INDEX TO VOL. II. ABSENCE of lovers, page 37. made easy, ibid, &c. A. Death in love, 38. How to be Academy for politics, 258. Regulations of it, 259. Admiration, one of the most pleasing passions, 29. It is short- Adversity, no evil in itself, 31. Advice usually received with reluctance, 534. Allegories, like light to a discourse, 395. Eminent writers faulty in them, ibid. Allusions, the great art of a writer, 395. Almighty, his power over the imagination, 397. ing of his being, 464. Amazons, their commonwealth, 398. Aristotle's say- How they educated their Ambition, the end of it, 65. Never satisfied, 72. The effect of Americans used painting instead of writing, 376. Ancients in the east, their way of building, 370, &c. Apollo's temple on the top of Leucate, by whom frequented, and Appearances, things not to be trusted for them, 458. Architecture, the ancients perfection in it, 370. The greatness M m best critics and logicians in the world, 114. His division of a on the fable of an epic poem, 143. Art, works of, very defective to entertain the imagination, 366. 367. Art of Criticism, the Spectator's account of that poem, 62. Augustus's request to his friends at his death, 267. Babel, tower of, 370. B. Bacon, Sir Francis, prescribes his reader a poem or prospect as Bamboo, Benjamin, the philosophical use he resolves to make Bar, oratory in England, reflections on it, 349. Baxter, Mr. his last words, 418. More last words, ibid. Beau's head, the dissection of one, 228. Belvidera, a critique upon a song of her, 470. Bills of mortality, the use of them, 240, &c. Nothing makes species of sen- Biton and Clitobus, their story related and applied by the Spec- Blast, Lady, her character, 444. Boccalini, his fable of a grasshopper applied by the Spectator, Business, men of, their error in similitudes, 395. Of learning C. Cæsar, Julius, a frequent saying of his, 73. His Commentaries, Cartesian, how he would account for the ideas formed by the Cat, a great contributor to harmony, 298. Cat-call, a dissertation upon that instrument, 297. Cato, the respect paid him at the Roman theatre, 423. Cheerfulness, wherein preferable to mirth, and when worse than Children, a multitude of them one of the blessings of the married Chinese, why they laugh at our gardens, 368. Chremylus, his character out of Aristophanes, 459. Church work slow work according to Sir Roger, 317. Cicero, the great Roman orator, his extraordinary superstition, 524. Clarendon, Earl of, his character of a person of a troublesome Club law, 34. Coffee-house debates seldom regular or methodical, 480. Colours, the eye takes most delight in them, 361. Why the poets Comedies, English, vicious, 422. Comparisons in Homer and Milton defended by M. Boileau Compassion civilizes human nature, 332. How to touch it, ibid. Constancy in sufferings, the excellency of it, 31. Conversation an improvement of taste in letters, 353. Coquette's heart dissected, 232. Cordeliers, their story of St. Francis their founder, 44. Cotqueens described by a lady who has one for her husband, 431. rosity to his widow, 253. His reflections upon visiting the Country life, why the poets in love with it, 366. What Horace Court and city, their peculiar way of life and conversation, 340. Cowards naturally impudent, 19. Creation, a poem, commended by the Spectator,, 178. The con- Cries of London require some regulation, 56. Critic, the qualities requisite to a good one, 113. Critics, French, friends to one another, 353. |