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" And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the... "
Observations on the visions of Daniel, and on part of the book of the ... - Стр. 83
авторы: William Girdlestone - 1820 - Страниц: 234
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The Spectator, Том 5

1726 - Страниц: 330
...Poetical, and terrifying to the Imagination. And I look A, and hehtld a fait Horfe, and his Name that fat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him: and Power was given unto them over the fourth Fart of the Earth, to kill with Sword, and with Hunger, and with Sicknefs, and with the Beafls of the...
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The state of innocence: and fall of man, described in Milton's Paradise lost ...

Nicolas François Dupré de Saint-Maur - 1745 - Страниц: 504
...Death is fo defcribed Rev. 6. 8. " And I looked, and " behold a pale Horfe ; and his " Name that fat on him was " Death; and Hell followed " with him : And Power was To given unto them, over the fourth Part of the Earth, to kill with Sword, and with Hunger, and with...
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The New Testament, with references. To which are added, the ..., Том 2

Francis Fox - 1748 - Страниц: 602
...fourth beaft fay, Come, and fee. Î. And I looked, and behold, am pale horfe -, and his name that fat on him was Death, and hell followed with him: and power was given * unto them f_Or, to hirn}¡ over the fourth part of the earth, to n kill with fword, and with hunger, and with...
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Milton's Paradise Lost; Or, The Fall of Man: With Historical, Philosophical ...

John Milton - 1754 - Страниц: 482
...8. " And I looked, and " behold a pale Horfe ; and " his Name that fat on him was " Death; and Helf followed " with him : And Power was given unto them, over the fourth Part of the Earth, to kill with Sword, and with Plunger, and with Death, and with the Bcafts of the Earth." To To whom S i N, his inceftuous...
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A Familiar Explanation of the Poetical Works of Milton: To which is Prefixed ...

William Dodd, Joseph Addison - 1762 - Страниц: 264
...Poetical, and terrifying to the Imagination. " And 1 looked, and behold a pale Horfe, and his Name that fat on him, was Death, and Hell followed with him : And...them over the fourth Part of the Earth, to kill with Sword, and with Hunger, and with Sicknefs, and with the Beafts of the Earth." Under this firft Head...
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A Familiar Explanation of the Poetical Works of Milton: To which is Prefixed ...

William Dodd, Joseph Addison - 1762 - Страниц: 284
...Imagination. " And 1 looked, and behold a pale Horfe, and his Name that fat on him, was Death, and Keii followed with him : ,And Power was given unto them over the fourth Part of the Earth, to kill with Sword, and with Hunger, and with Sicknefs, and with the Beafts of the tiarth." Under this firft Head...
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Dissertations on the Prophecies, which Have Remarkably Been Fulfilled ..., Том 3

Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - Страниц: 518
...populo dcderat, quodfufficeret. Spartian in Severe, que Heliogabalus imminuerat, and his name that fat on him Was Death, and Hell followed with him : and...them, over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with fword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beafts of the earth. . " * I • > The fourth...
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The Sad Shepherd: Or, A Tale of Robin Hood

Ben Jonson - 1783 - Страниц: 280
...don't laugh, kind reader ! *• ' • " And I looked, and behold, a pale horfe ; and his name that fat on him was Death, and hell followed with him.. And...them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with fword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beafts of the earth." ... .. . . Revelation of...
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Harrison's British Classicks, Том 5

1786 - Страниц: 670
...poetical, and terrifying to the imagination. ' And I looked and behold a pale horf>, and his name that fat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him : and power was civ -:n unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with (word, and with hunger, and with...
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Politics for the People; Or, A Salmagundy for Swine ...

1794 - Страниц: 480
...doubts. "And I looked and behold ipale hotfe; and his name that " fat on him was DEATH, and H s LL followed with him: and •' power was given unto them, over the fourth part of the " Earth to kill with Sword, and with Hunger, and with, •' Death, and with the Beaftsof the Earth." flit Rtvelaticn qfSi....
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