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years later, slavery was introduced on the western continent, and thousands of these poor, retrograted beings were brought here and to other parts of the civilized world, to again toil and spin like their ancient forefathers, but this time not for themselves alone, but for the whiteskinned people whom they once knew and despised as pale-faced savages.

HE AGAIN ATTAINS CIVILIZATION. -It is gratifying to note that the savage remnant of a once advanced people are again entering the ranks of civilization. Even in Abyssinia, that obscure ancient Ethiopian country, all male children over twelve years of age are now under a compulsory educational law, the state providing the education and building many schools.

The dark races are advancing in all parts of the world. Mr. Frank Carpenter, the noted traveler and correspondent, has given an encouraging report of the work Gorden college is doing for the natives in the Soudan, reaching every class from the Negro savage up to the more cultivated Arabian.

The law of dissemination has again, for several centuries past, operated in favor of these people, in that it has not only distributed thousands of them in every country, but also in crossing them freely with every race with whom they have come in contact. This fact is fully illustrated

in the millions of mixed blood in the United States. And in Africa it is scarcely less true. The blood of the white and other races is flowing in the veins of thousands on that continent. It has penetrated to its very center. Many Negroes brought to America were of mixed stock. We find many with long, wavy black hair, whose skin is decidedly black. And as railroads and civilization conquer the trackless forest and impenetrable jungle, the mixing process will become more and more apparent on the dark continent. The day will again come when, not only on this continent but in Africa, a sunburnt or tan-skinned, curly-haired race will demand and receive recognition.

MR. ROOSEVELT SAYS THERE WILL BE A WHITE AFRICA. - Ex-President Roosevelt spoke at a luncheon given in his honor at the African Inland Mission, an American institution at Kijabe, British East Africa, while on his hunting tour. He said: "I believe with all my heart that a large part of East Africa will form the 'white man's country.' Make every effort to build up a prosperous and numerous population.

"I ask the settlers to co-operate with the missionaries and treat the native justly and bring him to a higher level."

The Southern Statesman (white) says: ""The

white man's country' is an expression which indicates that it is the established policy of the white settlers to eventually drive the natives out of the most desirable portion of their own continent and confine them to the portions in which white men cannot thrive. A white Africa and a black Africa are to settle the matter in the dark continent."

Now, we believe that the native will no more be driven out of Africa, or that portion of the country best suited to the white man, than he is driven out of the United States. The Indian has been driven out of his country by the white man; every other race of men may be driven out by the white man, when he so determines; but we can find no instance in history where the Negro and Caucasian settled together in large numbers, where they ever again succeeded in separating. These two races seem to be better adapted to live together than any two extremely opposite races.

Mark what we say, when the white man settles extensively in Africa and occupies every desirable portion of it, so will also his colored offspring and the native full-blood occupy the same ground. The result will be amalgamation there as here in the United States. There will be a colored Caucasian race in Africa.

Whether this will ever be called the colored Caucasian race in America, we will not venture to predict here, but it is its proper name.

HE HELPED TO ENSLAVE HIMSELF. -It is well known and recorded in slave history that this black, kinky-haired man was originally one of the causes of the wide distribution of himself. During the flowery days of the slave traffic Negroland was so completely demoralized that it was appalling to behold, even to the hardened slave dealers of that dark day. Every tribe, every clan was against its neighbor, and on the outlook to entrap and sell to the slave buyer the men, women and children thus taken by violence. Whole villages and towns were often taken, the men who resisted were slain in cold blood, and the women and children sold into bondage. In many instances these black fiends did not even spare their own children, but sold them with the rest of the stock in hand. The Mohammedans also paid especial attention to this traffic in later years.

We find that the Negro, instead of persistently fighting against being enslaved, often took a willing hand in it, and was even anxious to sell his own countrymen and kin into slavery. Had he fought to the finish or to death this enslavement, like the American Indian who was repeatedly tried, he would not have been so extensively made use of and so absolutely humiliated. But the Negro people, like the Jews, refused to become extinct under the most

adverse circumstances. They will adjust themselves to any condition imaginable, and, unlike the Jews, will consent to mix extensively with other races with whom they come in contact.

FACTS BRIEFLY STATED.-It was avarice on the part of the savage black man who often sold into slavery his own kinsmen; avarice on the part of others who bought them and sold them; avarice on the part of nations who made it lawful; avarice on the part of the people who sanctioned it; ignorance on the part of all; and finally, all was the cause of the operation of the immutable natural law of dissemination. This fact we shall demonstrate fully in another part of this book.

We will here, without further preliminaries, concentrate our thought and attention entirely upon the subject under consideration, viz., the true Afro-American (of mixed blood) and his prototype, both of whom are vulgarly called "nigger", by an ignorant, prejudiced white populace in America, and by a deluded, half-savage remnant of their own race.

CLASSIFYING THE AMERICAN NEGRO. We would consider it unjust not to classify the Afro-American in this book. The true African Negro is fast disappearing. The name Negro is a misnomer, in that it conveys no idea whatever of the true character of the col

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