Julius Cæsar's invasion of Britain, (British Heroes: Cassibelaunus, Caractacus, Boadicea.) The Romans quitted the island, 55 B.C. 448 A.D. 449 The Saxons enter under Hengist and Horsa, by Pope Gregory, The Saxon Heptarchies united into one kingdom, called England, under the Saxon King Egbert, The great Saxon King Alfred, Canute the Dane, king of England, The invasion of England by William Duke of Normandy, and 596 828 871 to 900 1017 to 1036 1066 . 1095 1100 Union of the Norman and Saxon Dynasties by the Marriage Magna Charta extorted from King John by the English Admission of the Commons into the English Parliament in the reign of Henry II., Conquest of Wales by Edward 1., 1172 Edward III. assumed the armorial bearings and title of King of France, which caused a war that lasted 100 years-Battle of Cressy, Treaty of Troyes signed by Isabella, Queen of France, and the CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Civil Wars caused by the rival claims of the Houses of York Accession of the Stuart Dynasty to the throne of England, English Commonwealth under the Protectorship of Oliver Restoration of the Monarchy in the person of Charles II., brought about by General Monk, 1455 A.D. 1485 1534 1588 1603 311 1640 to 1649 1649 to 1658 1660 The Monarchical and Roman Catholic reaction producing 1720 Period of Corruption of the British Parliament, and of the Money-Speculators, Law and Blunt, War of the Austrian Succession, in which England engaged in order to secure to Maria Theresa her hereditary possessions on the death of her father, the Emperor Charles VI. Battles: Dettingen, 1743; Fontenoi, 1745. English General: Duke of Cumberland. French Hero: Marshal Saxe, 1740 to 1748 Seven years' war between England and France on the subject of the Boundaries of their respective American Colonies. In this war England took Canada from the French. The war raged at the same time in India under Clive, and the French General Dupleix, America declared herself independent of the mother country (4th July), . 1755 to 1762 1776 The French people seize the Bastille, one of the first acts that inaugurated the French Revolution, Wars of England conducted by the Duke of Wellington and Insurrection of the Sepoys, or Native East Indian Army, led . 1789 A.D. 1793 to 1815 1815 to 1858 1858 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL BATTLE-FIELDS OF ENGLAND, WITH REFERENCES TO THE MAP. In the Map the Battle-fields of the Wars of the Roses have a circle drawn round the figure which marks them. |