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that to encourage amalgamation is to encourage commission of crime and cruelty, the increase of ignorance and misery, and to insure the destruction of two races in attempting to elevate one." If the writer refers to the kind of amalgamation which has corrupted both races in the South, the only kind known to the people, then we say this quotation contains considerable truth. This subject is so thoroughly treated elsewhere in this book, that we shall not discuss it further here.

WAS NEVER TAKEN SERIOUSLY.Such utterances, whether written or spoken, today or any other day, have never been taken very seriously by the people. The Hebrew history is, for instance, a very striking example. Among them commingling was forbidden by an unwritten law, yet nearly all of their greatest men had Ethiopian and other foreign wives not of their race, Christ himself being of such extraction.

Some of us remember having read an abstract of Abraham Lincoln's speech, delivered on Sept. 18th, 1858, during the debates between him and Douglass. Wade Hamton referred to this in the Forum for June, 1888. Mr. Lincoln said: "While at the hotel today an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I really was in favor of producing perfect equality between the Negroes and white people. * I will



say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say, in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which, I believe, will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

We have just spoken of the "physical difference" Mr. Lincoln referred to, and we venture to say that if he had taken pains to investigate, he would have found the dissimilarities quite as great in the Negro race of these states as between the white and black races. When men, white and colored, speak about the races. they generally forget that the existing relationship between them in America, is closer than between any absolute unlike races on earth. This applies to Cuba and South America as well.

MILLIONS ARE NOT NEGROES.— When they say "Negro," they fail to consider justly the millions who are not Negroes-only in name. We do not doubt the sincerity of Abraham Lincoln. There were in that early day, among the abolitionists, persons who saw the evil of illicit mixing, and strongly advocated legal

intermarriage. Mr. Lincoln not being an investigator, although possessing a smattering of anthropology, was unfamiliar with the natural laws which govern the mixing of the human family; took the common stand of his race, believed in the eternal superiority of his breed, and did not hesitate to say so. He was honest in his convictions; others were honest, then as now.

It is the "awful" dissimilarity between the Caucasian and Negro that is, by many people, considered an insurmountable obstacle in the way; yet this barrier has long since become surmountable. There are now only 4,000,000 decidedly dark and black people left in these states, while 6,000,000 or more range from the mulatto to pure white. This beautiful blending of the two races is a fascinating study to any one not blinded with the poison of race prejudice. The fact that the pure-blooded Negro invariably mixes with the mixed, is sufficient proof to any investigator that the real Negro will disappear in a very few generations. This will gradually lessen the physical differences between the races Mr. Lincoln referred to. And from overwhelming evidences we see on every hand the white man does, naturally, not object to this striking difference. It is not a natural antipathy between the black and white races that has created a repulsive feeling among many whites, but rather

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the inborn prejudice and contempt for an undeveloped people who once were slaves. Brinton fully shares this feeling when he said that "that philanthropy is false, that religion is rotten, which would sanction a white woman enduring the embrace of a colored man." No impartial, scientific man could say this.

A WOMAN ENDURES A MAN'S EMBRACE.-Many a white woman has endured the embrace of a white man whose embrace stung her like the fangs of a deathly serpent. Color has little to do with it-only love and the man.

We have knowledge of a good, industrious woman, who became acquainted with and fell in love with a nice, respectable colored man in the North. They "promised each other," and were about to be married. Friends and relatives opposed the match and broke it up. Later she married a white man who soon proved himself a drunken brute. Years of pain, disappointment and sorrow followed, as the wife of a drunkard, when finally her wretched home was entirely broken up, and herself and children were thrown upon a cold, friendless world.

It is the embrace of a man, not a brute, that a woman, white or colored, "endures"-and such endurance brings to her the thrill of exquisite happiness, surpassed by every other emotion of her being.

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