GENERAL INDEX N.B. The Plates are annexed to their respective Descriptions. A BOLITION of Tithes, Plan for the 954 Anecdotes-Lefebvre..... Alps, Natural History of the, by Haller America discovered by Madoc... 847 Anecdotes Modern, Scientific, &c. from La- 479 .ibid. Boiffy D'Anglas, Anecdotes of .ibid. Bouille, Anecdotes of..... .480 Bourbon (Duke de) Anecdotes of. 481 British Nation, Address to ...ibid. Bürger's Leonora, Remarks on... .ibid. Burns, the Poet, Subscription for.. ibid. Camus, Anecdotes of....... ibid. Canal Locks, Patent for... .ibid. Cardan's Rule.... .487 Ben Sira, Proverbs of.... 709 .ibid. Blackburne (Archdeacon) original Letter of 888 727 ....725 ..889 603 ...604 478 ..478 ..652 ..556 Love of Pleasure as connected with greatness PATENTS, (NEW) of Character.... ........683 Lyceum of Arts, and the Republican Lyceum Aughtie's 653 of Paris, Account of...... ...717 ---, Proceedings of their first and fe- cond Public Sittings. Madagascar Language, Vocabulary of ...935 -, Dialogues in........ --, Poetry of...... ...449 Steedinan's.... ..882 Madoc's Difcovery of America ........ Malpractice in the Law corrected .538 Jordan's 883 Malmesbury (Lord) his late Negociation with Cooper's ..ibid. France .....992 Percy (Count de) Anecdotes of .....562 Man, new Definition of ....619 Manufcript (curious) relative to the Welth Pettyfoggers, Society to prevent.....447 462 Marches. ....765 Pimples, Red, live Infects extracted from Margaret of Valois, Poem by...............490 687 --, Tranflation of......... 889 Marivetz, Anecdotes of ...559 Marriages in the Counties. See Provincial - in London 587, 671,752,508, 831 Memoirs of the late Empress of Russia 971 Provincial Coins, State of .. 767 Meteorological Tables.519, 682,762 Mickle's Luciad .787 Millftones, Patent for ..... .723 Milton, Similes of 546, 712, 789 Mira, to 889 ..867 Occurrences, with Marriages and Deaths, arranged in Counties according to Prizes proposed by the Institution..........637 Monge, Original Anecdotes of .477 640 Moral Philofophy, (Dr. Waring's) ....... 850 Query relative to the term New Manufac- Moreau, Anecdotes of... ..642 Mortality, a Poem Mufic, A Comparison between the Ancient of. - of the third National Unanimity, on ..632 .793 624 Necker (Madame) her Letter on the Aboli- ...685 Negroes in Madagascar, their Songs...... 449 كو in Paris, 1796.....813, 899 Numbers, chronological Remarks on the Book of - on Welsh History answered.......846 Sensibility confidered ..479 .706 646 .490,491, 568, 647 Spain and Portugal, Poetry of 451, 697,850 .850 Ode, a Latin one 490 - from Klopstock... 459 State Papers, relative to the Peace.......922 Oratorical Pronunciation ..781 Sunday Conversation Society. ..773 Othryades, a Mono-drama. 566 Sunderland Iron Bridge ..541 Ogens, Patent for..... Outlawry, Mr. Perry's....... ...577 Sufpended Iron Bridges, Patent for .......883 .880 Servan, Anecdotes of 643 Olympia, Searches at Paine's Pamphlet on Finance, Remarks on ..846 Swiss Alps, Haller's Description of. ...939 Talents, female, defence of .469. 548 PATENTS, (NEW) ..652 Luke's .ibid. Burdon's .............ibid. Tanning, Patent for............. Telegrap Living Authors, &c. whose Names occur in the following Volume. Adams..............484 Brown ...811, 897 Condorcet Adair.........484,741 Brunc ...474 Cooksey Aikin 485, 487, 488, Bryant 482, 649, 776 Cooper. 733,892 Buache .....635 Coote. Ambrofe... 656, 736, Buchan ....651 Cordiner 816 Bunbury ...........572 Corry Anderson...486, 694, Buonaparte 582, 667, Costillow 899 501,906 Coftillon. ..4 4 Daubenton...635, 796 473 Didot .553 733 Dejoux... .892 649,883 Dangos .554 ..486 Druthin.. .624 Andrews .....733,816 Burdon 541,604, 652 Cottereau 473 Day .....569 Anquetil ...........794 Burges 487 Cottle Arnold .......654, 812 Burke Atwood. .....816 Burney ......... 486 Crocker....... ...770 Delambre...552, 635, Ashburnham ......487 Banks ...899 Cruikshank.659 795 Auchinclofs.......482 Bürger Auckland .483 Bernardin de St. Pierre Cumberland 494, 649 De la Croix........826 Aughtie ...653 649 Cunningham....... 604 Defaulnais 474 Babington....485, 658 Bowles....487, 733 Curwen ......743 Defmond |