What Darwin Saw in His Voyage Round the World in the Ship BeagleWeathervane Books, 1879 - Всего страниц: 228 |
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Стр. 10
... plains , and other physical features of the coun tries visited by Mr. Darwin . IV . Finally , in the section styled " Nature " will be found some account of the grander terrestrial processes and phe nomena , with other matters which a ...
... plains , and other physical features of the coun tries visited by Mr. Darwin . IV . Finally , in the section styled " Nature " will be found some account of the grander terrestrial processes and phe nomena , with other matters which a ...
Стр. 30
... plains is quite surprising . I have been assured that an unloaded horse can travel a hundred miles a day for many days suc- cessively . At an estancia ( grazing farm ) near Las Vacas large num bers of mares are weekly slaughtered for ...
... plains is quite surprising . I have been assured that an unloaded horse can travel a hundred miles a day for many days suc- cessively . At an estancia ( grazing farm ) near Las Vacas large num bers of mares are weekly slaughtered for ...
Стр. 31
... plains of Siberia , we are led to look to the north - western side of North America as the former point of communication between the Old and the so - called New World . And as so many species , both living and extinct , of these same ...
... plains of Siberia , we are led to look to the north - western side of North America as the former point of communication between the Old and the so - called New World . And as so many species , both living and extinct , of these same ...
Стр. 41
... wild llama , is the characteristic quadru ped of the plains of Patagonia ; it is the South American representative of the camel of the East . It is an elegant PATAGONIA . animal in a state of nature , with. 41 The Guanaco.
... wild llama , is the characteristic quadru ped of the plains of Patagonia ; it is the South American representative of the camel of the East . It is an elegant PATAGONIA . animal in a state of nature , with. 41 The Guanaco.
Стр. 48
... plains which appear admirably adapted to its habits . The Uruguay has formed an insuperable obstacle to its mi ... plain which , during one half of the year , are covered with giant thistles in place of all other plants . The ...
... plains which appear admirably adapted to its habits . The Uruguay has formed an insuperable obstacle to its mi ... plain which , during one half of the year , are covered with giant thistles in place of all other plants . The ...
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
afterward animals appear Archipelago ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Australia Bahia Blanca Banda Oriental Beagle Channel birds body bolas BRAZIL Buenos Ayres Cape Captain Fitz Roy cattle CHILE Chileno Chiloe CHONOS ARCHIPELAGO cliff coast cocoa-nut color Concepcion condors Copiapó Cordillera crab crawled Darwin distance dogs earthquake eggs England FALKLAND ISLANDS fire four Fuegians GALAPAGOS ISLANDS gallop Gauchos guanaco habit head height horse hundred Indians inhabitants jaguar killed land lazo legs Lima living lizards locusts miles mountains natives nearly neck nest never night OCEAN ostriches PACIFIC Pampas Parana PATAGONIA plains Plata prey puma Quillota river rock Rosas round sail Santa Cruz scarcely seen shore side soon South America spider stones Strait of Magellan swimming Tahiti tail tain Talcahuano thousand feet Tierra del Fuego told tortoises trees URUGUAY Valdivia valley Valparaiso volcano voyage watching waves wild wings wood yards
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 82 - And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron: and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
Стр. 170 - Among the scenes which are deeply impressed on my mind, none exceed in sublimity the primeval forests undefaced by the hand of man; whether those of Brazil, where the powers of Life are predominant, or those of Tierra del Fuego, where Death and Decay prevail.
Стр. 94 - The language of these people, according to our notions, scarcely deserves to be called articulate. Captain Cook has compared it to a man clearing his throat, but certainly no European ever cleared his throat with so many hoarse, guttural, and clicking sounds.
Стр. 62 - The tortoises, when purposely moving towards any point, travel by night and day, and arrive at their journey's end much sooner than would be expected.
Стр. 54 - The nature of this lizard's food, as well as the structure of its tail and feet, and the fact of its having been seen voluntarily swimming out at sea, absolutely prove its aquatic habits; yet there is in this respect one strange anomaly, namely, that when frightened it will not enter the water.
Стр. 112 - At length they were discovered, and a party of soldiers being sent, the whole were seized with the exception of one old woman, who, sooner than again be led into slavery, dashed herself to pieces from the summit of the mountain. In a Roman matron this would have been called the noble love of freedom : in a poor negress it is mere brutal obstinacy.
Стр. 114 - Near Rio de Janeiro I lived opposite to an old lady who kept screws to crush the fingers of her female slaves. I have stayed in a house where a young household mulatto, daily and hourly, was reviled, beaten, and persecuted enough to break the spirit of the lowest animal.
Стр. 170 - When quietly walking along the shady pathways, and admiring each successive view, I wished to find language to express my ideas. Epithet after epithet was found too weak to convey to those who have not visited the intertropical regions, the sensation of delight which the mind experiences.
Стр. 101 - Low, a sealing-master intimately acquainted with the natives of this country, give a curious account of the state of a party of one hundred and fifty natives on the west coast, who were very thin and in great distress. A succession of gales prevented the women from getting shell-fish on the rocks, and they could not go out in their canoes to catch seal. A small party of these men one morning set out, and the other Indians explained to him, that they were going a four days...
Стр. 110 - Shortly after passing the first spring we came in sight of a famous tree, which the Indians reverence as the altar of Walleechu. It is situated on a high part of the plain ; and hence is a landmark visible at a great distance. As soon as a tribe of Indians come in sight of it, they offer their adorations by loud shouts. The tree itself is low, much branched, and thorny: just above the root it has a diameter of about three feet.