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General Orders by the Governor-General in Council.

Fort William, April 17, 1806. The governor-general in council has been pleased to extend the contract and agency with Mr. Fairlie for victualling the European troops, and maintaining the army cattle, belonging to the establishment of this presidency, on the present terms and conditions, till the 1st of August next, with exception to the troops and cattle stationed in Bundlecund, and the westward of the jumna, which Mr. Fairlie is to continue to provide for on agency.

tracts from the general letter from the honourable the court of directors, dated 23d October, 1805, be published in general orders.

Par. 2. "We have this season (1805) resolved to appoint one hundred and fifty-five cadets for the infantry on your establishment.

3. "We have also resolved to appoint twenty-eight assistant-surgeons for your presidency."


"We shall also appoint twenty-eight cadets for our artillery and engineer corps in India, who will receive their education at the royal military academy at Woolwich; their destination for the several presidencies will depend on the existing deficiencies of each, Ordered, that the following ex- when they are reported -qualified."

Officiating Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, May 1, 1806.


Fort William, May 6, 1806. On the occasion of withdrawing the army from the duties of the field, and of placing it in cantonments, in consequence of the conclusion of the late honorable and advantageous peace, which the valor and exertions of that army have primarily produced, the governor-general in council fulfils a satisfactory obligation of his public duty, in renewing the expression of gratitude and approbation, which, in the course of the late contest with Jeswunt Rao Holkar, a series of splendid achievements have successively demanded. The governor-general in council accordingly requests, that the right honorable lord Lake will accept the most cordial thanks of this government for the eminent services which his lordship has rendered to the British nation, and to the honorable company in India, by the animated efforts of his public zeal, in distinguished military talents, personal gallantry, and invincible firmness on every occasion of dan ger or emergency, from the commencement of the late war with Jeswunt Rao Holkar until its termination in the recent honourable and advantageous peace with that chieftain. To the successful exertion of these combined qualities must, under Providence, be primarily ascribed the augmented power and reputation of the British arms, and the consolidation and security of our empire in India, which have been produced by the issue of the late contest. The governorgeneral in council also records the expression of his public gratitude to the officers and men of his majesty's and the honorable company's army, who, under the direction of their illustrious commander, and animated by his example, have participated in the dangers, the

hardships, and the glory of the late arduous and successful campaigns; for their exemplary discipline, their fortitude, and firmness, under the severest trials of fatigue and difficulty, and their activity and persevering courage in the hour of battle. To the latest period of recorded history, the glory and renown of the gallant officers and men of his majesty's army, and of the army of Bengal, and of their illustrious commander, will be inseparably connected with the memory of those signal victories and achievements, by which the rights and dignity of the British government have been vindicated, the peace of India has been restored, and the power and prosperity of this empire have been consolidated and secured..

THOS. HILL, Officiating Sec. Mil. Dept.


Fort William, May 8, 1806. The governor-general in council is pleased to direct, that the following monthly allowances be granted to all corps in which messes now are, or hereafter may be established, which are to provide for all expences attending the accommodation of these messes. each regiment of European cavalry or infantry in his majesty's or the honorable company's service, when actually marching, or in the field, sonaut rupees one hundred and fifty, and when in garrison, cantonments, seventy-five. To each regiment of native cavalry and battalion of native infantry, when actually marching, or in the field, sonaut rupees one hundred and twenty, and, when in cantonments, sixty rupees. The above allowances are to be drawn by the adjutant of the corps, for every month in which the mess shall have been conducted, upon certificate to that



effect, signed by the commanding officer. The accommodation of the mess of that part of the regiment of artillery which is at the presidency, will be provided for, as beretofore, at the public expence, and as the detachments from that corps are seldom sufficiently large to render it necessary to make any provision for the accommodation of the mess, the governor-general in council does not deem it to be necessary to authorize any monthly allowance on that account.

THOS. HILL, Officiating Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, May 15, 1806. The high state of efficiency in which the important departments committed to the charge of major John Campbell, agent for providing camels for the army, and gram for the cavalry, have been maintained during the late war, by the judicious arrangements, and uncommon personal activity, of that zealous officer, have been repeat edly noticed to the government by the right honourable the commander in chief-and the strict integrity and scrupulous attention to economy, with which the duties of these important departments have been conducted by major Campbell, are fully evinced by the re; ort of the military auditor-general on maior Campbell's public accounts. The conduct of major Campbell, in the instances above adverted to, is highly honourable and creditable to the character of that officer, and has produced extensive benefits to the public service. Under these considerations, the governor-general in council deems it to be his duty to signify, in the most public manner, his approbation of major Campbell's conduct in the management of the important departments committed to his charge, during the

late war; and as a further mark of his sense of the integrity, zeal, and ability manifested by major Campbell in the performance of the duties of these departments, the governor-general in council is pleased to direct that the increased salary which was granted to major Campbell as agent for camels and gram, by the orders of the governor-general in council, of September, 1803, during the war, shall be continued to that officer as long as he shall hold that appointment. THO. HILL,

Acting Sec. Mil. Depat.

Fort William, May 15, 1806. The honourable the court of directors, in their general letter to the governor-general in council, of the 12th July, 1805, have been pleased to confirm the general orders of the governor-general in council, of the 4th August, 1803, declaring," officers of artillery and engineers, when promoted to the rank of general officers, to be eligible conformably to the existing regulations of the honourable the court of directors, to be employed on the general staff." The honourable court have also been pleased to approve that part of the general orders, of the 4th August, 1803, which states, that "the general principle established by the public regulations of the govern--ment, of the 5th of June, 1797, which prohibit general officers from performing regimental duties, and from conducting the details of their respective corps, is applicable equally to all general officers in every branch of the service." The honourable court, in their general letter above adverted to, have also stated, that it is not their intention that colonels of the company's service shall be promoted to the rank of major-general, independently of the operation of his

majesty's general brevet promotions. In pursuance of the orders of the court of directors 242d paragraph of the general letter of the 12th July, 1805, the table allowance, now granted to colonels of regiments and of battalions, and all allowances of that nature, are to be discontinued and abolished from and after the 30th November next.

THO. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, May 15, 1806. The governor-general in council, at the particular recommendation of the right honourable the commander in chief, and in consideration of the peculiar circumstances of the case of captain lieutenant A. Mathews, of artillery, deputy commissary of ordnance at Futtyghur, who lost his leg and thigh in the battle of Delhi, is pleased to determine, that captain lieutenant Mathews shall be exempted from the operations of the orders of government, of the 14th of November last, declaring the situations of deputy commissaries of ordnance to be incompatible with the situations of regimental captains. This exception from the general rule established by the orders of the government above adverted to, is admitted by the governor-general in council, in the present instance, as a mark of attention and indulgence to a deserving officer, who has suffered severely in the execution of his duty on active service against the

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tors in the public department, dated 5th June, 1805, be published in general orders.

5th. "We have resolved to augment the establishment of chaplains for your presidency, which is, therefore, to be as follows:

6th. "At Calcutta, allowing for the present occupations of the provost and vice-provost of the college, and supposing they may be able, occasionally, to attend to the higher duties of their clerical functions,

. 3 For the garrison of Fort William,.... 1 For two out of three civil stations, recommended in the letter of the

9th January,..... 1797, above-mentioned,.


For military stations within the provinces as formerly,...

For military stations in Oude, as formerly,......

For the ceded provinces,

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Total 16

16. "We have further resolved, that the following salaries be annexed to the chaplains at the other stations, viz.

17." To the chaplain to the garrison of Fort William, and to each of the chaplains at the military stations within the provinces, current rupees 10,000 per annum.

18. "To the chaplains at the military stations in Oude, current rupees 12,000 each; the above, as you will perceive, are higher than the salaries formerly annexed to those stations."

20." On examining into the allowances, at present drawn by the chaplains, as stated in the book of military establishments on the 30th April, 1803, we observe, with much surprise, that the chaplain at the Cawnpore station receives, in addition to the allowances as such, allowances nearly to a similar amount as acting chap


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