Stone Walls: Prisons from Fetters to FurloughsChilton Company, 1962 - Всего страниц: 236 Informal history of U.S., British, and other penal systems. |
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Стр. 46
... houses of correction ( the first was in London in 1552 ) and the later European rasp houses constituted a sort of prison reform . Conditions were not much better in them than in the prisons for felons , but at least the prisoners were ...
... houses of correction ( the first was in London in 1552 ) and the later European rasp houses constituted a sort of prison reform . Conditions were not much better in them than in the prisons for felons , but at least the prisoners were ...
Стр. 47
... houses of correction . At the other end of the scale was a similar confusion between houses of correction and jails . By 1720 in England many " common prisons " had adjoin- ing houses of correction for minor criminals , who did pro ...
... houses of correction . At the other end of the scale was a similar confusion between houses of correction and jails . By 1720 in England many " common prisons " had adjoin- ing houses of correction for minor criminals , who did pro ...
Стр. 52
... correction was dirty , and prisoners worked and slept in the same rooms . The Scottish prisons in general had no ... houses of correction in Ireland , only cages in which the drunk and disorderly were locked up for a night or two ...
... correction was dirty , and prisoners worked and slept in the same rooms . The Scottish prisons in general had no ... houses of correction in Ireland , only cages in which the drunk and disorderly were locked up for a night or two ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
abolished adult American prisons Auburn Auburn system became Borstal Botany Bay boys California camps cells cent century chained Cherry Hill civil classes classification committed convicted county jails crime criminals delinquent detention discipline dungeons earn Elizabeth Fry Elmira England English prisons established farms Federal prison felons flogging French Guiana guards Guiana houses of correction Howard hulks idle imprisonment indeterminate sentence industrial inmates irons Island John Howard juvenile keeper LIBRARIES live ment MICHIGAN MIRIAM ALLEN DEFORD misdemeanants modern prison months Nations never Newgate officers oners open prisons parole penal colonies penal institutions penal labor penal system penalty penitentiary penologists penology pris prison reform prison system reformatories rehabilitation release San Quentin segregation sent sentence law separate prison served social society Teeters tion transportation United visiting visitors warden women workhouses young offenders