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Thus has it been attempted to perform the pleasing task of combining these honorable and dignified trophies of the war; of collecting, into a simple arrangement, those "brilliant displays of eloquence," of which it was said by one of the greatest of living statesmen, that "it is impossible to find anywhere else the glory of our arms so well described."

What a school of war and eloquence is here presented; what a series of political wonders; what a race of heroes!

All that could be imitated from antiquity; all that could be acquired by skill;

whatever was to be achieved by genius and courage; whatever men could attain and be less than gods; is to be seen in the pages which are here presented.

The length of the terrible war of the French Revolution has already excited, toward its first heroes, the respect paid to antiquity; and its sanguinary termination produced the apotheosis of others sufficient to immortalize the British name. How the country has gone along with these, its children, in the march of glory; how exulted in their successful ardor; how excited them in the depression of misfortune, and raised them in the hour of glory; will be here progressively seen with wonder and delight.

To speak of what more might have been exhibited, would be endless; it were to be

wished only that greater perfection had been attained. If, however, the honor of the country, and those who have increased it, shall in any degree excite new attention, or the incitements to enterprize, or the rewards of genius be diffused through new channels, by the formation of this volume, it will not have been written in vain.



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