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I propose to treat the race problem in America from a scientific viewpoint never before attempted. In addressing my readers I shall use the plural number, because I feel that it is not "I" but "We," who are writing this book. I feel the spiritual assistance of Garrison, Phillips, Douglass and others, to strengthen, encourage and embolden me to tell, without fear or favor, the unvarnished truth.

If my reader believes that this book is written in defense of the Negro he is, indeed, mistaken. I, as a scientist, write in defense of justice. That means that I condemn those elements in human society which tend to pull apart, tear down and destroy, and defend those elements which build up, unite and harmonize. This book is not intended to be used in a praise service, nor yet in an indignation meeting, but in the spacious "Hall of Reason and Justice."

A scientist may predict an earthquake, not because he believes in one or enjoys one, but because the indications of one are apparent to him. This is the position I occupy. There are certain unalterable natural laws that man must obey, though he squirm, sputter and protest under the focused heat of compulsion, he is forced to submit to the inevitable in the end. This, both races

(the colored and white) must ultimately do in America.

We propose to take the noose from the neck of Miss Justice and let her cut and slash with her flaming sword, Mr. Wrong, who sits upon the throne and tramples under foot the helpless, just because he is popular. I hope that we may induce our readers to look Justice squarely in the eye and stand back and reason together upon the greatest problem which confronts the American people, viz., legal amalgamation and social justice between the races. This book may be received with wailing and gnashing of teeth by the wrong-doers in the pit of human depravity, who flaunt in the face of justice the red rag of anarchy and crime without a blush of shame; but to the justice-loving citizen, white and colored, we believe it will at least prove a prophecy, or, perchance, a beacon light that will show the way to that day when all men, white, black, brown, red and yellow will join hands in unison on a common level, for the betterment of all mankind.

I wish to state positively here that I have no message for the unfortunately developed souls who are only able to see things through the stained glass of prejudice and lewdness, and are consequently not able to discern right from


It has been necessary for me to assume the attitude of a surgeon in the examination of a ghastly, putrifying cancer that must be treated with scientific certainty, and be laid bare to the light of day from which it was so long hid, though of its existence all were aware; and which has been regarded by the Church and State in a cool, philosophical manner-a necessary evil. If I made any attempt to please my readers I should fall far short of what I wish to say, and what I believe a large number of seriousminded people of both races want to know, and ought to know on the questions discussed herein.

There will no doubt be objections raised by the over-wrought, self-righteous personalities, in regard to the influence, of a questionable kind, this book may exercise over the young people of both races. This is no Sunday school book for little children. Those of mature years will find in it instructions and advice of vital importance to themselves, their posterity, and the entire human family. It is my aim to place this book in the hands of all intelligent young people of both races, as far as possible, for nothing will quicker eradicate color lines and race prejudice than to show, in unmistakable language, to all young Americans that the future greatness of this country depends upon the peaceful assimilation of all its people; and that it is only the

silly and ignorant, the savage and barbarian, who exalts himself and debases his neighbor of another color.

On the other hand, I also desire to show our young Americans that the variety of races in our country means future greatness and unlimited possibilities; and that when these races are judiciously crossed, scientifically mated, a new man will in time result, with marvelous intellectual and physical powers such as the world has never known. I wish to show them that the best and bluest blood in the South has crossed with the Negro race ever since the earliest days of slavery, and inculcate a moral sense of this kinship. I, furthermore, wish to show them that illicit mixing is condemned by the civilized world and the laws of Nature; but that the legitimate union of two souls of marked dissimilarities, when perfectly harmonized, will produce a posterity superior to all others, and that it is not a shame but an honor to uphold and defend, in true wedlock, the affinity of their soul, whether that affinity be black, brown, red, yellow or white. I shall give ample scientific proof that racial admixture is inevitable, that intermarriage prohibition is an outrage to human justice, contrary to a fixed law of Nature, demoralizing to both races and the crowning curse of our boasted civilization. THE AUTHOR.

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