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We claim that philanthropy false, that religion a lie, that repudiates the voice of Almighty God in the law of our being, when choosing the affinity of our soul, and the partner of our natural life.

Go into a colored assemblage anywhere, and in nine cases out of ten, where conditions permit it, the brown, tan and white colored women are mated to the dark and black men, and vice versa. It is as natural for some white women to "endure" the embrace of colored men, as it is for these fair and white colored women, who crave that endurance. Why do not all these prefer their own color in their mates?

Answer: Because Nature says no.

Prof. O. S. Fowler, whom we consider an authority on this subject, says in his book on Creative and Sexual Science:

"So great is the power of love to unite two of even opposing temperament, fuse those naturally uncongenial, amalgamate those actually repellant, and harmonize even civilized with savage."

RACE INTEGRITY NOTHING BUT A FAD. It is not necessary to produce further overwhelming evidence in support of our position. It is clear to the unbiased reader that race integrity is nothing but a fad; that there is no race, of any consequence in the world, that can boast of absolute purity. All advanced Euro

peans have a variety of complexions. Such pureblooded people as the American Indian, Esquimaux and some African and Asiatic tribes, are looked down upon with scorn by the mixed people of a higher order; and the same fact will remain true here as long as the Negro is a factor in the Afro-American race. Any Negro who boasts of the purity of his blood in these states is his own greatest enemy, not because of the fact that he is pure, but because the anti-Negro sentiment is thereby incensed,

Rub in the fact that the American Negro, the Afro-American, the Colored Caucasian, is homogeneous, related by an inseparable tie to the white race, and is bound to remain inseparable, and as sure as there is a wise, overruling Providence, peaceful and happy relations will ensue.

Agitate the "my race and your race" feeling, enlarge upon this dangerous and pernicious practice of inborn hatred, and instead of a calm there will be a storm; instead of sunshine and song there will be darkness and despair; instead of love and happiness there will be pain and sorrow.

As we reiterate in this book, Nature maintains equilibrium throughout all her marvelous works; and does not recognize any race of people on earth as her elect. If she did, such a people would be compelled to remain intact from the inroad of all foreign blood. That would make

it a distinct race; as distinct as the horse is from the ox, and amalgamation would be forbidden by Nature.

There is but one race of people with many dissimilarities, necessary in the evolutionary process of human kind-and how marvelous to behold is this process at work!

ONE RACE SAYS MAXIMO GOMEZ.In closing this chapter we wish to present to the reader that memorable letter, written by Maximo Gomez, the great Cuban patriot, to Roman Blanco, the Spanish commander, when the same proposed a union of the revolutionary forces with the Spanish army, to drive out the American invaders.

"Senor: Your audacity in again offering terms of peace astonishes me, knowing as you do that Cuban and Spaniard can never again live peaceably on Cuban soil. You represent on this continent an old and bloodstained monarchy; we fight for American principles-that of Washington and Bolivar. You say we belong to the same race, and you invite me to combat the foreign invader, but you are again mistaken. There is no difference in blood and race. I believe there is only one race of humanity, and for me there are but good and wicked nations. Spain has been up to the present a wicked nation. The United States is endeavoring to fill toward Cuba the duty of humanity and civilization.


"Among classes and races, from the savage Indian to the cultured European, a man is only worthy of respect according to his humanity and noble sentiments. In this light I view nations. I have only admiration for the United States. I have written to President McKinley and general Miles, thanking them for American intervention in Cuba.

"I do not see the danger to us from the United States to which you refer. If it should so happen, then history will pronounce her judgment. For the present I have only to repeat that it is too late for co-operation between your army and mine. Su atento servidor,


RACE PRIDE IS A POLITICAL ISSUE SOUTH.-Collier's Weekly says: "Probably it would be impossible to prophesy a day more unhappy for this continent than the one in which the southern white should abate one iota of his race pride." Maximo Gomez, whose letter we quote above, perhaps expresses the feelings of the southern republics better on this question than any one else. While there is considerable individual race pride among the various classes in the southern republics, it has never ripened or formed into a political body or become a political issue as in the southern states. The southern politician realizes that to "abate one iota of his

race pride" means political death. He is bound to keep up the race integrity cry for political reasons. And it has so far been comparatively easy to rub it into the blind intellect of an ignorant populace and make it "a go." Even the black Negro (married to a yellow woman) has contracted the disease and now begins to set up a race integrity howl. If the Negro would belong to the same political faith as the southern oligarchy, and be useful as a political boost, it would pat him on the back and call him a good brother and race integrity would never find its way into politics.

The race integrity politician has filled the South with yellow babies, and is the parent of several millions of colored people, thousands of whom he has disfranchised, because the son is wiser than his father and will not yield to his political wishes-stay out of politics and let papa run things.

The race pride of the South is rotten in the face of this fact! Its politics are rotten because of it. It is utterly degraded!

Can a just God have mercy on a man who disfranchises his own son and degrades his own. sweet-faced daughter because their skin is dark? No calamity is too great for a people or a country that tolerates such an outrage!

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