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on the contrary can still undergo greater improvements in the succeeding generations. If the next crossing is again with a white woman in Master Summer's case; and if this woman is, like his mother, of a Nervous-Mental Temperament, their children will be capable of still


greater mental accomplishment, provided the law of sex-amalgamation is not violated. These should then fall back on their grandmother's side, and again intermarry with intelligent mulattoes or others of a dark, Vital Temperament. This would then again produce offspring like

their grandfather, Master Summer, only a great deal finer, both mentally and physically. Thus the process can be continued for a number of generations, until the Negro is entirely assimilated by this scientific method of amalgamation.

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THE PROGENY OF THE UNRELIABLE FATHER.-In McNay we have a Scotchman of a Vital Temperament and light complexion. He is a large, powerful man of extravagant affections and plodding character. He married Clara McNay, a colored maiden, a trifle more white than black, yet quite dark.

She is very nicely mated to him; being rather tall and slender, yet not too slight. She has a beautiful form for her type of womanhood. She is rather short waisted, with broad hips and long well-developed limbs. She would not be called a beauty by many men, yet she is not homely.

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She is of a type we often meet throughout the South, and which is in a measure quite charming, and belongs, generally, to a class of the most reliable and industrious people, therefore this class has been most desired by white men to affiliate with in various sections of the country.

She has eyes that are remarkably expressive and magnetic. Such eyes "haunt" .McNay night and day when they have once looked into his half-closed amatory optics. He is not a very reliable husband, as his affections are easily transferred from one charmer to another, yet such eyes will control him and keep his affections in the "straight and narrow way" better than any other human power. Those eyes also indicate a soulful character, active intellect, and a reliable, faithful wife and mother. Their children are exceptionally fine. They exhibit a great deal of their father's vitality, and also a fair share of their mother's soulful characteristics. They are better than either.

We give scientific reasons: He is unreliable in his affections, they being mainly of the amatory sort, and he is strong in imparting these undesirable qualities to his offspring. She opposes them on her side by her powerful conjugal and parental love, which are very strong in many of her class of women of color. And, indeed, were it not, she would not be the possessor of such open, bright, pretty eyes.

All her love is wrapped up in him and the children by him; and these strong affections are bound to be transmitted to her children, while his superior intellect is also well marked, consequently, this produces the beautiful blending,

perfect amalgamation in their superior posterity, as illustrated in Master McNay. This boy resembles his father in the strong chin, powerful jaw, neck and body generally, and also has his superior mental development, but he resembles his mother (beside the African strain) in his open eye, indicating the same characteristics she possesses-viz., the soulful, spiritual qualities, and higher moral attributes, that his sensual father does not possess.

Thus we could give scores of examples that have come under our observation, where unruly, or rather immoral men affiliated with the purer class of girls of color, without transmitting all their undesirable qualities; and in such cases we have also found that the mental capabilities were invariably improved in the progeny of such crossings. On the other hand, we have found that a low type of white man, thus crossing with a woman of a low moral nature, generally transmit all their vicious characteristics to their offspring, which makes a very undesirable class, being in some instances minus all that is most desirable in a man or woman. The same fact is applicable to vicious, immoral whites; and in both cases such unions should be prohibited by means advocated in this work. We give reasons why such crossings result in inferior progeny, in the succeeding chapter.

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