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evict them would be the bloodiest in the history of mankind. The hunted man defends his home to the death. But all these probabilities and suppositions are idle in the face of the fact that there is no available place to which to deport the Negroes. Liberia is too poor and weak to undertake the assimilation of such a tremendous new population. German South Africa has enough trouble with her blacks without wanting any more. The British possessions in Africa are equally averse to the immigration of more Negroes.

No place on the wide globe offers a welcome to the American Negro, especially if he were to come by hundreds of thousands. He was brought to this country by compulsion, we may be sure that he will not leave it through persuasion.

Moreover, in spite of Senator Tillman and his newspaper echoes, the South will not permit the Negroes to leave, even if they were disposed to do so. Who would replace the Negro in southern agriculture and manufactures? Where would the South get the men to cultivate its cotton and wheat and sugar and oats? Until these questions are practically answered we may ignore the deportation plan.

The Negro will not leave the South for two reasons-first, that there is nowhere for him to

go; and secondly, because the southern whites would not permit him to go upon any consideration."*

We ask this sensible question: Can any people have a more legitimate claim on any country than the colored man of the white race?

AN ENDLESS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE RACES IN THE SOUTH.The American Colored Caucasian is distinctly a native of this country. He could not and would not recognize any other. His relationship often runs like an endless chain from his white parent through succeeding generations. Where could that chain be broken, should the deportation scheme be inaugurated by the state or government? His mother, grandmother or great grandmother was a Negress, no doubt, but does that make him a criminal, or a confirmed anarchist to be banished from American soil? No, not if there is an infinitesimal tendency to justice left in the dominant white American. It is too well known that the greatest men and women of African descent in America, are the direct or indirect offspring of some of the best and bluest blood in the country. Separate all these from the Negro race, to which they do no more belong than to the Caucasian race, and the

*See "An Optimistic View of the Negro Question" in our



StripesWithout Stars.

black sons of Africa, in this country, would be a lonesome fraction of acquired civilization. The fact is undisputable, the black man cannot get along without his brown and yellow brother; neither does the white brother care to separate himself entirely from his colored kin. If there is to be any separation, it ought to be a thorough one. There ought to be a law prohibiting the blackskinned Negro from intermarrying with the white-skinned Caucasian Negress, and vice versa. If the frequent mixing and mating of these classes is not intermarriage, what is it? The southern lawmaker ought to look into this matter, and prevent the Negro from further mixing with the mixed, so the mixed may only mix with the mixed, that their colored offspring may not lose their identity. If he prohibits one class from mixing, he should be fair and prohibit all mixing.

GIVE CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE.— Negro writers often misplace credit in lauding men and women who have some Negro blood in them, and who have achieved success in life; attributing that success or intellectual ability entirely to the race. We will take an example out of a book written by a man who is himself of mixed blood. He starts out in giving the genealogy of a certain well-known man as follows; "His father was a white man, and his mother

was three parts white." He ends by saying, “He was a life-long Republican, and a man of whom his race should be proud." What race? His own (Colored Caucasian) race; the black or the white? Which? This writer has, of course, the big, black race in mind. He would make the reader believe that this man's talent or intellect is all "black." But if he really means to convey the idea that this man's own people, the Colored Caucasian race, should be proud of him, then he gives credit to the ability, capacity and intellect of this wonderful new race, where credit is due.

When the Negro, like any other race, is mixed with Caucasian or any other foreign blood, his greatness or capabilities can no more be attributed to the black blood than to the foreign blood in him. When Negro writers speak of the wonderful advancement of the Negro, let them be fair and not palm off on a reading public the remarkable intellectual growth and capability of a mixed people as all "black greatWhen we speak of Negro greatness, we ought to confine ourselves within the bounds of genuine, unmixed magnanimity, and not sandwich in every fair-skinned man and woman the southerner calls "smart nigger."


We have said before that ninety per cent of the so-called "smart niggers" of superior cap

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