ESSAYS: CONTAINING A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE VIEW, ON A NEW PLAN, OF THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ASTRONOMY; THE USE OF THE CELESTIAL and TERRESTRIAL GLOBES, EXEMPLIFIED IN A GREATER VARIETY OF PROBLEMS, THAN ARE TO BE FOUND IN ANY OTHER WORK: THE DESCRIPTION AND USE OF THE MOST IMPROVED PLANETARIUM, TELLURIAN, AND LUNARIUM; AND ALSO An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. BY THE LATE GEORGE ADAMS, THE SIXTH EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED, By WILLIAM JONES, F.Am.P.S. LONDON: PRINTED FOR, AND SOLD BY, W. & S. JONES, OPTICIANS, HOLBORN. 1812. Price 12s. in Boards. W. Glendinning, Printer, 25, Hatton Garden, London, 2 PREFACE. THE connexion of astronomy with geography is so evident, and both in conjunction so necessary to a liberal education, that no man will be thought to have deserved ill of the republic of letters, who has applied his endeavours to diffuse more universally the knowledge of these useful sciences, or to render the attainment of them easier; for as no branch of literature can be fully comprehended without them, so there is none which impresses more pleasing ideas on the mind, or affords it a more rational entertainment. The fifth edition of my father's treatise on the globes being out of print, I was solicited to reprint it *. To obviate several objections to the form in which he had disposed the problems, I was induced to undertake the present work, in which they are arranged in a more methodical manner, and a great number added to them. Such facts are also * The first edition appeared in 1766, the third in 1772. A reprintal of this obsolete work was made in 1810, by the brother (D. Adams) of our late author, which he has denominated, The Thirtieth Edition!!! EDIT. |