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Darwin a member of the Plinian Society, of Edinburgh; makes
natural history excursions; his first scientific paper read
March, 27, 1827; friendship with Dr. Grant; Jameson's
lectures on zoology; Darwin enters Christ's College, Cam-
bridge, in 1828; his friendship with Prof. Henslow; his
account of Henslow; Darwin at this time specially an
entomologist; his excursions with Henslow; takes B.A.
degree in 1831, M.A. in 1837; voyage of Beagle proposed,
and Darwin appointed as naturalist; the Beagle sails on Dec.
27, 1831; Darwin's letters to Henslow published 1835;
1832, Darwin at Teneriffe, Cape de Verde Islands, St.
Paul's Rocks, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro (April); excursions
into interior and amusing adventures; his experiences and
horror of slavery; at Monte Video, July; Maldonado,,


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Darwin elected F.G.S.; Lyell's high opinion of him; secre-

tary of the Geological Society, Feb. 1838-41; reads

numerous papers before the Society; elected F.R.S., Jan.

24, 1839; marries his cousin, Miss Wedgwood, early in

1839; "Journal of Researches," published 1839, highly
praised in Quarterly Review; publication of zoology of the
Beagle (1839-43); extraordinary animals described therein;
other results of the voyage; plants described by Hooker
and Berkeley; work on "Coral Reefs " published 1842;
Darwin's new theory at once accepted; subsequent views
of Semper, Dana, and Murray; second and third parts of
Geology of Beagle ("Volcanic Islands" and "South
America"); other gcological papers; Darwin settles at
Down House, near Beckenham, 1842; appears at Oxford
meeting of British Association, 1847; contributes
chapter on Geology to Herschel's manual of Scientific
Enquiry; publishes great works on recent and fossil
cirripedia, 1851-4; receives Royal Medal of Royal
Society, 1853, and Wollaston Medal of Geological Society,

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Confusion in description of species; labours of Professors Owen
and Huxley; Darwin's ideas on the origin of species germi-
nated during the voyage of the Beagle; he collected facts,
1837-42; drew up a sketch, 1842; enlarged it in 1844;
previous speculations on the subject; views of Erasmus
Darwin, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, and Lamarck; Darwin's
opinion of Lamarck; influence of Lyell; influence of

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Darwin's physical appearance, habits, distinguished visitors;
his kindliness; attachment of friends; his family; he
reads important botanical papers before the Linnean
Society; publishes the "Fertilisation of Orchids," 1862;
analysis of the book; Darwin receives Copley Medal of
Royal Society, 1864; "Movements and Habits of Climb-
ing Plants," 1865; "Variation of Animals and Plants under
Domestication," 1868; the hypothesis of pangenesis not
favourably received.

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ARWIN revealed himself so largely in his books,


that a vivid picture of much of his life can be extracted from them. Thus it has been found possible to combine much biographical interest with sketches of his most important works. Like other biographers of Darwin, I am much indebted to Mr. Woodall's valuable memoir, contributed to the Transactions of the Shropshire Archæological Society. But original authorities have been consulted throughout, and the first editions of Darwin's. books quoted, unless the contrary is explicitly stated. I am greatly obliged to Messrs. F. Darwin and G. J. Romanes for kindly permitting me to quote from Mr. Darwin's letters to Mr. Romanes. I must also express. my thanks to my friends, Mr. Romanes and Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, for doing me the great service of looking. over the proof-sheets of this book.

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