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Cuckoldom abused on the stage, 424.
Cunning, the accomplishment of whom, 7.

Curiosity, one of the strongest and most lasting of our appetites,
29. Absurd, an instance of it, 410.


Dangers past, why the reflection on them pleases, 385.
Deaths of eminent persons the most improving passages in his-
tory, 242. The benefit of death, 290, &c.

Defamation, papers of that kind a scandal to government, 430.
Ought to be punished by good ministers, 431.
Denying, sometimes a virtue, 446, &c.

Descriptions come short of statuary and painting, 375. Please
sometimes more than the sight of things, 376. The same not
alike relished by all, 378. What pleases in them, 388. Of
what is great, surprising, and beautiful, more acceptable to the
imagination than what is little, common, or deformed, 384, &c.
Devotion, the noblest buildings owing to it, 371.

Diagoras the atheist, his behaviour to the Athenians in a storm,

Diana's cruel sacrifices condemned by an ancient poet, 440.
Dionysius's ear, what it was, 489.

Discretion an under agent of Providence, 6. Distinguished from
cunning, 7.

Distracted persons, the sight of them the most mortifying thing
in nature, 396.

Doggett, how cuckolded on the stage, 424.

Drama, its first original a religious worship, 346.

Dream of golden scales, 455.

Dreams, in what manner considered by the Spectator, 497. The
folly of laying any stress upon or drawing consequences from
our dreams, 525.

Dress, the ladies extravagance in it, 405.

An ill intention in

their singularity, 406. The English character to be modest in
it, 407.

Drink, the effects it has on modesty, 446.

Dry, Will, a man of a clear head, but few words, 481.


Earth, why covered with green rather than any other colour, 320.
Eating, drinking, and sleeping, with, the generality of people, the
three important articles of life, 271.

Editors of the classics, their faults, 469, &c.

Elizabeth, Queen, her medal on the defeat of the Spanish Armada,


Emblematical persons, 390.

Enemies, the benefit that may be received from them, 337.

English people generally inclined to melancholy, 322. Naturally
modest, 347, 407.

Enmity, the good fruits of it, 337.

Envy, the abhorrence of it a certain note of a great mind, 61.
Epictetus's rule for a person's behaviour under detraction, 294.
His saying of sorrow, 332.

Epitaph on the Countess Dowager of Pembroke, 276.

Equestrian ladies, who, 405.

Erasmus insulted by a parcel of Trojans, 34.

Essay on the pleasures of the imagination, 354 to 397.

Essays, wherein differing from methodical discourses, 479, &c.

Ether, fields of, the pleasures of surveying them, 392.

Euphrates river contained in one bason, 370.
Evremont, St. the singularity of his remarks, 291.

Fable of a drop of water, 248.


Fables, their great usefulness and antiquity, 535.

Fairy writing, 387. The pleasures of imagination that arise from
it, 388. More difficult than any other, and why, 387. The
English the best poets of this sort, 389.

Faith, the means of confirming it, 461, &c.

Fame, the difficulty of obtaining and preserving it, 67. Incon-
veniences attending the desire of it, ibid.

Fancy, all its images enter by the sight, 354.

Faults, secret, how to find them out, 337.

Fear, passion of, treated, 473.

Feeling not so perfect a sense as sight, 355.

Female oratory, the excellency of it, 49.

Fiction, the advantage the writers in it have to please the imagi

nation, 387. What other writers please it, 390, &c.

Final causes of delight in objects lie bare and

Forehead esteemed an organ of speech, 18.

open, 363.

Fortune to be controled by nothing, but infinite wisdom, 246.

Fortune-hunters and stealers distinguished, 265.

Freart, M. what he says of modern and ancient architecture, 372.
French, much addicted to grimace, 483.

Friends kind to our faults, 337.


What part of the

Garden, the innocent delights of one, 486.
garden at Kensington to be most admired, 484.

Gardening, in what manner to be compared to poetry, 484. Errors
in it, 368.

Georgics, Virgil's, the beauty of their subjects, 382.

Gesture good in oratory, 349.

Ghosts, what they say should be a little discoloured, 387. The
description of them pleasing to the fancy, 388. Why we in-
cline to believe them, 389. Not a village in England formerly
without one, ibid. Shakespeare's the best, ibid.

Gladness of heart to be moderated and restrained, but not banish-
ed, by virtue, 511.

God, the being of, one the greatest of certainties, 313.

Goodnature and cheerfulness the two great ornaments of virtue,


Government, what form of it the most reasonable, 235.

Grace at meals practised by the Pagans, 448.

Grandeur and minuteness, the extremes pleasing to the fancy,

Gratitude the most pleasing exercise of the mind, 439. A divine
poem upon it, 441.

Greatness of objects, what understood by it in the pleasures of the
imagination, 358 to 365.

Greeks and Trojans, who so called, 34.

Green, why called in poetry the cheerful colour, 320.


Health, the pleasures of the fancy more conducive to it than those
of the understanding, 357.

Heaven and Hell, the notion of, conformable to the light of na-
ture, 429.

Heavens, verses on the glory of them, 465.

Hebrew idioms run into English, 345.

Heraclitus, a remarkable saying of his, 500.

Herodotus, wherein condemned by the Spectator, 449.

Hesiod's saying of a virtuous life, 428.

Historian, his most agreeable talent, 391.

the imagination, ibid.

How history pleases

Homer's excellence in the multitude and variety of his characters,
96. He degenerates sometimes into burlesque, 105. His de-
scriptions charm more than Aristotle's reasoning, 356. Com-
pared with Virgil, 381. When he is in province, ibid.
Honeycomb, Will, his letters to the Spectator, 515 and 530, &c.
His great insight into gallantry, 89. His application to rich
widows, 266. His resolution not to marry without the advice
of his friends, 477.

Hope, passion of, treated, 473.

Horace takes fire at every point of the Iliad and Odyssey, 382.
Hush, Peter, his character, 444.

Hymn, David's pastoral one on Providence, 417. On gratitude,
441. On the glories of the heaven and earth, 465.

Hymns, English and French, composed in sickness, 540, &c.
Hypocrisy, the honour and justice done by it to religion, 41. The
various kinds of it, 336. To be preferred to open impiety, 443,


Ideas, how a whole set of them hang together, 379.

Ideot, the story of one by Dr. Plot, 425.

Idle and innocent, few know how to be so, 357.

Jews considered by the Spectator, in relation to their number,
dispersion, and adherence to their religion, 512, &c.

Iliad, the reading it like travelling through a country uninha-
bited, 381.

Imaginary beings in poetry, 387, &c. Instances in Ovid, Virgil,
and Milton, 390.

Imagination, its pleasures in some respects equal to those of the
understanding, in others preferable, 356. Their extent, advan-
tages, meaning, and kinds, ibid. Awaken the faculties of the
mind, without fatiguing it, 357. More conducive to health
than those of the understanding, ibid. Raised by other senses
as well as the sight, 359, &c. The cause of them not to be
assigned, 362, &c. Works of art not so perfect as those of
nature, to entertain the imagination, 366, &c. The secondary
pleasures of imagination, 376, &c. Power of it, ibid. Whence
those pleasures proceed, 377. Of a wider and more universal
nature than those it has when joined with sight, ibid.
poetry contributes to its pleasures, 386, &c. How historians,
philosophers, and other writers, 390, &c. The delight it takes
in enlarging itself by degress, as in the survey of the earth and
universe, 392. And where it works from great things to little,
ibid. Where it falls short of the understanding, 393.
affected by similitudes, 394. Capable both of pain and plea-
sure, and to what degree, 396. The power of the Almighty

over it, ibid.

Imagining, the art of it in general, 394, &c.

Impudence recommended by some as good breeding, 20.



Independent minister, the behaviour of one at his examination of

a scholar, who was in election to be admitted into a college of
which he was governor, 508.

Infirmary, one for good humour, 411.

Invention, the most painful action of the mind, 498.

Journal: a week of a deceased citizen's journal presented by Sir
Andrew Freeport to the Spectator's club, 268. The use of
such a journal, 271.

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Landscape, a pretty one, 367..


Language, European, cold to the oriental, 344.

Latimer the martyr, his behaviour at a conference with the Pa-
pists, 462.

Laughter, a counterpoise to the spleen, 53. What sort of persons
the most accomplished to raise it, 54. A poetical figure of
laughter out of Milton, 56. The distinguishing faculty in

man, 511.

Learning, men of, who take to business, the fittest for it, 468.
Letters. From Esculapius, about the lover's leap, 10.


Athenais and Davyth ap Shenkyn, on the same subject, 11.
From - on the awe which attends some speakers in public
assemblies, 17. From Asteria on the absence of lovers, 37.
From Timothy Doodle, a great lover of blindman's buff, 45.
From T. B. on the several ways of consolation made use of by
absent lovers, 46. From Troilus, a declared enemy to the Greek,
47. From Tom Trippit, on a Greek quotation in a former
Spectator, 225. From C. D. on Sir Roger's return to town,
227. From S. T. who has a show in a box, of a man, a woman,
and a horse, ibid. From Josiah Fribble, on pin-money, 249.
From Sir John Envil, married to a woman of quality, 254.
From Tim Watchwell, on fortune-stealers, 263. From Cla-
rinda, with her journal, 273. From Jack Freelove to his
mistress, written in the person of a monkey, 286. From John
Shallow, who had lately been at a concert of cat-calls, 297. To
the Spectator, from, on whims and humorists, 304. From
a gentleman in Denmark, 328. From Queen Ann Boleyn to
Henry VIII. 333. To the Spectator, from a country society
and infirmary, 411. From a projector for news, 436, 443.
From B. D. desiring the Spectator's advice in a very weighty
affair, 478. From
From, containing a description of his garden,
482. From with an epigram upon the Spectator, by Mr.
Tate, 504. From
with some reflections on the ocean
considered both in a calm and a storm, and a divine ode
on that occasion, 505. From Will Honeycomb, with his dream
intended for a Spectator, 515. From Philogamus, in commen-
dation of the married state, 519. From Titus Trophonius, an
interpreter of dreams, 525. From Will Honeycomb, occa-
sioned by two stories he had met with, relating to a sale of

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