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That any race of men can be "bred-up" mentally and physically, as well as any domesticated animal, is self-evident.

Go throughout the South today, where the promiscuous mixing of the Caucasian and African has taken place to such a bewildering extent, and you will soon see evidences of this fact; though by many of the black race it may be denied, and also by the white race, the Afro-American family has thus been evolved into its present state, and the process is not yet finished. And the question cannot but occur to us at this time, that if henceforth this mixing would be legally and intelligently conducted, disrobing it of all the baseness attached thereto at the present time, a marvelous stride for human betterment would transpire, beyond our wildest computation.

In the following pages we shall discuss in a plain, fearless manner, how better results may be attained in the crossing of the two races, scientifically conducted, displacing the illicit mixing in the dark and its concomitant evils.

BRAIN AND MIND.-A certain noted physician of the North said some time ago, when discussing the Negro question, that the skull had nothing to do with the development of the mind; and that the heads of children could be shaped when young as desired without mental impairment. Now, this process of reasoning should be

relegated to the past. It may seem plausible enough to those who believe that brain is just brain, as a city-bred man may look upon a bushel of potatoes as mere potatoes, without regard to variety or quality. We say in plain English that brain is more than mere matter. Quality is of more importance than quantity. For instance, the brain of Booker T. Washington is infinitely finer in quality than the brain of Sam, whose likeness appears in this book; yet the brain of Sam may weigh more than that of Washington. A simple comparison would be fine flour to coarse sawdust. Yet such educated colored men as Dr. H. Roger Williams, of Mobile, Alabama, have argued with the author that a wild savage in the jungles of Africa is as capable of mental development as any man of any race. The jungles have produced a few remarkable characters,we do not dispute, but we contend that it takes a certain amount of breeding-up, of at least several generations, before a true quality and capability can be produced; and it is universally conceded by unbiased students of anthropology that if this breeding-up process is accompanied with a certain amount of foreign blood of a superior and similar kind, the process is more rapid and satisfactory.

The brain contains at least forty-two known organs or centers, and the mind of as many fac

ulties that act through them. Every one of these mind faculties acts only through the corresponding brain organ, and if this brain organ is small or undeveloped, the corresponding mind faculty can only act through it in a limited, imperfect manner; or, if certain brain organs do not exist, as is the case in lower animals, the corresponding mind faculties cannot manifest themselves at all. Take, for instance, the reasoning brain organs which are absent in lower animals, deprive them of the corresponding mind faculties which alone can reason. Mind is not matter, hence it (He) can only manifest itself through the organs of the material brain, such as is found in animal life. Now, if the shape of the head and the quality of the brain had nothing to do with the manifestation of the mind through it, all brains in man and animal, of the same weight, would receive the same amount of mentation. In other words, if brain organs did not exist, animals like the elephant, with plenty of brain, but only a limited number of brain centers, would be capable of as great intellectuality as man. It is a psychological fact that the mind (the united mental faculties) needs no development, and thinking of it, independent of the brain organs through which it acts, our conception of it (Him) is naught but perfect. The united mind elements, independent of the material, are omni

potent, omniscient, omnipresent-God; but they have never manifested themselves through any material brain in a perfect manner, unless it was through the brain of the Christ, who is reputed to have been "God manifest in the flesh." We experience only imperfect manifestations of the mind in man at his best, yet we know of no physical organism as perfect as the human brain. The mind is the soul, the soul is life, and life is God.

RESULTS WHEN MENTAL DISSIMILARITIES CROSS.-We present a drawing in this chapter, which is the combined profiles of three people, representing mother, son and father. The mother, a simple Negress, who was once a slave in the household of the man who is the father of her son, is a sample of a common type West African; and for that matter we do not consider the father a very desirable white specimen. He had a dominant, sensitive, cunning, jealous disposition, she had not, and consequently the crossing produced an admirable, almost harmonious brain development in their progeny.

Now, we have made this drawing of these people; first, to show in a definite manner that even the lowest type of the American Negro has in the past often produced fine results when crossed with a strong Caucasian of a Mental

Motive Temperament. Secondly, we also desire to show that the shape of the head, the thickness of the skull, and the fineness or quality of the brain, has everything to do with the development of the intellect. Had it not, Betsey would


Results when Mental Dissimilarities cross.

be just as capable of becoming a doctor of divinity as her son, Dr. Sumner. Had she been trained, mentally, from youth up, her thick receding skull would have changed perceptably, directly in the upper portion of the forehead, and the brain organs through which Causality

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