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Few things are treasured more than our best thoughts. Time only makes them more welcome to the mind and more precious to the heart. To no one is this fact so manifest as to the one who throws his soul into a subject and after devoting days and nights to its development sends his labor forth to the world in the form of a book.

Manhood's Morning was first issued seven years ago and although lacking in typographical features it rapidly gained widespread attention. About twelve thousand copies have been published, and from every source have come hearty words of approval.

In transferring the copyright to the Vir Publishing Company the author recognizes that the book is entering upon a new career where it will secure a more extensive patronage and fill a more extended mission of useful



The Vir Publishing Company herewith announce that they have secured the copyright of Manhood's Morning, by Dr. Conwell, and will in the future issue the volume in its present form. The book has been revised by the author and such changes made as new conditions require. The book in its general features, admirably blends with those already issued and will be added to our regular Series of Publications.

Dr. Joseph Alfred Conwell, the author of Manhood's Morning, was born in Delaware, forty-seven years ago, and graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1880. In 1881 he settled in Vineland, New Jersey, where he has taken a prominent part in the church, Young Men's Christian Association and other work of public interest. Dr. Conwell is at present the Mayor of the city of Vineland, he leading the reform forces on a non-partisan ticket. Manhood's Morning is a model book

for young men and, as such, is acknowledged

to be one of the best so far issued.


The volume is not a medical work. It can be read by young women as well as by young men, and can occupy a place on the centre-table. covers a wide range of subjects and is comprehensive in its scope. As a gift book to a young man between the age of fourteen and twenty-eight years it has no rival.


Modern civilization has been richly blessed in many ways, but its chief glory has always been the strength, patriotism and character of its young manhood.

No class of individuals occupy such vantage-ground in a nation as its young men. They must, of necessity, be an essential factor in all that counts for greatness and progress.

It might be claimed that, to a certain extent, the book herein presented champions the cause of young men. No apology is deemed necessary for this feature inasmuch as the author is himself no longer young. I believe that young men are men in the highest, fullest and best sense, and that they should be so considered. No personal or selfish interests have entered into the thoughts incorporated.

There are two mistakes easily, and too often, made in writing for the young. One is to deal only with great men-famous statesmen, generals, orators, heroes, scholars and financiers-and the gigantic and wonderful in history. The other is to scribble insipid yarns and twaddle. Both are apt to do harm. Those who read either are apt to miss their

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