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L. H. HALE & CO.
Miniature Rooms,



PUBLISHER, Bookseller, and Stationer' No. 109 Washington Street, Boston. Min-Also, importer of Steel Pens, of every vaiatures taken in any weather, with or riety, No. 78 Washington Street, Boston. without colors, in a superior style, and neatly set in Lockets, Pins, Bracelets, or Cases.

Constantly on hand, a general assortment of School Books and Stationery of every variety; for sale, wholesale or retail. N. B. Gold Lockets of every descrip- Teachers, etc. etc., supplied on the most Booksellers, Stationers, School Committees, tion kept constantly on hand, expressly reasonable terms. for Daguerreotype Miniatures.

The public are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, or no charge. Apparatus furnished of the most


MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 59 Court St.,

approved construction, with stock of first (up stairs,) Boston. quality. Also instruction given in the


[blocks in formation]

MANUFACTURER of all kinds of Surgical and Dental Instruments, No. 128 Washington Street, Boston.


DENTIST, corner of Court and Howard
Streets, Boston.
Hon. I.
Livermore, Rev. A. B. Muzzey, Rev. W.
Stearns, Rev. Mr. Albro, Dr. C. F. Chap-
lin, Dr. W. W. Wellington, and Dr. C. H.
Allen of Cambridge; Dr. E. Sanborn, of
Andover; Rev. W. M. Rogers, Joel Giles,
Esq., Dr. E. Buck, and Dr. E. Buck, Jr.,
of Boston.

Joseph B. Johnson & Co. MANUFACTURERS of Philosophical InSuperior Razors made to order and war-struments, No. 4 Court Avenue, rear of ranted. Self-injection and other Syringes. Davis, Palmer & Co., Boston.

Gold and Tin Foil. Damaged Cutlery Druggists' and Confectioners' Scales ground and repolished; Razors, Shears, and Models made to order.

and Scissors ground and set. A full supply N. B. Every description of Instruof Heinisch's Patent Shears, for Tailors ments made and repaired at short notice. and Barbers. New Pen Blades_put_into

old handles.


BOWKER & CO. FASHIONABLE Millinery and Straw FRENCH & FOSTER'S Goods, chambers 163 Washington Street, MERCANTILE WRITING and Book Keep-opposite Milk Street, Boston.

ing Academy, No. 109 Washington Street, open day and evening.

N. B. Books opened or balanced, complicated accounts adjusted, and all kinds of writing executed at short notice.


BOND & BROTHER, DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 179 Washington Street, oppos


HAIR Cutter and first Premium Ven tilating and Gossamer Whig Maker, 228 Washington Street, Boston, corner of Summer Street, up stairs.

Parties residing in the country, by application, can obtain full directions how to measure the head for a Wig, and thereby insure a perfect fit. My


ite the Washington Coffee House, Boston. JOHN P. JEWETT & CO. respectfully announce to their friends and the book

N. B.


T. D. Bond,

E. L. Bond. purchasing community, that they have New and Fashionable Dress taken the store No. 23 Cornhill, Boston, Goods by every arrival. There can al-and fitted it up in fine style for a book-store, ways be found at this establishment a and are now opening a well selected stock complete assortment of Rich Silks and of Standard and Miscellaneous Books and Mh-10m Stationery, which they offer to country merchants, school committees, clergymen, teachers, etc. etc., at Wholesale or Retail, on the most favorable terms. A share of SURGEON DENTIST, No. 475 Washington patronage is solicited. No. 23 Cornhill, Street, Boston, Mass.



Booksellers' Row.


No. 428 Washington Street, (late 11 Cornhill,) Boston.


Manufactures Electro-Magnetic and Gal-ling Apparatus with instructions. Daviss vanic Apparatus, improved Magneto-Elec- Manual of Magnetism, 228 pages, price tric Machine, and the Instruments for 75 cents.

Medical Electricity. Gilding and Silver


WM. D. TIGKNOR & Co. have given entire satisfection, I can with WILLIAM D. TICKNOR & SON, at the perfect freedom and sincerity commend old stand, corner of Washington and him to the confidence and patronage of School Streets, Boston, continue to supply the public. from their large stock of popular Medical From the Rev. Samuel Hunt, of Natick. Works, all the new and valuable Medical "Having employed Dr. Hitchcock, DenLiterature of the day. Orders from a distance will be supplied at the lowest tist, for a number of years, and witnessed cash prices, and with the latest editions. his practice in my own family and those of others, I cheerfully recommend him to English, French, and German books imthe public. His artificial teeth have given ported to order by every steamer. great satisfaction for their naturalness, ease and durability. Nor has his method of filling teeth been less thorough. Those HAS resumed his profession at his Old requiring the aid of a Dentist I would Establishment, at the corner of Court and cheerfully advise to secure his professional Stoddard Streets, and is now associated services. with Dr. Kimball, who has been so long and favorably known as an excellent ope


Natick, July 7.


rator. During his absence, Dr. H. has From Thomas Whittemore, Esq., President visited the most celebrated Dentists of of the Cambridge Bank.

Europe, for the purpose of examining "Sometime since I had occasion to emtheir operations and acquiring all the im- ploy a Dentist for the purpose of inserting provements which are successfully prac-some teeth for a number of my family. tised by them. I was so unfortunate in the selection of an

The extent of perfection to which Dr. operator, that the teeth poorly answered H. has carried his method of operating in the purpose, disfiguring the mouth rather Dentistry, may be seen by the following than ornamenting it. A short time after selections from a great number of testi-hearing of the skill of Dr. Hitchcock, and monials from gentlemen of the highest his methed of setting teeth, I engaged him standing in the community; and, it is to do what another had undertaken! The believed, that those in this country requi-operation of Dr. H. was very successful ring the services of a Dentist, will find it and satisfactory. I would advise those to their advantage to avail themselves of who require the aid of a Dentist to adopt the facilities which his Establishment his method of insetting teeth-if his affords.

From the Rev. Wm. Cogswell, D. D.,
President of Gilmanton Theological

prices are a little higher-than to have their teeth inserted on the old plan.


From Rev. Hosea Ballou, D. D. Senior Pastor of the 2d Universalist Society of Boston.

"Having employed Dr. Hitchcock in my family as a Dentist, and having known the results of his practice among a num- "Having given a set of teeth, inserted ber of my acquaintance, some of whom by Dr. David K. Hitchcock, a five years' have had sets of teeth inserted which tesf, I feel pleasure in saying that they

American Sunday School Union


ALEXANDER HENRY, 146 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Treasurer. HERMAN COPE, 146 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Corresponding Secretary. FREDERICK W. PORTER, 146 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Editor of the Society's Publications. FREDERICK A. PACKARD, 146 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. THE Complete Sabbath School Library, of 511 Bound Volumes, numbered, with 100 Catalogues to correspond, including 2 Biblical Maps, in a case with lock and key. Price, $100. Without case, $95,00.


Specimen's furnished for examina

Orders from the States and British Provinces promptly filled.

All the publications with the Imprimatur of the Am. S. S. Union are approved by the Committee of Publication, consisting of members of the following denominations, viz.

Baptist, Congregational, Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Reformed Dutch. General Depository, 146 Chesnut street, Philadelphia.

Branch Depositories, New York, Louisville, and Boston.


Address Wm. B. TAPPAN, Agent, S. S. Union, No. 5 Cornhill, Boston.

NEWELL H. MOULTON, DEALER in Butter, Cheese, Fruit, Lard and West India Goods, No. 50 Brattle Street, Boston.

The Cheap Library, of 100 volumes, selected from the above, plainly and strongly bound. Price $10,00; with case, 11,50. The UNION QUESTIONS, on selected por- Medicated Vapor Bath Establishment tions of Scripture. 12 vols. Price 10cts. AND ASYLUM FOR THE SICK, each. The CHILD'S SCRIPTURE QUES TION BOOK, with questions; an approved Nos. 8 4 12 Franklin Street, Boston. book for beginners. Price 12 cents. The THE Proprietors of this Institutition for Union Bible Dictionary, Bible Geography, the comfort of the well and the relief of Nevin's Biblical Antiquities, Teacher the sick, have recently added the adjoinTaught, Scripture Illustrations, and other ing house to their former accommodations helps for Teachers. HYMNS and MUSIC so that the Ladies apartments are now in for Sabbath Schools. Union Hymns of a separate house from the Gentlemen's. 546 Hymns, for Sabbath Schools, Bible Dr. M. M. MILES, Principal. Classes, Teachers' Meetings, Anniversaries, Mr. H. B. MAY, Assistant. etc. 12 1-2 cents. The Youth's Penny Invalids are accommodated with mediGazette, published every fortnight, at 12 cal treatment, board and good nurses, at 1-2 cents a year when 24 copies are taken; reasonable prices.

6 copies for one dollar; single copies 25 These Baths are highly recommended cents. Seventy Thousand are circulated by some of the first physicians in this this year. country and in Europe. Persons can take The Sunday School Journal, twice a them under the advice of their own Phymonth, for Teachers and others, at 25 cts. sicians, and rely upon their directions a year. being strictly followed.

The Child's Companton. - A Magazine The following kinds of baths are adminof 16 pages, published once a month, for istered every day in the week (Sundays 25 cents a year. excepted), from 8 o'clock in the morning,

Whitlaw's Medicated Vapor Baths.
Sulphur Fume Baths, Iodine Plain and

Children's Tracts. Six for one cent. Atill 9 in the evening.
variety of Tracts for teachers, parents,
clergymen and youth; 15 pages for 1 cent.
The annual Reports of the Society, Hints Plain Vapor Baths.
and Aids in forming-Sabbath Schools, Use
and Abuses of the Sabbath School Libra-
ry, etc. etc. gratis.

Maps of the journeyings of the Children
of Israel, and of Paul's Travels; 2.50.
The Ancient World; 1.50.
Palestine, engraved; 1.00.
The Holy Land; 1.25.
Jerusalem; 1.00.


The undersigned would unite in recommending to the confidence and patronage of the public, the Medicated Vapor Bath Establishment, conducted by Dr. M. M. Miles and H. B. May. We would do it first, from the confidence which we have in the practical excellence of the Vapor Bath, which is becoming daily more in use Several hundred varieties of paper cov-among the medical profession, as a remedy ered books, suitable as presents, at half a for various forms of disease. It is so efficent, two cents, three cents. five cents and cacious as to succeed, where many other six and a quarter cents each. means have failed.

Orders may be sent with a cata- Second, we would recommend it also, logue of books on hand, and books will be from our personal experience of its beneforwarded, carefully selected. fits. We have resorted to it on various oc

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casions, and have been highly gratified by the death of Mr. Beath. After some with the results. We would farther unite months of observation of his work, I am in recommending the establishment, in satisfied that Mr. Foster is well acquainted view of the kind attention which the pa- with the manufacture of these instrument tient receives while there, and for the gen- and ingenious in accommodating them to eral good management which seems to per- the variety of cases which occur. I feel vade the institution, and the ability and myself called upon to recommend him to my professional brethren, and to the public, J. TUCKER, M. Das a person well fitted to supply their wants N. C. KEEP, M. D in regard to these important articles. G. TUCKER, M. D A. BALL, M. D· D. MANN, M. D.

skill with which it is conducted.

W. LEWIS, Jr. M. D.
H. S. LEE, M. D.

N. England Truss Manufactory,


any other


J. V. C. SMITH, Boston.


Ap tf

JOHN C. WARREN, M. D. Boston. From Dr. J. V. C. Smith, Edilor of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.of Mr. J. F. Foster, to manufacture Trusses, The undersigned is familiar with the ability the various kind of supporters and other JAMES FREDERICK FOSTER continues apparatus required by invalids, and fully to manufacture all the various approved be'ieves that the character of his work will Trusses, at his old stand, No. 305 Wash-favorably compare with that of other artists. ington Street, opposite No. 264, entrance in Temple Avenue, Boston, where he has From W. M. Cornell, M. D. Editor of been for the past ten years, and his residence and business both being in the same the Boston Journal of Health.-The subbuilding, he ean be seen at home nearly scr ber is well acquainted with the Trusses the whole of the time, day or evening. and Supporters and such other apparatus He has more room and better conveniences as invalids are compelled to wear, manufactured by Mr. J. F. Foster. and is well for the Truss business than son engaged in it in this city or any other. satisfied that he understands his profession, Also, Abdominal Supporters for Pro- and cordially recommends his work to the lapsis Uteri; Trusses for Prolapsus Ani; medical profession and to all such as stand Suspensory Bags, Knee Caps, Back Boards, in need of anything of the kind. Steel Shoes for deformed feet.-Trusses repaired at one hour's notice, and oftentimes made to answer as well as new. The sub- Boston, Mass. scriber having worn a Truss himself for the last twenty-five years, and fitted so Wilsons' Botanical Laboratory, many for the last ten years, feels confident No. 18 Central Street, Boston, Mass. in being able to suit all cases that may The subscribers would respectfully inform come to him. Convex Spiral Trusses-Dr. Chase's the public that they have recently opened Trusses, formerly sold by Dr. Leach the above establishment, where may be Trusses of galvanized metal that will not found an extensive assortment of Botanic rust, having wooden and copper pads- Medicines, Shaker Herbs, Extracts Oils, etc. Read's Spiral Truss-Rundell's do-Sal-Syringes of all kinds, and all the different mon's Ball and Socket-Sherman's patent Medical Works upon the reformed system French do.-Bateman's do. double and of practice published in the United States; single-Stone's Trusses-also, Trusses for also, Brandy, Wines, and other liquors of Children of all sizes. Dr. Fletcher's Truss the choicest brands, for medicinal purposes, Marsh's Truss-Dr. Hull's Truss-Thomp-constantly for saie. son's ratchet Truss-and the Shakers' Having made arrangements to obtain all Rocking Trusses-may be had at this es-articles that are indigenous to this country tablishment. Whispering Tubes and Ear directly from those parts where they are Trumpets, that will enable a person to con-grown, and found in the greatest abundance verse low with one that is hard of hearing, and perfection, they are prepared to supply All Ladies in want of Abdominal Sup- Wholesale Dealers, Practitioners, and others, porters or Trusses, waited on by his wife, with Medicines, of a superior quality, at MRS. CAROLINE D. FOSTER, who has had prices as low as they are sold at any similar ten years experience in the business. establishment in the country. The utmost care will be used in the preparation of ComFrom Dr J. C. Warren, Boston. pounds. Medicines neatly put up in small Having had occasion to observe that some packages, and labelled with full directtons persons afflicted with Hernia, having suffered for family use, if required, and safely packed much from the want of skilful workmen in for any climate. Orders by mail or otheraccommodating Trusses to the peculiarities wise, from the most distant sections of the of their cases, I have taken pains to inform country, promptly and faithfully attended to. myself of the competency of Mr. J. F. B. OSGOOD WILSON, G. CARLOS WILSON.


Foster to supply the deficiency occasioned Ap 9m

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I HAVE Spoken of physical culture, and of the physical laws, the observance of which directly conduces to the preservation of health, in their relations to the individual. I have endeavored to show what is the obligation to these laws, and the entire reasonableness of their strictest observance, from the consideration of personal interest in doing what is right in this regard. A very important subject for thought remains. I now refer to the interest of others, and of the State, in the observance just alluded to, and I shall endeavor to show how wide is the responsibleness of men in this regard, and how faithless to duty are they in their neglect of this responsibleness.

I. A man transmits himself in an important sense to his offspring. This remark applies not merely to the physical, to that which distinguishes a man physically from others, his form, his face, his expression, his manner. It reaches deeper than all this. It embraces the moral, the intellectual, the religious. What an age, or what a man does, dies not with it, or with him. It impresses itself upon his own time, and those who make it just what it is, as far as his influence extends, and it does the same in regard to the coming time. Opinions of all sorts, religious, moral and literary, are inherited, so that we find the old repeated in the young, and this after a manner and in a degree which is not wholly explained by the fact that the parent and the child live together, so that what belongs to the one, comes to belong to

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