Principles of the Law of Contracts: Based on the Original Text of Sir William R. Anson, BartCallaghan, 1929 - Всего страниц: 654 |
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Стр. 178
... executory contract of sale , or a contract to sell . Likewise , in any case where the goods are capable of a present sale , but the parties agree to pass title at a future date , the agree- ment is an executory contract and not a sale ...
... executory contract of sale , or a contract to sell . Likewise , in any case where the goods are capable of a present sale , but the parties agree to pass title at a future date , the agree- ment is an executory contract and not a sale ...
Стр. 179
... agreements , whethere executed or executory ; as appears from the next section . § 120. Seventeenth Section applies to executory contracts to sell . It was long questioned whether the Seventeenth Sec- tion applied to the executory contract ...
... agreements , whethere executed or executory ; as appears from the next section . § 120. Seventeenth Section applies to executory contracts to sell . It was long questioned whether the Seventeenth Sec- tion applied to the executory contract ...
Стр. 541
... executory contract for the manufacturing and supply of goods from time to time , to be paid for after delivery , if ... contract , he may , without manufactur- ing and tendering the rest of the goods , maintain an action against ...
... executory contract for the manufacturing and supply of goods from time to time , to be paid for after delivery , if ... contract , he may , without manufactur- ing and tendering the rest of the goods , maintain an action against ...
Curran Printing Co v St Louis Decamp v Scofield 131 | xxxiii |
371 | xliii |
PAGE | liv |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
action actually advertisement agreed agreement alleged American arise assent benefit bilateral contract binding contract bond bound breach claim common law condition consideration constitute contract under seal conveyance court held creditor Cunard S. S. Co debt debtor deed defendant defendant's definite delivered delivery doctrine duty effect enforceable estoppel executed fact forbearance grantee grantor intention judgment Lady Duff-Gordon land letter liability Lumber mails marriage Mass matter memorandum ment merely mutual National Bank notice obligation offer and acceptance offeree offeror option oral contract parol evidence rule parties payment performance person plaintiff problem promise to pay promisor proof purchaser quasi-contract question reason received regarded rendered revocation revoked rule sealed instrument Seventeenth Section sideration signed simple contract Statute of Frauds student sued suit ticket tion tract valid void Western Union withdraw words writing written