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A WHIPPING INCIDENT. "Vardaman's Ideal of Justice." Taken from life.

illustrate an incident that came under our observation on a plantation in Alabama. A large, strong Negro had committed some misdemeanor, was tied to the whipping-log and whipped by his boss. When he was untied he straightened up and said in his most polite demeanor: "Boss, gib me chew 'bacca." This is a fair sample of a rural character of the black belt; but this admirable good humor could, of course, not be universally applied. The mulatto and other specimens of the white man's paternity, which seem more prominent in towns and cities, and which have more nearly the characteristics of the white man, do not submit so willingly to the wiles of their white relatives, without feeling the blood of their parentage boil in their veins. This black brother may feel the same sting, but refrain from manifesting it. He is the embryonic gentleman.

WOULD BE NO RACE QUESTION.— We do not hesitate to say here that we are fully convinced of the fact, that if the white man had absolutely abstained from crossing with the Negro on this continent, there would be no race question to solve in America for many years to come. An absolutely pure-blood African is hard to find in many parts of the South. It is indeed a case of self-approbation. The white man's blood in the black man's veins cries today for, and instinctively demands, recognition; and it

would be a careless observer, indeed, who does not discern this fact.

THE WHITE MAN'S BLOOD.-A wellknown business man of Mobile, Alabama, told us years ago that the only tangible hope of the colored man in America was "the white man's blood in his veins." At the time we could not yet sympathize with such a, then to us, shocking view; but we have long since realized the undisputable fact conveyed in that statement-viz., that assimilation by amalgamation will prove the only ultimate settlement of the race question in this country, provided, however, that other legitimate means be employed therewith, and scientifically carried out.

THE WHITE MAN STANDS ACCUSED BEFORE GOD.-At present the southern white man stands accused before God and all mankind. His colored offspring are legion, and largely disowned and ignored by him. A crime has been committed. The keen knife of justice must at last cut to the quick! The criminal has gone free, and they of innocent birth have often borne the punishment at the hands of the evil-doer. But, nevertheless, we believe justice will ultimately prevail. History repeats itself. Let such men as Tillman, Vardaman, Dixon, Watson, and many others cry: "Keep the nigger in his place." Let the north

ern man settle throughout the South at a rapid rate, as he is doing at present, and have his say. A real American (smart) Negro is not imported stock. It is homebred, right down in the woods, on the prairie, in the city and town-everywhere in the broad Southland. He is a new creation, as Luther Burbank would say; the result of many years of intimate relations with his white superiors; and he is not a real Negro. Can these superiors today ignore and condemn the result of this relationship? The "smart nigger" is ninety per cent a man of marked Caucasian characteristics and not a Negro at all, in the true sense of the word: but a man of color, a true Colored Caucasian, the son or grandson of a white parent.

To our mind the "absolute separation" of the races, so much spoken of and agitated at present, and believed in by some prominent colored and white men, should have been absolute before so many hundreds of thousands of mulattoes and quadroons were born. Let us get out from behind the mask of deceit, once for all, and tell the naked truth in this regard.

NEGRO CANNOT BE DEPORTED.— Such talk as the deportation or absolute separation of the colored people is too absurd to think of seriously.

A certain criminal class, dangerous and un

profitable to the State may be thus treated, but not respectable citizens. The Chicago Chronicle said some time ago: "Somehow, in some way, the white people of the South and the Negroes have got to live together. A modus vivendi must be established, for if anything is certain it is that all propositions to colonize the Negroes or to deport them are impracticable. There is no place to which to send the Negroes, and if there were such a place the Negroes would not go.

Southern politicians like Senator Tillman, and southern newspapers like the Charleston News and Courier talk airily about the separation of the races, but neither Mr. Tillman nor the editor of the Charleston News really believe that the thing is possible. This is because any rational man must realize that the task of evicting 10,000,000 of people from the land in which they were born would mean wholesale slaughter -slaughter so appalling that not the most rabid negiophobe would invoke it. The Negroes certainly would resist the effort to deport them. We need not go into the right or wrong of the matter at all to be certain that the blacks of the South, born there and citizens of the country for several generations, would to a great extent resist with force an effort to expatriate them. If only one in ten of them resisted, the struggle to

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