CONTENTS. ABOLITION CONV. at Warsaw, N. Y., 1839. ABOLITIONISTS (Garrisonians) for Disunion. 173 ACCEPTANCE of Presidential candidates.... 210 ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, of Massachusetts, President Buffalo Convention, 1848; Nominee of ADAMS, GOVERNOR, of South Carolina, re- commends in a Message the reopening of the Afri- ADAMS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, chosen President 1796-7: Reëlection defeated 1800-1.... ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, of Massachusetts, elected President 1824; defeated candidate for ALLEN, CHARLES, of Massachusetts, offers Resolve in Whig National Convention, 1848....... AMERICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, 1856.... AMERICAN NATIONAL COUNCIL, 1856.............. ANTI-MASONIC NATIONAL CONVENTIONS of ANTI-SLAVERY ORDINANCE of 1784.... ANTI-SLAVERY ORDINANCE of 1787..... ASHMUN, GEORGE, of Massachusetts, Presi- dent Republican National Convention, 1860....... ATCHISON, DAVID R., of Missouri, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention, 1852 BANKS, NATHANIEL P., of Massachusetts, defeated for Vice-President in Rep. Conv., 1856... Supported for Vice-President in Republican Na- BATES, EDWARD, of Missouri, President Whig National Convention, 1856.. Candidate for President before Republican Con- Letter to the Missouri delegates to the Republi His letter in support of Lincoln and Hamlin.. BARBOUR, PHILIP P., of Virginia, beaten BARBOUR, JAMES, of Virginia, President first National Republican Convention. President Whig National Convention, 1889..... BOYD, LINN, of Kentucky, defeated for Vice-President by Democratic Convention, 1856.. BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN C., of Kentucky, nominated Vice-President by Democratic Con- Fourth Democratic National Convention, 1844.. Fifth Democratic National Convention, 1843 Sixth Democratic National Convention, 1852. Seventh Democratic National Convention, 1856. Eighth Democratic National Convention, 1860 Mr. Avery's (N. C.) Majority Report, from Committee on Platform; Mr. H. B. Payne's Minority Report from Committee on Platform; Senator Wm. Bigler's Compromise proposition Mr. Avery's amended Majority Report; Mr. Avery's remarks in favor of same; Mr. H. B. Payne of Ohio in reply His extracts from Breckinridge, Orr, and Stephens; Mr. Samuels's (of Iowa) Minority Report.. Minority Report adopted, 165 to 188; Alabama protests and withdraws.. Mississippi withdraws South Carolina, Florida, and Texas withdraws... 86 Arkansas retires.... 87 Georgia retires.. 23 Louisiana withdraws; Speech of Wm. B. Gaulden of Georgia in favor of the Slave-Trade Fruitless ballots (57) for President; Adjournment to Baltimore; The Seceders at Charleston; Senator Bayard, of Delaware, Chairman; They adopt the Avery Platform They adjourn to Richmond; They meet at Richmond June 11; They finally adopt Breckinridge and Lane; The adjourned Convention at timore; Gen. Cushing's opening Speech. Mr. Howard, of Tennessee, moves admission of original Delegates; Mr. Kavanagh, of Minnesota, moves to lay on table; Previous question defeated.. 41 43 9 9 CLINGMAN, THOMAS L., of North Carolina, CLINTON, DE WITT, defeated for President CLINTON, GEORGE, chosen Vice-President, 1804. .......... ........ 207 COCHRANE, JOHN, of New-York, presents in Democratic Caucus for President in 1816; CURRY, J. L. M., of Alabama, for Dissolu tion.. DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM (Davis's Resolutions), adopted by the United States Senate, affirming the duty of Congress to establish a Slave Code in the Territories 9 10 199 172 20 47 48 18 DOBBIN, JAMES C., of North Carolina, beaten 23 41 194 DONELSON, ANDREW J., of Tennessee, nominated for Vice-President by American Convention. Indorsed by Whig National Convention, 1856 20 DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A., of Illinois, beaten for President in Democratic Convention, 1852... 20 Beaten for President in Democratic Convention, 1856. His resolutions as they passed the Senate....... DAVIS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, defeated for Vice-President in Whig National Convention, 1844. 18 DAVIS, JOHN W., of Indiana, President Democratic National Convention, 1852........ DAYTON, WILLIAM L., of New-Jersey, Republican nominee for Vice-President, 1856; defeated therefor...... DEJARNETTE, DANIEL C., of Virginia, for Dis solution.. 20 22 22 Nominated at Baltimore in 1860 49 Proposes to extend the Missouri Compromise to 172 DELAWARE Declares for Free Territories through Legislative resolves in 1820.. 62 ......... vereignty in the Territories. 132 Also in 1849 201 Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 12, 1857. 154 Speech on the John Brown raid, July 16, 1860, proposing a Sedition Law..... 159 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTIONS.-First He tells what Popular Sovereignty has done for Slavery. 159 OHNSON, RICHARD M., of Kentucky, beaten in Convention for Vice-President, 1882. Nominated and elected Vice-President in 1836.. JOHNSON, WILLIAM COST, of Maryland, President of Young Men's National Convention..... JULIAN, GEORGE W., of Indiana, Free Democratic candidate for Vice-President, 1852............. KANSAS OUTRAGES, Report of Howard and Sherman thereon KILLINGER, JOHN W., of Pennsylvania, offers an Anti-Slavery resolve in the American Convention, 1856.. KING, LEICESTER, of Ohio, President of Liberty Party National Convention, 1843..... KING, WILLIAM R., of Alabama, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention of 1848. Democratic nominee for Vice-President in 1852. Elected Vice-President in 1852.. LANE, Col. HENRY S., of Indiana, President of the Republican National Convention, 1856. LANE, Gen. JOSEPH, of Oregon, beaten for President in Democratic National Convention, 1852.. Nominated for Vice-President by Seceders at AW, GEORGE, of New-York, defeated for President in American National Convention, 1856. LAWRENCE, ABBOTT, of Massachusetts, defeated for Vice-President in Whig Convention, 1848. LEAKE, SHELTON F., of Virginia, for Dissolution.... PAGE 41 PILLOW, Gen. GIDEON J., of Tennessee, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention, 1852... :0 MAINE DEMOCRACY FOR THE WILMOT PROviso. MANGUM, WILLIE P., of North Carolina, supported by South-Carolina for President in 1836... MARCY, WILLIAM L., of New York, beaten for President in Dem. National Convention, 1852. LEE, HENRY, of Massachusetts, supported by South Carolina for Vice-President, 1882....... LEMOYNE, FRANCIS J., of Pennsylvania, Abolition candidate for Vice-President, 1840...... LETCHER, JOHN (Governor of Virginia), for Dissolution.... LIBERTY PARTY NATIONAL CONVENTION held at Buffalo in 1843... LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, of Illinois, defeated for Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858 Accepts nomination for Presidency. LUCAS, Gen. ROBERT, President first Democratic National Convention....... 127 69 222 Defeated for President in National Con., 1856.. 24 Receives one vote for President in National Convention, 1860..... 11 No Platform adopted openly by Whig Convention, 1848.. 15 Democratic National Platform, 1848.. 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 No Platform adopted by second Democratic PAGE 12 SLAVERY EXTENSION OF RESTRICTION, History of the struggle for... Origin and Progress of Slavery in America.. British Decisions affecting Slavery in the Colonies..... Slavery under the Confederation.. Jefferson's Ordinance of 1784, providing for the Yeas and Nays thereon in Continental Congress The Federal Constitution on Slavery.. 29 82 48 41 48 Reply of Mr. Scott of Mo..... POLK, JAMES K., of Tennessee, nominated for and elected President, 1844. Restriction negatived in the Senate. 13 Senate asks a Conference.. Compromise finally carried in the House by 90 Yeas (14 only from Free States) to 67 Nays (all from Free States).. The third Missouri Struggle; Enlargement of Annexation carried in Senate, 26 to 25; The The Clayton Compromise; Mr. J. M. Root's Resolve for Slavery Restriction; Proposition of Isaac P. Walker of Wisconsin.. Proposition of Mr. Richard W. Thompson, of Ind.; Slavery excluded from Oregon Territory.. Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, proposes to extend the Missouri line of restriction to the Pacific..... Senate agrees, but House refuses; The Compromise of 1850; Gen. Taylor's recommendations; Gen. Sam Houston's proposition; Henry Clay's plan of Compromise; John Bell's proposition.. Objections to Mr. Clay's scheme by Foote of Miss. and Mason, of Va.. House refuses to concur; Second Missouri Struggle; Mr. John W. Taylor of N. Y. moves a Committee; Memorial of Daniel Webster in favor of Slavery Restriction.. 179 Resolves of Legislature of N. Y., in favor of Slavery Restriction.... Resolves of N. J. and Pa... Resolves of Delaware; Counter Resolves of 181 Kentucky Legislature; Compromise proposed by the Senate. 62 172 Adopted in the Senate, and Bill passed; House refuses to concur... 20 SCOTT, Gen. WINFIELD, of New-York, defeated for President at Harrisburg, 1889.. Defeated for President in Whig Convention, 12 1848.. 15 Nominated for President, 1852. 18 Letter accepting nomination for President, 1852.. 19 Ditto by Jefferson Davis of Miss.; Mr. Clay in reply; Messrs. Downs of La., King of Ala., and Butler of 8. C., in further opposition to Mr. Clay... 77 22 SECEDERS' CONVENTION at Charleston, and Platform.. 41 Mr. Foote of Miss, moves a Committee of Thirteen; Mr. Clay reports from said Committee; Mr. Jefferson Davis's Amendment.. Mr. Chase of Ohio moves a prohibition of Slavery; The Omnibus defeated as a whole, but passed in separate bills; The Kansas-Nebraska Struggle. 78 79 27 His "Irrepressible Conflict " Speech at Roches ter.. 160 Mr. Atchison's remarks thereon; President Pierce protests against the renewal of agitation; Mr. Douglas's first Nebraska Report... He amends his bill; Mr. Chase proposes to authorize the people of Kansas to prohibit Slavery therein; Opposed by Messrs. Bell, Douglas, etc., and defeated.. Mr. Clayton's "American" amendment; Mr. Chase moves that the people of the Territory be authorized to elect their own Governor; Defeated by 30 to 10; Mr. Seward's speech against the bill... The Kansas-Nebraska bill passes the Senate.. 80 81 82 84 |