UNITED STATES MAGAZINE, AND DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. EDITED BY THOMAS PRENTICE KETTELL. NEW SERIES. VOL. XXIII. NEW-YORK: PUBLICATION OFFICE, 170 BROADWAY. 1848. INDEX TO THE TWENTY-THIRD VOLUME. A Tribute of Affection. By Mrs. Harriet S. Handy Page Aunt Beck; Or, The Texan Virago, and the Tailor of Gotham. By the Author of the "Shot in the Eye." A Madrigal. From the French of Clement Marot. 340 An Appeal to the Free Soil Party. By T. C. Gardiner. 399 A Colloquial Chapter on Celibacy. - 533 Buena Vista.- The Battle of Buena Vista, with the Operations of the - 227 California. What I saw in California; being the Journal of a Tour, by the Emigrant Route and South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, across the Continent of North America, the Great Desert Basin, and through California, in the years 1816 and '17. By Edwin Bryant, late Alcalde Constitutional Law. - Case of Moffat vs. Cook, in the Supreme Court of 444 Emilia Galotti; A Tragedy in Five Acts. Translated from the German of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Acts II. III. IV. and V. 237, 348, 421, 525 Horace. Liber I. - Ode, XIV. - To the Republic. Translated by Eugene 258 Industrial Reform, - 513 Loiterings in Europe; or. Sketches of Travel in France, Belgium, Switzer- 73 Old Ireland and Young Ireland. By Henry Wikoff Oliver Cromwell. - The life of Oliver Cromwell, by J. P. Headly, Author Principles not Men. Poverty and Misery, versus Reform and Progress. 3 |