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Die Ohrenheilkunde der letzten 50 Jahre. Von Dr. W. Kramer. Berlin, 1873. pp. 77.

Dei Solfiti ed Iposolfiti nella cura delle Febbri Intermittenti. Memoria del Dott. Giovanni Faralli. Milano. 1872. pp. 128.


Syllabus of Materia Medica for the Use of Teachers and Students. By A. Harvey, M.D., and A. D. Davidson, M.D. London, Lewis. 1873.

A Report on the Sanitary Condition of Leicester in 1872. By J. W. Crane, M.D., &c.

On the Constitutional Character and Treatment of the Diseases of Women connected with Chronic Inflammation of the Uterus. By T. More Madden, M.D., &c. Dublin. 1873.

Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society. No. XXXVI.

Fifty-second Annual Report of Charing Cross Hospital. 1873.

On the Structure and Functions of the Rods of the Cochlea in Man and other Mammals. By Urban Pritchard, M.D. (Reprint.)

On the Relationship of Abscess of the Liver to Gastro-Intestinal Ulceration. By James Finlayson, M.D. (Reprint.)

The Induction of Sleep and Insensibility to Pain by the Self-Administration of Anaesthetics. By John M. Crombie, M.D. London. 1873.

Observations on the Surgical Treatment of Ingrowing Toe-Nail. By George Stilwell. London, Churchills. 1873.

On the Results of Thyrotomy for the Removal of Growths from the Larynx. By Morell Mackenzie, M.D. London, Churchills. 1873. (Reprint.)

Twenty-fourth and Twenty-ninth Reports relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Massachusetts for the Years ending December 31, 1865, and December 30, 1870. Boston, 1872.

Reports of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, from the Registrar-General.

Reports of Asylums.-The Royal Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Cumberland and Westmoreland, Sussex, Nottingham, Richmond District (Dublin), Fife and Kinross, Halifax (Nova Scotia), Hants.

De l'Ingestion des Eaux Marécageuses comme cause de la Dysenterie et des Fièvres intermittents. Par L. Colin. Paris, J. B. Baillière et fils. 1872.

Studi sulla Difteria. Rapporto del Dott. G. Faralli. Milan. 1872.


The Dublin Journal of Medical Science. April to June, 1873.

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Schmidt's Jahrbücher der In- und Auslandischen Medicin. March and April, 1873.

Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. Von R. Virchow. April, 1873.

Deutsches Archiv für Klinische Medicin. Band XI.

Monatsschrift für Ohrenheilkunde. March and April, 1873.

Allgemeine Wiener Medizinische Zeitung. March and April, 1873.

Archiv für Gynaekologie. Band v, Heft 1. Berlin. 1873.

Archives Générales de Médecine. March to June, 1873.

Gazette Hebdomadaire. March to June, 1873.

L'Union Médicale. April and May, 1873.

Le Mouvement Médicale. April and May, 1873.

Bulletin Générale de Thérapeutique. March and April, 1873.

Revue Photographique des Hôpitaux de Paris.

El Anfiteatro Anatomico Español. March and April, 1873.

O Correio Medico de Lisboa. March and April, 1873,




OCTOBER, 1873.

Analytical and Critical Reviews.

REV. I.-1. Die Seuchen, ihre Ursachen, Gesetze und Bekämpfung. Von Dr.
FR. OESTERLEN. Tübingen, 1873

2. Epidemiology; or the Remote Cause of Epidemic Disease in the
Animal and Vegetable Creation. By JOHN PARKIN, M.D., F.R.C.S.
London, 1873

3. What is Malaria ? By C. F. OLDHAM, M.R.C.P.E., Assistant-Surgeon,
H.M. Indian Forces. London, 1871

4. On Relapsing, or Famine Fever. By R. T. LYONS, Assistant-Surgeon,
Bengal Army. London, 1872



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. ib.

5. Fever and Cholera from a New Point of View. By ALEXANDER SMITH, M.D. Edin., Staff Surgeon-Major, British Forces in India, 1873. ib. 6. Disease Germs, their Supposed Nature. By L. S. BEALE, M.B., F.R.S. London, 1870

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7. Disease Germs, their Real Nature. By L. S. BEALE, M.B., F.R.S.
London, 1870

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8. Remarks on the Prevalence and Distribution of Fever in Dublin. By THOS. W. GRIMSHAW, M.D., Physician to Cork Street Fever Hospital, &c.



Dublin, 1872


9. Ueber die Diagnose des Flecktyphus. Von C. WUNDERLICH. Leipsig,

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10. On the Period of Incubation of Typhus, Relapsing Fever, and Enteric
Fever. By CHARLES MURCHISON, M.D., F.R.S. 'St. Thomas's Hos-
pital Reports,' vol. ii


11. Fourth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts,
January, 1873

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12. Ueber die Etiologie des Typhus. Vorträge gehalten in den Sitzungen des ärztlichen Vereins zu München. Von BUHL, FRIEDRICH, V. PET

TENKOFER, &c. München, 1872


By C. R. BREE, M.D., F.Z.S.

REV. II.-An Exposition of the Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin. Pp. 418

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REV. III. De l'Electrisation Localisée. Par le Dr. DUCHENNE (de Boulogne).
Paris, 1872


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REV. IV.-1. Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde; mit besondere Rucksicht auf
Anatomie und Physiologie. Von Dr. JOSEPH GRUBER

Handbook of Diseases of the Ear; with especial reference to Anatomy
and Physiology. By Dr. JOSEPH GRUBER, Aural Surgeon and Lecturer
at the General Hospital, Vienna. Wien, 1870

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2. A Clinical Manual of Diseases of the Ear. By LAWRENCE TURNBULL, M.D., Physician to Department of Diseases of Eye and Ear of Howard Hospital, Philadelphia. 1872

3. Lectures on Diseases and Injuries of the Ear. By B. W. DALBY, M.B. Cantab.



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The Archiv fur Ohrenheilkunde,' edited by Professors Von Troeltsch, Politzer, and Schwartze; the Monatsschrift für Ohrenheilkunde,' edited by Voltolini, Gruber, Ruedinger, and Weber; and the Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology,' edited by Drs. Moos and Knapp REV. V.―The Principles of Animal Mechanics. By the Rev. S. HAUGHTON, F.R.S., &c. London, 1873

REV. VI.-1. Statistical Report of the Health of the Navy for the Year 1870. London, 1872

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2. Army Medical Department Report for the Year 1870. London, 1872 ib. 3. Eighth Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India for 1871. Calcutta, 1872

4. Report of the Sanitary Commissioner for Madras for the Year 1871. Madras, 1872

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5. Memorandum on the Cholera Epidemic of 1872 in Northern India. By J. L. BRYDEN, Statistical Officer. Simla, 1872

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6. Traité de Climatologie Générale du Globe, Etudes Médicales sur tous les Climats. Par Le Docteur ARMAND. 8vo, pp. 808. Paris, 1873 REV. VII.-Old Medicine and New. By EDWARD W. LANE, M.D. London, 1873 REV. VIII-A System of Midwifery; including the Diseases of Pregnancy and the Puerperal State. By WILLIAM LEISHMAN, M.D., &c. Glasgow, 1873

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REV. IX.-Lectures on Madness in its Medical, Legal, and Social Aspects.
By EDGAR SHEPPARD, M.D. London, 1873. Pp. 186
REV. X.-1. De la Pneumonie Caséeuse. Par le Dr. R. LEPINE. 1872
2. The Anatomical Relations of Tubercle; a Debate at the Pathological
Society of London, during the Session 1872-3


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Bibliographical Record.

ART. I.-Guide to Trefriw and the Vale of Conway Spa. By JOHN W. HAY-
WARD, M.D. Second Edition. Loudon, 1872. Pp. 64
ART. II.-First Annual Report of the Supervising Surgeon of the Marine
Hospital Service of the United States for the year 1872. Washington.
Pp. 103.

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ART. III.-Notes on Asthma, its Nature, Forms and Treatment. By JOHN
C. THOROWGOOD, M.D., &c. Second Edition. London, 1873. Pp. 166. 423
ART. IV. On the Functional Diseases of the Renal, Urinary, and Reproduc-
tive Organs, with a General Review of Urinary Pathology. By Dr.
CAMPBELL BLACK, M.D., Edinb. London, 1872. 8vo, pp. 321
ART. V.-A Practical Treatise on Urinary and Renal Diseases, including
Urinary Deposits. By WILLIAM ROBERTS, M.D. Second Edition.
London, 1872. Pp. 621

ART. VI.-1. Studi sulla Difterite. (Studies on Diphtheria.) Rapporto del
Dottore G. FARALLI

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2. Sul Ciclo Termico della Difterite. (On the Thermic Cycle of Diphtheria.) Nota del Dott. G. FARALLI ART. VII.-The Retrospect of Medicine. Edited by W. BRAITHWAITE, M.D., and JAMES BRAITHWAITE, M.D. January to July. London, 1873 430 The Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Edited by W. D. STONE, M.D. January to July. London, 1873 .

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ART. VIII.—University Oars; being a Critical Inquiry into the After Health of the Men who Rowed in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race from the Years 1829 to 1869, based on the Personal Experience of the Rowers themselves. By JOHN ED. MORGAN, M.D., M.A. Oxon., F.R.C.P. London, 1873. Pp. 397

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ART. IX.-The Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals. By A.
CHAUVEAU, Professor at the Lyons Veterinary School. Second Edition,
revised and enlarged by S. ARLOING. Translated and edited by George
Fleming, F.R.G.S. London, 1873. Pp. 957

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ART. X.-Fistula, Hæmorrhoids, and other Diseases of the Rectum; their
Diagnosis and Treatment. By WILLIAM ALLINGHAM, F.R.C.S. Second
Edition. London, 1873. Pp. 263
ART. XI.-Dei Solfiti ed Iposolfiti nella Cura delle Febbri Intermittenti.
Memoria del Dott. GIOVANNI FARALLI. (On the Sulphites and Hypo-
sulphites in the Treatment of Intermittent Fevers. A Memoir by
Dr. GIOVANNI FARALLI.) Milan, 1872. Pp. 128





Original Communications.

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ART. I.-On Anaesthesia, Hyperæsthesia, Pseudo-Esthesia, chiefly as met with among the Insane. By W. A. F. BROWNE, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., late Commissioner in Lunacy for Scotland ART. II.-On Puerperal Convulsions. By EDWARD COPEMAN, M.D., F.R.C.P., Senior Physician to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, &c. ART. III.-On the Morbid Histology of the Brain and Spinal Cord, as observed in the Insane. By J. BATTY TUKE, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Visiting Physician, Saughton Hall Institution for the Insane; late Medical Superintendent of the Fife and Kinross District Asylum. Part III. 485

Chronicle of Medical Science.


Report on Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By ROBERT HUNTER SEMPLE, M.D., Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Physician to the Bloomsbury Dispensary, London

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Report on Surgery. By HENRY A. REEVES, F.R.C.S.E. Assistant-Surgeon to the London Hospital, and Surgeon to the East London Hospital for Children and Dispensary for Women

Report on Obstetrics and the Diseases of Children. By W. S. PLAYFAIR, M.D., F.R.C.P., Professor of Obstetric Medicine in King's College, and Physician for the Diseases of Women and Children to King's College Hospital; Examiner in Midwifery, &c., to the Royal College of Phy

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