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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

on the ballot, 46

on civilisation, 51

on the duty of parents in re-

spect of education, 59

on a general State education, 61
on restriction of the liquor
traffic, 68, 69

on representative or self gov-
ernment, 135

on the proper function of repre-
sentative bodies, 160, 161
on the one-sided vision of the
philosophes, 173

on false Democracy, 175-180
on the payment of members of
Parliament, 177

on equal voting, 182

on the general low level of in-
tellect and virtue, 193, 194
on public life in the United
States, 211

on the danger to property from
a ruling majority of poor,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Newman, Cardinal,

on the limits to the right of
freedom of utterance, 40
on the Divine Attribute of
Retributive Justice, 285
Newspaper press,

as an instrument of political
education, 225

Norman Conquest, the,
and English Kingship, 162
North, Roger,

on the origin of the terms
"Whig" and "Tory," 149, 150

on prostitution, 80

M. Fouillée's account of a, 158
true function of a, 160, 161
Parties, political,

their proper sphere in the State,

Sir Henry Maine's account of,

Bluntschli on, 133, 154–158
English, their origin and his-
tory, 149-153
Burke on, 153, 154

Mr. Chamberlain on, 158
evils incident to, 160, 161

as a synonym for brigand, 202

largely due to injustice, 122,
128, 304

its mischief, 122

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[blocks in formation]

the only rightful law-giver, 147
the right rule both of public
and private action, 253
Referendum, the,

as a remedy for the evils of
False Democracy, 233-236
Reform Act, the first,
principle of, 215
immediate effect of, 241
Reformation, moral,
what it is not, 265
what it is, 292, 297

the Austrian, 144

the Prussian, 143

the German, 144, 203, 204

function of the State regard-
ing, 61-66

and marriage, 75

the only effective teacher of
morality to the multitude,
299, 308

Renaissance, the,

a return to Pagan absolutism,


on the virtue of chastity, 70
Republic, the French,

condition of France under, 164
the Brazilian, 167

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

prevailing laxity of tone con-
cerning, 76, 78-80

Sidgwick, Professor,

on free will and systematic
ethics, 269

Smith, Mr. Toulmin,

on medieval guilds, 113
Social order, the,

function of the State in respect
of, 120-132

its view of marriage, 72, 78
right alleged by, of labourer to
the full produce of his labour,

has largely infected Trade
Unions, 108

and State control of certain

industrial undertakings, 112
Rings and Trusts play into the
hands of, 112

many varieties of, 124
sketch of its early history, 125–

fundamental position of, 127
its remedy for the evils of the
existing social order, 131
its real value, 132

on language, 25

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