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Observer, Dec. 1, '71

heaven. And like one who, but the other day, untied the sandals of life, and moved calmly and trustingly down the one step between earth and heaven, so she said, with a smile inexpressibly sweet,-" sing."

And they sang, "Rock of ages, cleft for me!"

At its close they heard one word -the last. It was-" Christ!" Olive Branch.


How many there are that are laborious, and live, as the great mass of the human family must live, by the mere exercise of mechanical power! And that is not a misfortune necessarily. But how many men are satisfied with that! How many are contented to work, and to think just enough to get that which they shall eat and drink, and a place wherein to sleep, and have a little low social merriment! Their whole ambition in life is filled by these few things. They care for nothing further. It is that which is a misfortune. It is a misfortune that a man should have no strong ambition to make him feel that he must have something more than the animal has mere mechanism. It is not for a man to be simply a machine. It is not for him to be content with that. It is for him to desire knowledge. It

is for him by knowledge to have a larger function. It is for him to have moral sentiment. It is for him to strike through life higher and nobler conceptions and impulses. It is for him to seek out above his work, or by his work, or beyond his work, something that the soul can enjoysomething for the imagination; something for the moral and spiritual sentiments. That is the business of every man, no matter how poor he is. That is one reason, I think, why God has given us so much to know in nature-for nature is a man's library who knows how to seek for knowledge. Nature is every man's picture gallery who knows how to hunger after and appreciate beauty. Nature is every man's portfolio, and herbarium, and garden. Nature is full of instruction to those who have a heart for knowledge.-Beecher.


In the regular evening meeting
That the Church holds every week,

One night a listening angel sat
To hear them pray and speak.

It puzzled the soul of the angel
Why some to that gathering came,

But sick and sinful hearts he saw,
With grief and guilt aflame.

They were silent, but said to the angel,

"Our lives have need of Him!"

While doubt with dull, vague, throbbing pain,

Stirred through their spirit dim.

You could see 'twas the regular meeting,
And the regular seats were filled,
And all knew who would pray and talk,
Though any one might that willed.
From his place in front, near the pulpit,
In his long-accustomed way,

When the book was read, and the hymn was sung,
The Deacon rose to pray.

First came the long preamble-
If Peter had opened so,

He had been, ere the Lord his prayer had heard,
Full fifty fathoms below.

Then a volume of information

Poured forth, as if to the Lord,
Concerning His ways and attributes,
And the things by Him abhorred.

Then he prayed for the Church and the Pastor,
And that "souls might be his hire,"-
Whatever his stipend otherwise—

And the Sunday-School, and the Choir,

And the swarming hordes of India,
And the perishing, vile, Chinese,

And the millions who bow to the Pope of Rome,
And the pagan churches of Greece;

And the outcast remnants of Judah,
Of whose guilt he had to tell—

He prayed, or he told the Lord he prayed,
For everything out of hell.

Now if all of that burden had really

Been weighing upon his soul,

"Twould have sunk him through to the China side,
And raised a hill over the hole.

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Observer, Dec. 1, '71.

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influential, and the difficulties, with which the lecturer coped, were cleared away like the mist before the sun." On the whole course, the Gazette says:-"The interest of each evening's subject was greatly enhanced by the homely and pointed illustrations used to advance the matter then in question. A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to the lecturer on each occasion, also to the gentlemen who presided. The most sanguine expectations of the promoters were exceeded, so great was the success of these lectures, and we hope good and lasting effects may be produced upon all. Mr. King also preached two excellent sermons on Sunday last in the morning in the Brunswick Chapel, and in the evening in the Congregational Church, each place of worship being attended by a large congregation, who could not but receive instruction under the clear exposition of the Scriptures by the preacher. As many of our readers will know, Mr. King is the gentleman who has combatted with several of the leading secularists of the present time, and whose strong argumentative mind has won for him a name, the very mention of which is sufficient to ensure an audience, but more especially after hearing him. The clear definitions of the different subjects he treats upon show forth an expansion of mind rarely to be met with, and should Mr. King visit Whitby on any future occasion, he will no doubt be welcomed by still larger congregations than have attended the course just delivered." The notices in the Whitby Times and in the Observer were of the same kind. It thus appears that the promoters of the lectures and the public generally were well pleased with Mr. King's visit. On the other hand, he was not less pleased with the ministers and leaders of the Whitby congregations. He considers that, in an important particular, either Whitby is in advance of most other towns, or that the denominations are making progress beyond what is expected, in willingness to sink the denomination in favour of some better, wider and more truly Christian platform. His experience is not very limited, but he has nowhere found so little of the sectarian spirit, and so mnch seeming conviction that the present boundaries must give way for a wider and more Christian platform. This opinion is not at all founded upon the fact that gentlemen of various denominations were upon the platform, (that being a common event,) but upon privately expressed yearnings for a better state of things and a seeming willingness to let

hear a similar statement of truth. The result was that a course of lectures by David King was advertized for October last, the best chapels of the town being granted for the occasion, and the evangelical parties generally uniting to secure a large hearing. The first lecture (on Friday evening) was in the Friends' Meeting House, the proceedings being introduced by the "Rev." R. A. White, B.A., of St. Michael's Church, and the meeting presided over by Martin Simpson, Esq. The house, which is of some considerable size, was crowded with most attentive hearers. Questions were permitted and presented. On the Lord's day morning Mr. King preached in Brunswick Chapel, which is a fine old building, seating some twelve hundred people, belonging to the Conference Wesleyans. The large congregation listened with marked interest to a discourse upon "The Hope of the Church of God." In the evening Mr. King preached in the West Cliff Congregational Church, which is a fine new and commodious building. A large audience indicated wrapt attention as the preacher discoursed upon the words "I will give unto thee (Peter) the keys of the kingdom of heaven." On Monday the lecture was delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Cliff Street. This "church (as it is there called) is an ancient chapel, of most awkward construction, yet holding a large number of people. The building proved too small, inasmuch as some, who found the doorway crowded, turned back. The "Rev." G. Robertson, M.A., introduced the proceedings, and R. E. Pannet, Esq., took the chair. The occasion was one of considerable interest. The lecture for Tuesday was announced for the Brunswick Wesleyan Chapel, and that for Wednesday for the Fishbourne Park Primitive Methodist Chapel; but the audiences had so increased that it was resolved to abandon the lastnamed, and to meet on both evenings in the Brunswick Chapel. Two good congregations attended, questions were presented, and the congregations of the town were considerably represented by a goodly number of ministers and leading members, for whose accommodation a large platform had been erected. On the Tuesday evening the proceedings were introduced by the "Rev." J. Abbot; the chair was taken by Mr. Clegg. On the Wednesday evening the introduction was by the "Rev" J. Warnes, the president being John Corner, Esq. The next and last lecture was in the Congregational Church. The meeting was, perhaps, the largest and most interesting. The introduction was by the Rev. W. Jackson, and Dr. Braekenbusch presided. The Whitby Gazette says:-" The last lecture was entitled 'Scripture Difficulties, Real and It will give us pleasure to find many more invented.' The congregation was large and Whitbys.

"Names and sects and parties fall."

Observer, Dec. 1, '71.

WIGAN.-When our brethren returned from Huddersfield, refreshed and invigorated by the services and full of good resolutions for future life and usefulness, and communicated the same to the Church, it was ready at once to accept and act upon a most reasonable suggestion from the Evangelist Committee, "to hold special services for the proclamation of the Gospel." Bro. Foote (one of the elders of the Church in New York), with his sister wife, having come among us for a short season, we divided into bands of six or eight each, under the guidance of Bro. Marsden, and in various parts of the town briefly announced the Gospel, and invited the crowds who gathered round to further hearing in the chapel. This method told well-lished Church) became impressed with the many hearers came who could not have been obtained by ordinary means. Crowded meetings heard the Gospel of the cross of Christ. We are happy in bearing testimony to the kindness of bro. Foote, in rendering Lord's day and week evening services to the Church, prior to his return to America. His discourses and proclamations of the Gospel were powerful to build up and edify the Church, and I am sure that the memory of this visit will long live in the hearts of the Wigan brethren. We have also had visits from Bren. Scott, Adam Strang, Evans, Hindle and Greenwell, which have been warmly appreciated, and our Bro. McDougall, since his return from Matlock, has rendered considerable help in visiting members and also strangers attending the meeting. His health not permitting him to stay longer than a few weeks, he has left for Banbury. The Lord has indeed blessed our labours-twenty have been added by baptism, and four restored to the Church since the annual meeting. Nine of those baptized are from the Sunday school, several of whom give promise of much usefulness. Winter having set in and put a stop to out-door efforts, we hope, by an increase of cottage meetings already initiated, to sustain the attendance, and, by persevering dependence upon God, we also hope realize an increase of converting power. May the Lord bless the labours of all the brethren and give all needed grace and power for service, and for the attainment and maintenance of holy living that we may prove ourselves and receive the reward of faithful stewards to the manifold grace of God. E. RANICAR.

the saving of some. Part of our number having to remove to London, we were not able to continue thus before the public, and the meetings for worship and edification were held in my house. Other removals left myself and wife alone, when we were well nigh ready to hang our harps upon the willows. After a while, sister Bates and family came from Piltdown to reside in Brighton, and, soon after, a brother and his family from the same place. We then resumed our church meetings, in the house of Bro. Bates. In 1865 the church was refreshed by visits from D. King, B. Ellis and other preaching brethren, and after a lecture by D. King, in the Town Hall Mr. P. Foskett (lay preacher in the Estab

BRIGHTON.-A brief outline of the history of the Church here may encourage small churches to pray and wait in hope. When I came to Brighton, in 1854, I found five members meeting in the house of one of them to commemorate the Lord's death. After a little, we removed to a Temperance Hall, hoping to make known the truth to

need of a return to primitive Christianity,
gave us permission to use his chapel on
Lord's day mornings for three months. But,
not being able to have it in the evenings,
we left, and engaged the Temperance Hall,
Winsor Street. There we remained, with
little or no help, till 1867, making no per-
manent increase. Then, in answer to long
waiting and praying for help, came our es-
teemed Bro. Ellis, who, having completed his
engagement as evangelist in Chelsea, for the
good of the church in Brighton, was willing
to take part in secular employment here. His
labours brought many to the Lord; so that
it was needful that he devote his whole
time to the work in Brighton. Bro. Ellis
continued his powerful preaching, and
many more gave up to the government of
King Jesus, so that in 1868, we were able
to report seventy-nine members. The
Baptists and Revivalists also immersed
many whom we had won so far to the
truth-even as many as twenty at a time.
Our number, as reported to the last annual
meeting, was eighty-five, and would have
been much larger but for death and re-
movals. But, though Bro. Ellis is now
removed to a wider field of labour, we have
great cause to thank God and take courage.
We take this opportunity of thanking the
Evangelist Committee for liberal help ren-
dered during the last two years. Bro.
Ellis has made full proof of his ministry by
organizing the church and bringing into
exercise its best materials, which are not
extensive, but love and unity prevail.
Some half-dozen occasionally give exhor-
tations, and teach, and three are ap-
pointed as preachers. Since his leaving,
the church has been cheered by four
becoming obedient to the faith. We shall
welcome his return from Chelsea, when, by
further efforts, we hope increase shall be
made to the church to the glory of God.
We shall be most happy to receive visits
from distant brethren, who will find us in
Ship Street Chapel, Union Street, near the
General Post Office.

Observer, Dec. 1, 71.

SCOTLAND.-I have just returned from a very refreshing and profitable visit amongst the churches in Scotland, where the Lord has helped me to speak plainly and lovingly on Scriptural holiness, Christian work and Christian liberality. In every church visited my heart was cheered by the way in which the plainest teaching was received, not only in the churches, but also in social meetings and from house to house. I think there is good reason to expect that hearts have been drawn nearer to the Saviour and to fuller consecration to His blessed service. I have also had good opportunities of telling the grand old story of redeeming love to the unconverted. Some fruit has been gathered into the family of Jesusblessed be His holy name! I think I am right in saying that the churches in Scotland need evangelistic help more than any churches that I know; and, with the con

treasure in heaven, make use of every
opportunity for doing good to the bodies
and souls of men, and then "your light will
so shine before men that they, seeing your
good works, will glorify our Heavenly


notice in the E. O. we are glad to report


three from sister churches, one has been baptized upon a profession of faith, and our church nursery, the Sunday school, has begun to yield fruit this evangelistic year, in the baptism of two scholars and their addition to our communion. The church is in a fair and prosperous way, and the Lord's work is steadily going on in our midst. On behalf of the sisters and in grateful response to the last "words from the work table," I beg to say that for nearly two months we have been trying patiently in the Lord's strength to solve the problem-what can women do in and for the church? by means of our Dorcas and Prayer Meeting on Thursdays, held alternately, between three and five o'clock in the afternoons and seven and nine in the evenings, for the convenience of all, young, old, married, unmarried. Short addresses and readings on social topics and home piety, &c., are given by suitable brethren during the first half of the meeting, and then the brother leaving, the devotion and work are carried on and concluded by themselves. The "Mutual Improvement Class" has also been re-organized and is doing well its weekly gatherings.

in Manchester. We have received

sent of my brethren of the committee I shall be glad to visit Scotland again in the spring and do what I can to help on the good work-in connection with Bren. Aitken, Hurt and Strang. I earnestly pray that the Lord may fill our hearts with His love and with a holy enthusiasm in His work. When I think of the numbers round us, in every direction, who are living without God and without hope, and that many of these precious souls will soon pass beyond the reach of the gospel, I feel how awfully earnest every Christian should be to win as many to Jesus as possible. If the Lord condescend to use me in this work and to stir up my brethren to increased devoted-in ness (in this heavenly service), I shall be For OLDHAM we report two baptisms glad to put off my return to Australia, at and one restored to fellowship. The least for a time, as I have a strong desire brethren there are anxious to work for to see the Lord's work prosper in my Christ and do all in their power by speaknative land. If I could have an interviewing and otherwise to forward it. Further with every brother and sister in Great additions are in prospect. Britain, I would say to each one, let us each and all strive to be more prayerful; let us often study the holy Scriptures, sitting at the feet of Jesus till our hearts burn with love to Him and to precious souls bought with His love; let us unite with evangelists and elders in the churches in bringing the unconverted under the sound of the gospel and examine ourselves to ascertain whether we cannot give more time and money in the Lord's service, and, in doing this we shall increase our own happiness and usefulness, and the blessing of God will come upon us! Some who may read this appeal may be getting into the afternoon or evening of life. May be the Lord has blessed you in business, you have gold and silver and property more than you really need for the comforts of life. Very soon you will have to leave it all behind, and as a steward give up your account to the Lord. Oh let me persuade you to lay up more

For STOCKPORT we report one young woman, daughter of Bro. Tidswell, baptized and added to the church. The brethren here are also doing well.

Ashton, Bolton and Rochdale will report by and bye. Considering all, we of the Manchester district have reason to thank God and take courage. We pray that all the churches of the brotherhood may grow in grace, knowledge and numbers, and to our Lord be all the praise. J. ADAM.

SOUTHPORT.-Since the annual meeting two persons have been immersed into the Lord Jesus and added to the church here. E. C.

WREXHAM.-The church here, in the midst of sorrow on account of the death of Bro. Bayley, an esteemed elder, is made to rejoice by the immersion of nine young persons, seven of them from Sunday schools.

LEEDS. Since the annual meeting we have had the pleasure of adding seven to

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