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be understood to apply to all elephants, and draft and carriage bullocks, which may be employed in time of peace only, in any of the territories immediately subject to the Bengal presidency, as well as in any of those of the allies of the honourable company.

Individuals who may, however, be desirous of offering terms for feeding and supplying elephants, and draft and carriage bullocks, and for victualling European troops in the Bengal, and ceded provinces, are at liberty to offer separate rates for victualling troops, and maintaining elephants and cattle to the westward of the Jumna.


The proposals for victualling the European troops are to specify the rates at which the contractor will engage to victual those troops, on half, and on full batta, respectively, in the manner, and on the conditions hereunto annexed.


1. The contractor shall engage to supply the European troops now employed, or which may hereafter be employed, under this presidency, during the existence of his contract, with the following provisions and necessaries, viz. one pound, full weight, of good beef, or mutton, exclusive of bone, to every European soldier, employed in the field, for each day's provision; the ordinary allotment shall be one bullock to forty men, when beef is served, and one sheep to eight men, when mutton is served; also one pound of bread, or one seer of rice; he must likewise engage to supply to every European soldier two drams of good rum, of the quantity of forty drams to the gallon, also one chattack of salt, and two seers of firewood, when on full batta; and two earthen pots every

morning, when on a march, to every mess of five men, and one arrack, or rum, pot to every company; but on such allowance of pots, whatever is to be made when the troops are in quarters, excepting to the recruits on their first landing.

2. The contractor must further engage to supply every European soldier in cantonments, or garrison, and not upon duty in the field, alternately, on one day, the quantity of provisions, salt, and firewood, without the quantity of liquors before-mentioned; and, on the ensuing day, the liquor without the provisions, salt, and firewood, and so on alternately; the liquor and provisions, salt, and firewood, on every other day, during the time the troops shall continue in cantonments, or garrison; including the troops in garrison at Fort William, which shall be supplied during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September, on such alternate days as they shall be entitled to receive meat provisions, &c. with mutton meat; and, during the remaining six months of the year, good mutton and beef provisions shall be allowed to them alternately, that is to say, one day mutton, and the ensuing third day beef, and so on, alternately, for each and every day of such last-mentioned six months, on which they shall be entitled to receive meat provisions. The provisions, so supplied, are to be of good, and wholesome quality, and such as shall be approved of by officers and surgeons of the said troops.

3. The contractor must further engage, that if, at any time during the existence of his contract, the several species of provisions, or any of them, cannot be procured,


he will pay, or cause to be paid, to each of the soldiers, in lieu and stead thereof, the following several sums of money, that is to say, in case no beef or mutton is to be had, sonaut rupees 6 10 8 being two-thirds of the full batta, or monthly allowance, and sonaut rupees 3 5 4 being one-third of the batta, or monthly allowance; and the same in proportion to the soldiers on half batta, in case of the failure of rum, and for the purposes of fulfilling the articles of agreement before-mentioned on his part, he shall be bound to keep a sufficient deputy, either a native or a licensed European, with every detachment of the troops with which there may be a pay of Europeans, consisting of seven men or upwards, to complywiththe demands of the commanding officer, of such detachment, according to the stipulations of the contract. No privilege shall be considered as annexed to this agreement, of vending, or distributing rum, arrack, or any spirituous liquors, except as above provided for. It is to be understood, that the charges of the contractor are to be restricted (according to the rates of his contract) to the number of men who shall appear, by the vouchers prescribed by the fifth article of this advertisement, to have been victualled by him, and the contractor shall not be entitled, as directed by minutes of council, dated the 5th of December, 1788. to draw the batta of any non-commissioned officer or private, and consequently he will not be expected to pay the batta either of men in the hospital or otherwise.

4. Should any provisions, furnished by the contractor for the European troops, be judged by the officers of inspection, such as ought

not to be served to the troops; in such case the commanding officer of the station shall be authorized to direct such part, or parts thereof, to be destroyed; and for such part or parts thereof, the contractor shall not only not be entitled to any indemnification; but he shall further be bound to pay to each soldier, for whom good and wholesome provisions shall not have been furnished, according to the monthly rate of sonaut rupees 6 108, being two-thirds of full batta, and in case of any faiJure in rum he shall pay to each man one-third of full batta, at the rate of sonaut rupees 3 5 4 per month.

5. The vouchers for victualling are to specify the number of men victualled, and the number of days certified according to the form now in use, and signed by the quartermasters, or, in their absence, by the adjutants of European battalions, and by the commandants, or, in their absence, by the adjutants of native battalions; for the serjeants of these corps or detachments, by the commanding officer of the detachment, and for the supernumeraries in Fort William, by the fortmajor and if any retrenchment shall be made on account of incorrect returns, the officer, who shall have signed such return, will be answerable to the contractor for the amount so retrenched..

6. The contractor will receive payment for the victualling charges in one monthly bill at the presidency, as is provided in respect to the contract for elephants and bullocks; and the same accommodation will be allowed for the victualling, as for the elephant and bullock contract, of bills of exchange for such part of the amount as he may require at the out stations.

7. That, with a view of having the best liquor served out to the soldiers,


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the contractor shall be bound to buy from the company, at the rate of twelve annas a gallon, all the spirits which, under his engagements, shall hereafter be served out to the troops; government will take care that such rum shall not be less than three years old, and the contractor shall be bound under a penalty of sonaut rupees 10,000 to serve out the rum so received of the company, and no other. The spirits shall be kept in store rooms, of which the commanding officer of the station shall direct a staff officer to keep one key, and the other key shall be kept by the contractor, or his agents.

8. The contractor shall engage, when called upon, to store and keep for the use of the troops stationed there, or elsewhere, such quantities of rice, salt, and ghee, in the garrisons of Fort William and Allahabad, or either of them, as may be required by government, within ten days after requisition for Fort William, and within three months after requisition for Allahabad, and, on the terms hereafter mentioned, the quantities of provisions to be kept in each of the garrisons of Fort William and Allahabad, are computed at



Rice.......... ................... 16,87500 Salt..................................................... 1,406 10 0 527 13 12 But this quantity of any, or all, of the above-named articles, may be either diminished, or augmented, at the pleasure of government, always allowing ten days for laying in the above, or a less quantity, of rice, salt, and ghee, in Fort William, and three months in AlJahabad, and in proportion for a greater quantity.

9. The contractor shall be allowed, in each of the above garrisons, godowns, or a walled space for the lodgment of the provisions,

which he shall protect from the weather, and insects, in any way he pleases, provided he does not make use of thatch. He shall sell, or serve out, to the troops, according to the provisions made in this contract (and replace the rice, salt, and ghee, as often as he pleases, provided the quantity, in the garrison is always kept up, and always at Fort William) when called upon by the military board, with the sanction of government; and at Allahabad, when called upon by the commanding officer of that garrison, in consequence of reports to be made to him by such officer, or committee of officers, as he may appoint for the special purpose of examining the provisions kept in the garrison under his command.

10. The proposals are to specify the conditions on which the provisions will be supplied, in the following manner :

The rice is esti

Rs. As.

mated at ...... 1 4 per maund. The salt............ 6 O per ditto. The ghee.......... 16 O per ditto. On the cost of these articles thus estimated, a per centage will be allowed, which is to cover all risks, and the contractor is to specify what per centage he requires on the quantity of articles so to be supplied, and kept in store, estimated at the above rates; an advance of cash will be made by government equal to the cost of the articles, which may be ordered to be stored, calculated at the above


11. The victualling contract is to be limited to a time of peace in the same manner as the elephant and bullock contract, and is to apply not only as at present to Europeans, ordered on the river in boats, to and from the several


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The proposals for both, or either, of the contracts, are to contain the names of two good and sufficient securities, who will certify, under their hands, that they agree to become securities, to be bound jointly, and separately, for the due performance and execution of the contractor's engagements, in a penalty, to the following amount:

If the contract be for the two services, one lack and sixteen thousand sicca rupees.

If separately, the contract for elephants and bullocks will be subject to a penalty of fifty thousand sicca rupees.

And that for victualling, to a penalty of fifty-six thousand sicca rupees.

The contractor is to defray the expence of postage on all his let


The terms of the victualling contract must, like those of the elephant and bullock contract, be understood to extend to all European troops, that may be serving in time of peace only, in any of the territories immediately subject to the Bengal presidency, or in any of those of the allies of the honourable company.

Separate proposals may, however, be tendered for victualling troops to the westward of the

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Fort William, Public Department,
May 28, 1806.

that the sum expected to be appliThe public are hereby informed, cable to the redemption of the public debt by the commissioners of June, is sicca rupees 3,00,000. of the Sinking Fund in the month Of this sum sicca rupees 52,000 will be applied to the discharge of the bonds and notes of the general register of 1792-3, from No. 4,707 to No. 4,721, both inclusive, on Monday the 23d of June, on which date the interest thereon will cease. The remainder will be applied by of the bonds and notes of this gothe commissioners in the purchase vernment, on tenders being made to them in the usual manner. Pub

lished by order of the honorable the governor-general in council,

Acting chief-sec. to the govt.

Fort-William, Accountant-general office,
May 28, 1806.

Notice is hereby given, that the treasury passes or notes of this government, which may be outstanding from No. 1501 to No. 1567 inclusive, (the original pass for the last mentioned number bearing date the 12th February last) will be discharged on application at the general treasury, on Thursday the 5th of June, on which day the interest thereon will cease.


Fort William, Public Department,
May 28, 1806.
The public are hereby informed.


that the sum expected to be applicable to the redemption of the public debt by the commissioners of the sinking fund in the month of June, is sicca rupees 3,00,000. Of this sum sicca rupees 52,000 will be applied to the discharge of the bonds and notes of the general register of 1792-3, from No. 4,707 to No. 4,721 both inclusive, on Monday the 23d of June, on which date the interest thereon will cease. The remainder will be applied by the commissioners in the purchase of the bonds and notes of this government, on tenders being made to them in the usual manner. Published by order of the honorable the governor-general in council.


Acting chief-sec, to the govt.


Fort William, Accountant-general office, June 4, 1806.

Notice is hereby given, that the treasury passes or notes of this government, which may be outstanding from No. 1568 to No. 1664 inclusive, (the original pass for the last mentioned number bearing date the 14th February last) will be discharged on application at the general treasury, on Thursday the 12th instant, on which day the interest thereon will cease.


Fort William, Public-department,
June 11, 1806.

Notice is hereby given that no further subscriptions to the loan opened on the 5th March last, will be received after Monday the 7th July, at any of the public treasuries. The collectors and other public officers in charge of treasuries are accordingly prohibited from receiving subscription after that date, when their registers are to be closed and transmitted to the accountant-gene

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