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AQUA, water.

Aquatic, aque-duct, aqueous.

ARBITER, a judge, or umpire.

Arbiter, arbitr-ator, arbitr-ate, arbitr-ation, arbitr-ary, arbitr-arily.

ARDOR, heat, vigour, eagerness.

Ardent, ardently, arduous.

ARS*, ARTIS, art, skill.

Art-ist, art-isan, arti-ficer, arti-fice, arti-ficial, art-less, art-lessly, art-ful, art-fully.

In-ert, (for in and ars,) inertness.

ARTUS, a joint.-ARTICULUS, a little joint. Articulate, article.-In-articulate.

AUDIO, I hear.-AUDITUS, heard.

Audit, auditory, audible, audience.-In-audible.

AUGEO, increase.-AUCTUS, increased. Augment; auction, from auctio, increase of prices offered; author, from auctor, an increaser; authority, authentic, (possessing authority.)


BELLUM, war.

BELLI-GERENT, (gero, I wage.)—Re-bel.

BENE, well, kind, properly.

Ben-ign; bene-diction, (see Dico, p. 9 ;) bene-faction, be

* See the note in page 1.

ne-fice, bene-ficence, bene-fit, (see FACIO, p. 11;) benevolence, (see VOLO, p. 41.)


CADO, I fall.-CASUS, fallen.

[Cado is changed into Cido, when compounded.] CASE.-Casualty, casuist, cadaverous, from cadaver, that part of a man which falls away, the carcase or dead body*.-Cast, cascade.

Ac-cident, ac-cidence, co-in-cide, de-cide, de-cision, deciduous.

CEDO, I cut, beat, kill.-CESUS, cut.

[Cado is changed into Cido, and Casus into Cisus, when compounded.]

Con-cise, con-cision, in-cision, pre-cise.
Fratri-cide, (fratris, of a brother.)

Homicide, (hominis, of a man.)

Infanti-cide, (infantis, of an infant.)

Patri-cide, (pater, father.) Matri-cide, (mater, mother.)

Pari-cide, (parens, a parent.)

Regi-cide, (rer, regis, a king.)

Sui-cide, (sui, of himself, or, of herself.)

CANO, I play on a reed, I sing.—CANTUS, sung. [Cano is changed in Cino, and Cantus into Centus, when compounded.]

Canticle, cant.-Ac-cent, in-cantation, re-cant.

CANDO or CENDO, I set on fire, I inflame.— CENSUS, inflamed.

Incense, from incendo, I set on fire; incendiary, from incendiarius, the person who sets on fire.

By some, cadaver is derived from Caro data vermibus; Flesh given to the worms.

Candid, candour, from candeo, I shine as fire, I am white.

Candidate, from candidatus, a suitor for any place of honour or profit, so called from the white shining garment he wore; candle, from candela, a thing which shines or gives light.

CAPIO, I take.-CAPTUS, taken.

[Capio is changed into Cipio, and Captus into Ceptus, when compounded.]

CŒPIO, I take in hand, I begin to take in hand.— CŒPTUS or CEPTUS, taking in hand.

Cap-acity, capt-ivate, capt-ivity, capt-or, capt-ure, capt


Ac-cept, con-ception, con-ceive, de-ception, de-ceive, ex-cept, in-cipient, inter-cept, per-ception, per-ceive, pre-cept, re-ception, re-ceive, re-ceipt, re-ceptacle, sus-ceptible, sus-ceptibility.

Capio or cœpio, when compounded, is sometimes corrupted into cupero, cupo, or cipo, as re-cupero, whence is derived the English word, re-cover; Oc-cupy, occupation, pre-oc-cupy, anti-cipate, anti-cipation. Capio moreover combines with nouns in the form of ceps, cipis, or cupis, as manceps, mancipis, (formed of manus, a hand, and ceps,) one who takes with the hand, whence is derived e-man-cipation.

Participatio, (see PARS, PARTIS, p. 27,) whence participation and parti-cipate.-Participium, a word partaking of the nature of a verb and of an adjective, whence participle.

Prin-ceps, (primus, first,) one who takes the lead, whence prince, principle, principal, principality.

CAPUT, the head, chief, source.

Capital, chapter.-De-capitate, pre-cipitate, pre-cipice. CAVEO, I take care, avoid.-CAUTUS, avoided. Cautious, caution.-In-cautious, pre-caution.

CAUSA, a cause, origin.-CAUSOR, I assign


Ac-cuse, ac-cusative, ex-cuse, in-ex-cusable.


CEDO, I go, move, give up.-CESSUS, moved. Cession. Ac-cede, ac-cess, ac-cessary, ac-cessible, inae-cessible, ante-cedent, con-cede, con-cession, exceed, ex-cess, inter-cede, inter-cession, pre-cede, precedent, pro-ceed, pro-cession, re-cede, re-cession, seceed, se-cession, suc-ceed, suc-cession, suc-cess. Cesso, I give way, I discontinue, hence, Cease, cessation, de-cease, in-cessant.-Ne-cessity, from necesse, (ne, not, and cedo or cesso, I give up,) that which never yields, overpowering force.


CELER, swift.-CELERO, quicken.

Celerity, celebrity, from celeber, one who moves quick or often, hence he becomes distinguished; celebrate.— Cilium, that which moves quick, applied to the eye lids.-Supercilium, (super, above,) that which is above the eye-lids; figuratively, that which is marked above the eye-lids, namely, severity, pride; hence super-ci lious.

CENSEO, I judge, vote, I give an account of my property. CENSUS or CENSITUS, judged. Censure, censor; census.

CERNO, I perceive or distinguish.-CREVI, I have distinguished.-CRETUS, distinguished. Con-cern, dis-cern, from dis-cerno, I separate. Dis-creet, dis-cretion, (the act of separation, skill in separating,) dis-crete, or dis-cretive.

Decretum, the thing determined, hence decree.---Secrete, from secerno, secretus, (se, aside,) I separate and lay aside; se-cret, from secretum, that which is laid aside from public knowledge; hence se-crecy, se-cretly;


-se-cretary, from secretarius, one who manages secret papers; secretion, (the act of separating).

Certain, from certus, (for cretus,) distinguished, ascertained, sure; hence certify, certificate, (see FACIO, p.11.) Crimen, (for crevimen,) a note of infamy; hence crime, criminal, criminate, dis-criminate, in-dis-criminate, re-crimination.

CIEO or CIO, I move, rouse, call.—CITUS, moved.

Cite, citation.-Excite, incite, recite.

CIRCUS, a circle.-CIRCUM, round about. Circular, circulate; circuit, (see Eo, p. 11.) en-circle or in-circle, semi-circular.

CIVIS, à citizen.

Civic, civil, civilian; city, (for civitas.)

CLAMOR, I speak aloud.

Claim, clamor.-Ac-clamation,

de-claim, ex-claim,

pro-claim, re-claim.

CLAMUS, bright.

Clear, clari-fy, clari-fication, (see FACIO, p. 11.)-Declare.

CLAUDO, I close.-CLAUSUS, closed.

[Claudo is changed into Cludo, and Clausus into Clusus, when compounded.]

Con-clude, con-clusion, ex-clude, in-clude, pre-clude, re-cluse, re-clusion, se-clude, se-clusion.

CLINO, I bend.

De-cline, de-clination, de-clension, in-de-clinable, incline, in-clination, re-cline.

Clivis, a place which slopes; hence ac-clivity, de-clivity.

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