing as it must have appeared, contrived actually to bring lightning from the heavens, by means of an electrical kite, which he raised, when a storm of thunder was perceived to be coming on.

"This kite had a pointed wire fixed upon it, by which it drew the lightning from the clouds. The lightning descended

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