The Diary of a Désennuyée, Том 1

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Harper, 1836 - Всего страниц: 212

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Стр. 176 - IT is the first mild day of March : Each minute sweeter than before, The redbreast sings from the tall larch That stands beside our door. There is a blessing in the air, Which seems a sense of joy to yield To the bare trees, and mountains bare And grass in the green field.
Стр. 27 - After all, clubs are not altogether so bad a thing for family-men. They act as conductors to the storms usually hovering in the air. The man forced to remain at home, and vent his crossness on his wife and children, is a much worse animal to bear with than the man who grumbles his way to...
Стр. 11 - Blessed her when" she advocated the cause of holy alliance. From her more than one flighty dame derives a precedent for a system of intrigue, such as the Duchesse de Longueville might rise from her grave to applaud. After all, the most able of female politicians makes herself as disagreeable as ridiculous. Women carry their sensibilities with them even into the Ventilator, and exercise their feelings when they fancy they are exercising their judgment. They see through the eyes of their heart, and...
Стр. 147 - In point of gaiety (for gaiety, reading dissipation) it affords nothing comparable with that of London. A few ministerial fetes every winter may perhaps exceed in brilliancy the balls given in our common routine of things ; but for one entertainment in Paris, at least thirty take place chez nous. Society is established with us on a wider and more splendid scale. The weekly soirees, on the other hand, which properly represent the society of this place, are dull, meagre and formal to the last degree...
Стр. 147 - London amusements are here wanting. In the month of May, I am told, the public gardens and the Bois de Boulogne become enchanting. But what is not charming in the month of May? Paris, perhaps, least of all places ; for at the commencement of the month every French family of note quits the metropolis...
Стр. 177 - What an air of decency and respectfulness about the servants, what a feeling of homishness in a house exclusively our own ! The modes of life may be easier on the continent ; but it is the ease of a beggar's ragged coat which has served twenty masters, and is twitched on and off till it scarcely holds together, in comparison with the decent, close-fitting suit characteristic of a gentleman.
Стр. 146 - Diary " would attempt to deny the statements of Mr. Bulwer; but, in the very denial, she admits all his points but one — to wit, that they are not so well received by the aristocracy in England as they are in France. She says — " What does Henry Bulwer mean by the assertion that literary men are more eagerly welcomed in society here than in England ? " They occupy, perhaps, a more independent and honourable position, are less exposed to being...
Стр. 53 - I ever saw you dance the cotillon ! mieux vaut tard que jamais!" bore witness to my innocence; but they rendered me only the more conscious of the folly I was committing, and, consequently, as awkward as I was uneasy. Still my tormentor kept his ground. During the first three figures, there he stood, — his tall dignified person overlooking the circle, — about as stern, cold, and solemn, as Stonehenge; nor was it till some of the romping figures commenced, and he saw me commence my round of impertinence...
Стр. 135 - The children of Holland take pleasure in making, What the children of England take pleasure in breaking," I believe their bijouterie and nowieautes are chiefly manufactured.
Стр. 17 - In conversing with a clever author you sometimes see a new idea brighten his eye or create a smile round his lip ; but for worlds he would not give it utterance. It belongs to his next work, and is instantly booked in the ledger of his daily thoughts, value 3s. 6d. The man's mind is his mine ; he can't afford to work it gratis, or give away the produce.

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