CONTENTS. PAGE ABOLITION CONV. at Warsaw, N. Y., 1839. 12 ABOLITIONISTS (Garrisonians) for Disunion. 173 ACCEPTANCE of Presidential candidates.... 210 ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, of Massachusetts, President Buffalo Convention, 1848; Nominee of do. for Vice-President... ADAMS, GOVERNOR, of South Carolina, recommends in a Message the reopening of the African Slave-Trade.. ADAMS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, chosen ALLEN, CHARLES, of Massachusetts, offers 17 208 BIRNEY, JAMES G., of Michigan, Abolition Liberty Party candidate for President in 1844.. 9 BONHAM, MILLIDGE L., of South Carolina, 10 for Dissolution.. BOYD, LINN, of Kentucky, defeated for Vice-President by Democratic Convention, 1856.. BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN C., of Kentucky, nominated Vice-President by Democratic Convention, 1856.. Elected Vice-President 1856.. Speech on General Politics at Frankfort Ky., in 1859.. PAGE 23 22 149 10 Gives casting vote against Free Homestead bill Accepts nomination for Presidency.. 187 211 ANTI-SLAVERY ORDINANCE of 1784.. ANTI-SLAVERY ORDINANCE of 1787. ASHMUN, GEORGE, of Massachusetts, President Republican National Convention, 1860..... ATCHISON, DAVID R., of Missouri, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention, 1852 BANKS, NATHANIEL P., of Massachusetts, defeated for Vice-President in Rep. Conv., 1856... Supported for Vice-President in Republican National Convention, 1860... BATES, EDWARD, of Missouri, President Whig National Convention, 1856.. Candidate for President before Republican Convention, 1860... Letter to the Missouri delegates to the Republi Veto of Homestead bill.. 191 can Convention.. His letter in support of Lincoln and Hamlin.. 199 BARBOUR, PHILIP P., of Virginia, beaten for Vice-President............ BARBOUR, JAMES, of Virginia, President first National Republican Convention.. President Whig National Convention, 1889..... BARNBURNERS of New-York retire from Democratic National Convention. Nominate Van Buren and Dodge for President BARTLETT, G. B., of Kentucky, President BAYARD, JAMES A., of Delaware, defeated BURR, AARON, chosen Vice-President, Fourth Democratic National Convention, 1844.. Fifth Democratic National Convention, 1848. Sixth Democratic National Convention, 1852.. Seventh Democratic National Convention, 1856. Eighth Democratic National Convention, 1860.. Mr. Avery's (N. C.) Majority Report, from Committee on Platform; Mr. H. B. Payne's Minority Report from Committee on Platform; Senator Wm. Bigler's Compromise proposition Mr. Avery's amended Majority Report; Mr. Avery's remarks in favor of same; Mr. H. B. Payne of Ohio in reply His extracts from Breckinridge, Orr, and Stephens; Mr. Samuels's (of Iowa) Minority Report... PAGE 18 16 20 24 29 80 $1 82 Minority Report adopted, 165 to 188; Alabama protests and withdraws.. 27 81 Proposition of Mr. S. E. Church, of New-York; 44 45 4€ 207 Mississippi withdraws South Carolina, Florida, and Texas withdraws... Arkansas retires.... Georgia retires. Louisiana withdraws; Speech of Wm. B. Gaulden of Georgia in favor of the Slave-Trade Fruitless ballots (57) for President; Adjournment to Baltimore; The Seceders at Charleston; Senator Bayard, of Delaware, Chairman; They adopt the Avery Platform They adjourn to Richmond; They meet at Richmond June 11; They finally adopt Breckinridge and Lane; The adjourned Convention at timore; Gen. Cushing's opening Speech Mr. Howard, of Tennessee, moves admission of original Delegates; Mr. Kavanagh, of Minnesota, moves to lay on table; Previous question defeated. 89 41 43 84 86 85 CLINGMAN, THOMAS L., of North Carolina, 1804. COCHRANE, JOHN, of New-York, presents CURRY, J. L. M., of Alabama, for Dissolu Delaware, and part of Kentucky, and Missouri withdraw; Gen. Cushing resigns the Chair; Gen. Butler, of Massachusetts, offers a protest.... ..... DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM (Davis's Resolutions), adopted by the United States Senate, affirming the duty of Congress to establish a Slave Code in the Territories 47 9 194 10 172 DEJARNETTE, DANIEL C., of Virginia, for Dis Proposes to extend the Missouri Compromise to the Pacific. 74 solution 172 DELAWARE Declares for Free Territories through Legislative resolves in 1820. Mr. Douglas' reply to Lincoln at Freeport..... Mr. Douglas' "Harper" Essay on Popular So 180 62 vereignty in the Territories.. 132 Also in 1849 201 Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 12, 1857. 154 Speech on the John Brown raid, July 16, 1860, proposing a Sedition Law. 159 He tells what Popular Sovereignty has done for DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTIONS.-First Slavery 159 Accepts Nomination for Presidency. 212 Second at Baltimore in 1885 11 Extract from Speech in favor of Missouri Com Third Democratic National Convention, 1840 215 DOWNS, SOLOMON U., of Louisiana, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention, 1852.. EVERETT, EDWARD, of Massachusetts, Union candidate for Vice-President in 1860... His views on Slavery-His "Knapsack" Speech in Congress-Replies of Messrs. Mitchell, Ran dolph and Cambreleng-Mr. Everett on Geographical Parties-Later Views on Slavery, in Letters of 1837 and '89.. His Acceptance of the Nomination for VicePresident of the United States..... His views on the Sumner Outrage.... ELLMAKER, AMOS, of Pennsylvania, AntiMasonic candidate for Vice-President, 1882..... ELECTION RETURNS IN DETAIL, of all the Presidential Elections since 1836.. Aggregate vote by States, for President, from 1824 to 1856.... Alabama vote for President. ........ His Letter to New-York Union Meeting, 1860.. 203 FITZPATRICK, BENJAMIN, of Alabama, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention of 1856. Nominated by Democratic Convention, 1860... 24 48 218 South Carolina for President, 1832.. FREE HOMESTEADS-Action of Congress on granting free Homesteads to actual settlers.. Mr. Grow's Ten-Year proposition defeated in the House... 11 ......... 182 184 248 Mr. Grow introduces another bill which is California vote for President.. Connecticut vote for President.. 66 Governor, 1560. Delaware vote for President.. 66 Governor, 1858.. Florida vote for President.. 237 Governor, 1859.. 248 The Senate refused to act upon it. 187 228 Mr. Grow introduces another in 1860, which 240 passes the House.... 188 224 240 Rejected by the Senate.. 189 A compromise bill agreed upon.. 190 238 Congress, 1858.. Vetoed by the President.. 191 248 225 243 FRELINGHUYSEN, THEODORE, of New-Jersey, Nominated and defeated for Vice-President in 1844........... 222 FREMONT, Col. JOHN C., of California, Republican nominee for President, 1856.. Declines a re-nomination, 1860.. Legislature, 1858. Indiana vote for President. 18 Congress, 1858. 246 22 287 Defeated for President, 1856. 28 Governor, 1859. 247 28 288 Congress, 1859. 244 232 Congress, 1859.. 243 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE censures Senator 240 241 GRAHAM, WILLIAM A., of North Carolina, Whig nominee for Vice-President, 1852.. Defeated for Vice-President, 1852... 18 22 10 12 HALE, JOHN P., of New-Hampshire, Free Renounces the Democratic party in the U. S. Accepts nomination for Vice-President. 245 HARRISON, Gen. WILLIAM H., of Ohio, nominated and defeated for President in 1886. Nominated for President at Harrisburg, December, 1889; elected President in 1840.. HICKMAN, JOHN, of Pennsylvania, supported for Vice-President in Republican Convention, 1860..... HOUSTON, Gen. SAM, of Texas, supported for President in Union Convention, 1860. 248 HUNTER, ROBERT M. T., of Virginia, sup 1271 23 66 Governor, Congress, etc., 1859 New-Hampshire vote for President.. New-Jersey vote for President.. 66 66 New-York vote for President.. 66 North Carolina vote for President.. 66 Ohio vote for President.. 66 "Governor, 1859.......... Oregon vote for Congress, 1859.............. Pennsylvania vote for President... 66 Congress, 1858. Governor, 1860.. by Legislature..... South Carolina chooses Electors and Governor Tennessee vote for President.. 66 Congress, 1859. Texas vote for President.. 66 66 66 Congress, 1859. Vermoxt vote for President. 66 Governor, 1859. Virginia vote for President. 66 Governor, 1859. Wisconsin vote for President.. .......... แ Governor, 1859.. FILLMORE, MILLARD, of New-York, defeated 247 kr Vice-President in Whig Convention, 1844..... 13 JOHNSON, ANDREW, of Tennessee, supported for President in National Democratic Convention: JOHNSON, HERSCHEL V., of Georgia, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic National Convention in 1856. Nominated for Vice-President by Democratic OHNSON, RICHARD M., of Kentucky, beaten in Convention for Vice-President, 1882. Nominated and elected Vice-President in 1836.. JOHNSON, WILLIAM COST, of Maryland, President of Young Men's National Convention..... JULIAN, GEORGE W., of Indiana, Free Democratic candidate for Vice-President, 1852... KANSAS OUTRAGES, Report of Howard and Sherman thereon... KILLINGER, JOHN W., of Pennsylvania, offers an Anti-Slavery resolve in the American Convention, 1856... KING, LEICESTER, of Ohio, President of Lib- Democratic nominee for Vice-President in 1852. LANE, Col. HENRY S., of Indiana, President of the Republican National Convention, 1856. LANE, Gen. JOSEPH, of Oregon, beaten for President in Democratic National Convention, 1852.... Nominated for Vice-President by Seceders at AW, GEORGE, of New-York, defeated for President in American National Convention, 1856. LAWRENCE, ABBOTT, of Massachusetts, defeated for Vice-President in Whig Convention, 1848. LEAKE, SHELTON F., of Virginia, for Disso PAGE MARSH, EPHRAIM, of New-Jersey, President 41 American National Convention....... MASON, JOHN Y., of Virginia, beaten for 24 MASSACHUSETTS DECLARES FOR FREEDOM 48 168 169 10 12 through Legislative Resolves; Whigs of Massachusetts for freedom.. MCLEAN, Judge JOHN, of Ohio, defeated for en for Vice-President in Dem. Convention 1548... MCREA, JOHN J., of Mississippi, for Dissolu tion... MISSOURI COMPROMISE, Adopted The Compromise Repealed,.. 203 22 27 16 172 12 64 13 87 "MONROE DOCTRINE."-Extract from the Message of James Monroe on the influence of European Powers on this Continent.. 21 9 MOORE, SUYDENHAM, of Alabama, for Disso 28 lution 179 MORGAN, WILLIAM, revealer of Masonic Se 18 crets.. 10 15 LEE, HENRY, of Massachusetts, supported by South Carolina for Vice-President, 1882.... LEMOYNE, FRANCIS J., of Pennsylvania, Abolition candidate for Vice-President, 1840...... LETCHER, JOHN (Governor of Virginia), for Dissolution...... LIBERTY PARTY NATIONAL CONVENTION held at Buffalo in 1843... LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, of Illinois, defeated for Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858 The Whigs in State Convention declare for Freedom. Address reported by James Brooks... 207 Free Democracy of New York for Freedom. Resolutions presented by John Cochrane..... 207 ORDINANCE of 1784 (Jefferson's) against Slavery in Territories.. 51 223 No Platform adopted openly by Whig Convention, 1848.. 15 Democratic National Platform, 1848.. 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 No Platform adopted by second Democratic PAGE 21 SLAVERY EXTENSION or RESTRICTION, History of the struggle for..... Origin and Progress of Slavery in America.. British Decisions affecting Slavery in the Colonies..... Slavery under the Confederation.. Jefferson's Ordinance of 1784, providing for the Yeas and Nays thereon in Continental Congress The Federal Constitution on Slavery.. 29 32 48 41 Slavery Restriction proposed by Gen. James Tallmadge of N. Y.; Proposition sustained by the House; Remarks thereon by Mr. T. Fuller of Mass... 55 Mr. Atchison's remarks thereon; President Pierce protests against the renewal of agitation; Mr. Douglas's first Nebraska Report... He amends his bill; Mr. Chase proposes to authorize the people of Kansas to prohibit Slavery therein; Opposed by Messrs. Bell, Douglas, etc., and defeated.. Mr. Clayton's "American" amendment; Mr. Chase moves that the people of the Territory be authorized to elect their own Governor; Defeated by 30 to 10; Mr. Seward's speech against the bill.. The Kansas-Nebraska bill passes the Senate... 80 81 S2 84 |