day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Either this character, or that of the believer, every person is forming The season of probation is to men of different characters, as the fertile soil and the genial climate are to the good tree and the corrupt one; causing the good tree to strike deeper and stronger its roots, to spread wider its branches, and to bear an increasing abundance of good fruit; while the same effect is produced in the corrupt tree, except that its fruit is evil. The only remedy for the sinner is to become a new creature in Christ. 4. Since this life is a season of probation for eternity, time is of immense value. If it could be occupied for no more important end than to gain earthly good, to get worldly riches and honors, even to secure the possession of a throne, a crown, an empire, it would not be sacrilege to waste it. But, as a season of probation for eternity, it is sacred. Like the interests of the soul which depend on the right use of it, it is invaluable. It cannot be abused or wasted, except with loss or damage which will be felt through all eternity. A right use of it will be proportionally happy in its consequences. The Christian by occupying it in obeying the gospel, obtains salvation and eternal life. By faithful continuance in well-doing, he secures glory, honor, and a blessed immortality. He lays up a treasure in heaven. The more faithfully he improves his time, the greater will be the value of his heavenly treasure, the richer his reward: because every one will receive according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. But the Christian is liable to make an unprofitable or perverted use of time; and when he does, he suffers loss-loss which can never be repaired. His reward will be in eternity less than it otherwise would have been. To every Christian, therefore, every portion of his probationary season, whether rightly employed or perverted, is of inestimable consequence. But to the impenitent sinner time is no less valuable. The consequences of his past abuse of it involve evil from which nothing can deliver him but the blood of Christ. His destiny in respect to two worlds, both eternal, is to be decided; it is in the remaining part only of the season of his probation in which he is to make the decision. He who can estimate the importance of being saved from eternal woe, and of inheriting eternal life, can appreciate that remaining in time. Yet it may be only a day, an hour, a moment. "Moment by moment years are past, Yet on it hangs eternity." That point of time will result in the eternal salvation and happiness of the sinner, which is the moment when he seasonably begins to repent and be reconciled to God, or to trust in Christ. Or if the sinner neglects to do this, that point of time will result in his eternal perdition, which is the last moment in which he might have seasonably begun to pursue the way to heaven, but refused to do it. Oh, with what regret and anguish will the lost sinner reflect on abused time-not only the last moment in which he might have made his peace with God, but all the years, the weeks, the desecrated Sabbaths, which shall have filled up the season of his probation! In conclusion-Since this life is a season of probation for eternity, the condition of those who hear the gospel preached is solemn and interesting.-If you have received the truth in faith and love if you have acceded to the terms of the gospel, and thus secured an interest in its promises, that event which will terminate the season of your probation, will introduce you to the mansions of the blessed, where you will enjoy the presence, behold the glory, and participate in the everlasting love of your blessed Redeemer. But in the mean time let it be your aim to perform with fidelity the service which he requires of you. He has committed to you talents, and he requires you to occupy till he come. So live that you may adorn his doctrine, recommend his holy religion, and honor his name. While life lasts the season of your probation continues, and your conduct will affect your eternal condition. Great is your reward in heaven! But it will be more or less great, according to the degree of your faithfulness. Especially consider the infinite worthiness of your Lord and the preciousness of his cause, and realize the obligations which you are under to him. But the reflection that this life is a season of probation for eternity is unspeakably solemn to you who have not obeyed the gospel. There is danger that the preaching of the gospel will ultimately be to you a savor of death unto death. It will unavoidably be so, if you abuse the remainder of the season of your probation as you have the past. That remainder consists of Åleeting time. It may be a short, a very short space. Whether you are aged or young, your probationary term may soon expire. Oh, beware lest you have occasion to lament at last that the accepted time and the day of salvation have forever closed: "That the harvest is past, the summer ended and you are not saved." day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Either this character, or that of the believer, every person is forming The season of probation is to men of different characters, as the fertile soil and the genial climate are to the good tree and the corrupt one; causing the good tree to strike deeper and stronger its roots, to spread wider its branches, and to bear an increasing abundance of good fruit; while the same effect is produced in the corrupt tree, except that its fruit is evil. The only remedy for the sinner is to become a new creature in Christ. 4. Since this life is a season of probation for eternity, time is of immense value. If it could be occupied for no more important end than to gain earthly good, to get worldly riches and honors, even to secure the possession of a throne, a crown, an empire, it would not be sacrilege to waste it. But, as a season of probation for eternity, it is sacred. Like the interests of the soul which depend on the right use of it, it is invaluable. It cannot be abused or wasted, except with loss or damage which will be felt through all eternity. A right use of it will be proportionally happy in its consequences. The Christian by occupying it in obeying the gospel, obtains salvation and eternal life. By faithful continuance in well-doing, he secures glory, honor, and a blessed immortality. He lays up a treasure in heaven. The more faithfully he improves his time, the greater will be the value of his heavenly treasure, the richer his reward: because every one will receive according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. But the Christian is liable to make an unprofitable or perverted use of time; and when he does, he suffers loss-loss which can never be repaired. His reward will be in eternity less than it otherwise would have been. To every Christian, therefore, every portion of his probationary season, whether rightly employed or perverted, is of inestimable consequence. But to the impenitent sinner time is no less valuable. The consequences of his past abuse of it involve evil from which nothing can deliver him but the blood of Christ. His destiny in respect to two worlds, both eternal, is to be decided; it is in the remaining part only of the season of his probation in which he is to make the decision. He who can estimate the importance of being saved from eternal woe, and of inheriting eternal life, can appreciate that remaining in time. Yet it may be only a day, an hour, a moment. "Moment by moment years are past, And one ere long will be our last. 'Twixt that, long fled, which gave us light, Yet on it hangs eternity." That point of time will result in the eternal salvation and happiness of the sinner, which is the moment when he seasonably begins to repent and be reconciled to God, or to trust in Christ. Or if the sinner neglects to do this, that point of time will result in his eternal perdition, which is the last moment in which he might have seasonably begun to pursue the way to heaven, but refused to do it. Oh, with what regret and anguish will the lost sinner reflect on abused time-not only the last moment in which he might have made his peace with God, but all the years, the weeks, the desecrated Sabbaths, which shall have filled up the season of his probation! In conclusion-Since this life is a season of probation for eternity, the condition of those who hear the gospel preached is solemn and interesting. If you have received the truth in faith and love: if you have acceded to the terms of the gospel, and thus secured an interest in its promises, that event which will terminate the season of your probation, will introduce you to the mansions of the blessed, where you will enjoy the presence, behold the glory, and participate in the everlasting love of your blessed Redeemer. But in the mean time let it be your aim to perform with fidelity the service which he requires of you. He has committed to you talents, and he requires you to occupy till he come. So live that you may adorn his doctrine, recommend his holy religion, and honor his name. While life lasts the season of your probation continues, and your conduct will affect your eternal condition. Great is your reward in heaven! But it will be more or less great, according to the degree of your faithfulness. Especially consider the infinite worthiness of your Lord and the preciousness of his cause, and realize the obligations which you are under to him. But the reflection that this life is a season of probation for eternity is unspeakably solemn to you who have not obeyed the gospel. There is danger that the preaching of the gospel will ultimately be to you a savor of death unto death. It will unavoidably be so, if you abuse the remainder of the season of your probation as you have the past. That remainder consists of fleeting time. It may be a short, a very short space. Whether you are aged or young, your probationary term may soon expire. Oh, beware lest you have occasion to lament at last that the accepted time and the day of salvation have forever closed: "That the harvest is past, the summer ended and you are not saved." ABUSE OF CHASTISEMENTS.-BY THE EDITOR. If afflictions do not subdue and reclaim, there is nothing like them to confirm men in their evil ways, and render them hopeless. They will break the spirit of rebellion and bow us in penitence, or so sear the conscience and deaden all moral sensibility as that nothing can alarm or make an impression. And hence, the Lord not unfrequently ceases to chastise the guilty, for the simple reason that they will only" revolt more and more.' He has used the rod upon them in vain. He has rebuked and chastised till the discipline has become an injury and not a benefit, and then in righteous anger he gives them over as incorrigible. And when a man or a nation gets into so obdurate a state as that afflictions fail of their chief end, we may well despair of their salvation. The judgments of God in this world are no doubt mainly disciplinary. They are visited upon men in mercy and not in wrath; they are a Father's chastisements, and not the awards of a Lawgiver. They are meant to deter men from further sinning, or to reclaim them from evil ways into which they have fallen, or to soften the heart and prepare the way for more signal blessings. They are chosen to this end, and wisely adapted in their particular nature and time and manner of visitation, to secure it. They are means in the hands of God, of precaution, correction, reformation, obedience, and even growth in grace. They are effectual often, we know, when mercies have failed to win; when the goodness of God is all lost upon us; when the Spirit, operating through gentle means, has failed to accomplish toward us God's merciful designs. But alas! how many brave out the judgments, as well as pervert and abuse the mercies of God! They despise reproof, and wax worse and worse under the discipline of the rod, however mercifully and severely employed. They are made to feel the wrath of God on account of their sins, and yet they will not give them up. One after another, he takes away their friends by death, and still they are unyielding. He ruins their fortunes, and disappoints all their earthly hopes, and reduces them to poverty, and yet they hold out, and only murmur in sullenness and despair. He lays his hand upon their persons, and takes away their strength, and brings them down to the borders of the grave, but so far gone are they in evil, that with death hanging over them, and their fears, it may be, very much alarmed, they will not repent and give glory to God. He lifts over our cities, and over our borders, the sword of the destroying angel, and thousands fall on every side; but they will not learn righteousness; even in their distress they will not acknowledge and seek God. And then the Lord God takes |