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each year beginning 1st January, and ending 31st Decembe, will then be carried to the account of the general fund, and as soon as an account of the surplus off-reckon

sary lists of officers entitled to share in the off-reckonings of the corresponding year, shall be received from the presidencies of Fort St. George and Bombay, it shall be the duty of the military auditor-general to prepare and submit to the governor-general in council, with the least possible delay,

1st. A statement of the surplus off-reckonings of the three presidencies, forming the general fund.

2dly. A statement of the sums to be appropriated to the general officers of the three presidencies, placed on the retired list.

to share therein, according to the annexed statement, prepared by the military auditor-gencial, from the proceedings of the committee lately assembled in Fort Wisiam, for the examination of the off-reck-ings accompanied by the necesoning accounts of the year 1802-3; and that the remainder of the surplus off-reckonings of the year 1802-3, or from the 1st January to the 30th of April, 1803, shall be thrown into the general fund of the three presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, and Bombay, for the year 1803. The annual accounts of the off-reckoning fund will continue to be examined as heretofore by a committee of officers, who will be appointed for that purpose, who after having adjusted all charges of preparing, packing, and transporting the clothing, and all other incidental claims upon the fund, will be pleased to state on their proceedings, the gross amount of the surplus off-reckonings in each year, and also furnish a list of the officers entitled to share, noticing thereon particularly all casualties, but without proceeding to make any division of shares. The accounts of the off-reckonings for 1803-4, and for 1804-5, will be most conveniently adjusted, according to the period of the official year; but compensation in lieu of clothing for the last eight months of 1805, having been authorized, the off-reckoning accounts, from 1st May to 31st December, 1805, the committee will find easy of adjustment, and the accounts of the off-reckoning fund up to the 31st December, 1805, being settled, the computation of the off-reckonings from that date, will commence on the 1st of January, and end on the 31st December of each year. The surplus of the off-reckonings of

3dly. A statement of the remainder of the surplus off-reckonings divided among the colonels of the regiments of infantry and cavalry, and battalions of artillery.

The provincial commander-inchief will be pleased to order a committee to assemble in Fort William, as soon as may be convenient, for the adjustment of the off-reckonings for 1803-4 and 1904-5, and from 1st May to 31st December, 1805. The governorgeneral in council deems it to be proper to publish for general information, that a committee for the adjustment of the off-reckonings, will be ordered to assemble on the 1st December next, for the examination of the off-reckoning accounts for the year 1806; by which period it is expected that all claims against the off-reckonings for that year will be presented to the paymasters of stations, who are directed to transmit them to


the military paymaster-general, the native commissioned, nonwithout delay, in order that they commissioned officers, and semay be laid before the off-reckon- poys, &c. entitled to share in the ing committee. A committee will, prize money arising from the capin like manner, be assembled on the ture of Chinsurah in 1781, having 1st December, in each succeeding reported that the claims of all Euyear. Conformably to the orders ropeans to share in that prize moof the honorable the court of di- ney have been adjusted, with the rectors, contained in the 40th para- exception of the claims of six sergraph of their letter, dated the jeants, which have not yet been 20th April, 1803, and published in preferred, and the time fixed by general orders by the governor-ge- the orders of government above neral in council on the 12th April, adverted to for receiving claims on 1804, a proportion of the off-reck- account of natives to share in the onings, equal to two-thirds of the Chinsurah prize money, having probable amount of each share expired, the governor-general in will be paid to each colonel in In- council is pleased to direct, that dia, entitled to share in the general the proceedings of the committee, fund; the balance of their respec- ordered to assemble at Fort Wiltive shares to be received when the liam, be immediately closed, and accounts of the fund for the cor- that in conformity to the orders of responding year shall be then ad- government above adverted to, justed. An advance of 500l. will the share of natives remaining unbe made by the honorable court claimed, be forfeited. The comto each colonel in Europe annually, mittees ordered to assemble with on account of the off-reckonings. the army in the field, and at the A list of the colonels, and of the several stations of the army, in advance on account of off-reckon- consequence of the orders of goings they are respectively entitled vernment of the 16th February, to receive, shall be prepared by 1804, are hereby dissolved; and the military auditor-general, and the committee at Fort William laid before government on the 1st is directed to submit, with as little of June annually. delay as possible, a copy of its proceedings, for the consideration and orders of the governor-general in council, accompanied with an abstract statement, shewing the total amount of the prize property captured at Chinsurah, the amount which has been disbursed in discharging the claims admitted by government, and the balance remaining in the general treasury. R. PARRY, Sec. to Govt.


Sec. to Govt.

Fort William, April 2, 1807. The committee ordered to assemble at Fort William, by general orders of the 16th February, 1804, for the purpose of investigating and reporting on the claims of the European commissioned and non-commissioned officers, and of

MADRAS.-General Orders for 1806.

Fort St. George, April 25,, 1806. The right honourable the gover

nor in council has been pleased to resolve, that from the 1st of the

ensuing month, the pay-masters of his majesty's regiments shall be permitted to draw an allowance of 201. per annum for stationary. His lordship in council is pleased to direct that in lieu of the salaries,at present allowed to the officers, appointed to pay family certificates at the presidency and Vellore, the former amounting to seventy-five pagodas, and the latter to thirty-five pagodas per month, they be permitted to draw a monthly salary of fifty-five pagodas each. This modification to take place from the 1st of the ensuing month.

April 29, 1806.

With a view to prevent confusion in the adjustment of accounts, the right honourable the governor in council is pleased to direct, that all advances of money on other payments to the gentlemen in the military or medical departments, arriving from England at this presidency, shall be issued through the following channels. To assistant surgeons on the establishment at Fort St, George, through the secretary of the medical board. To cadets on the establishment of Fort St. George, through the officer commanding the cadet company, or the officer appointed to take charge of them at the presidency. To assistant surgeons, and cadets belonging to other presidencies, through the town major of Fort St. George.

Fort St George, May 6, 1806. The right honourable the governor in council having considered with attention the situation of certain descriptions of staff officers on the establishment of the army under the presidency, who, from the offices which they fill, are not liable to take the field, consequently should not be considered as amenable to muster the camp

equipage of their respective ranks, nor entitled to draw regimental tent allowance. Of this description of officers, the right honourable the governor in council considers the military staff attached to himself, (not inclusive of the commandant of the body guard) all military residents at native courts, the military auditor-general, his deputy and assistants; the secretary, deputy secretary, and assistant to the secretary of the military board, the deputy paymaster-general to his majesty's troops; the members of the medical board and their secretary; the commissary of stores at the arsenal of Fort St. George; all fixed commissaries and deputy commissaries of stores, and subordinate stations; all town majors, fort and town adjutants; the agent for furnishing military stores at the presidency; the paymaster of stipends and his assistant at Vellore; the medical storekeeper at the presidency; assistant surgeon at the dispensary; surgeons of the male asylum, lunatic and native hospitals; Black Town jails and St. Thome; all fixed garrison surgeons; in short, no description of officers in public fixed situations are to be considered as entitled to tent allowance. This indulgence having been extended to the army with the exclusive view of facilitating its movements, which in the in-stances before stated does not apply; all officers, therefore, of the descriptions to which the letter and spirit of this order applies, will only, from the 1st June next, draw the house and office rent already allowed to them under the authority from government; and such officers as are not in receipt of house rent will, for the above period, draw it conformably to the regulations

regulations established under this head at the presidency, and at subordinate stations when not provided with quarters at the public expense. This order in no shape affects the staff of the commanderin-chief, nor the offices of the adjutant quarter-master-general of the army, or subordinate officers in those departments, or other public officers who may be considered liable to take the field with the army, or to move about from one station to another on duty, as in the instances of barrack masters and judge advocates, &c.

The right honourable the governor in council, having resolved that all officers, in certain fixed staff situations, who are not liable to take the field, shall draw house rent in lieu of tent allowance, from the first of the ensuing month; and his lordship in council having given due consideration to the rates of house and office rent, formerly allowed at subordinate stations, viz. pagodas five per month, indiscriminately to all ranks, (a sum by no means sufficient to enable officers of rank to procure suitable accommodation) has been pleased further to resolve, that field officers, in situations above described, shall draw, as house rent, pagodas fifteen, office rent, pagodas five per month; captains in such situations to be permitted to draw pagodas ten as house rent, and pagodas five per month for an office; subalterns, in such situations, pagodas ten per month, for house and office rent.

The rates of house rent at the presidency and its dependencies to continue as usual, viz. field officers, pagodas twenty; captains, pagodas fifteen; and subalterns, pagodas eight per month. Office

rent to be fixed by the right honourable the governor in council, on application from the parties, according to the nature and extent of duty, which the officer applying may have to discharge. These allowances are only to be drawn by staff officers, who are not provided with quarters or office at the pubic expense, and the abstracts or bills in which they are included, are always to be supported by a certificate from the barrack master, in the following words:" I do hereby certify, that the officer, drawing house (or office) rent as above, is not provided with a public quarter, and that there are none to be had for his accommodation, (or that of his office) at this station." In the absence of the barrack-master, the certificate is to be signed by the public staff officer of the station, or where there is no officer of this description, by the commanding officer on the spot.

By order of the right honourable the governor in council.

(Signed) G. STRACHEY,

Sec. to Govt.

May 31, 1806.---The present allowance of six fanams per day to each man, commanders of ships, on which European troops may be sent from one port to another, being found totally inadequate to the expense of victualling them, the right honourable the governor in council has been pleased to resolve, that an allowance of ten fanams per day, on account of each European, shall be paid by government to the commander of any ship in which troops may be ordered to proceed from any port dependent on the presidency of Fort St. George, provided the troops shall be victualled at the expense of the commander,

commander, or owner, of the said ship.

(Signed) P. AGNEW, Adjutant-gen. to the army.

Fort St. George, May 27, 1806. The right honourable the governor in council has great satisfaction in publishing the following extract of a letter addressed to this government, by the honourable the governor-general in council, and in stating the cordial concurrence of his lordship in council in the sentiments expressed by the governorgeneral in council, in regard to the meritorious conduct of the officers and troops of this establishment, who were employed in the field during the operations against Jeswunt Rao Holkar.

"On the occasion of withdrawing the armies of the establishments of the several presidencies from the duties of the field, and placing thein in the cantonments, in consequence of the conclusion of the late honourable and advantageous peace with Jeswunt Rao Holkar, we discharge a satisfactory obligation of our public duty in conveying to your lordship in council the expression of the high sense we entertain of the distinguished conduct of the officers and men of that portion of his majesty's and the honourable company's forces, attached to the presidency of Fort St. George, which has been employed on active service during the last contest. Under every trial of fatigue and difficulty incident to a protracted term of a military service in countries recently exposed to the injuries of famine; and the ravages of war, the officers and troops of his majesty's and the honourable company's service, employed under the presidency of Fort St. George, have manifested

an exemplary degree of fortitude, activity, and military discipline; and in the execution of the military operations which required their services, their conduct has been distinguished by every quality of perseverance, gallantry, and skill, which can tend to elevate the reputation and establish the ascendency of the British arms. We request that your lordship in council will be pleased to direct the communication of these sentiments to the officers and men of his majesty's and the honourable company's forces of the presidency of Fort St. George, engaged in the duties of the field, during the late contest with Jeswunt Rao Holkar."

honourable the governor in counJune 17th, 1806.-The right cil is pleased to publish in general orders the following regulations, which have been established for the guidance of the chaplains, serving under the orders of this presidency. Regulations for the chaplains serving under the presidency of Fort St. George.

1. Every chaplain shall read divine service every Sunday morning to the Europeans, civil and military, residing in the garrison to which he is appointed, when the whole of the morning prayer is to be read, and a sermon to be preached.

2. The chaplain is to apply to the commanding officer, or the chief civilian in authority, to allot any convenient room, which can be spared, for the purpose of divine worship, should no regular church be established at the station or garrison to which a chaplain is appointed; and if no such building, or room, can be spared, he is to apply to the commanding officer, requesting

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