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motives alone urge this reform, but common sense and common morality. For shell-shock has brought us no new symptoms. Its sole ground of difference from other disordered states of mind lies in its unusually intense and wide-spreading causes. The problems of shell-shock are the everyday problems of "nervous breakdown.” They existed before the War, and they will not disappear miraculously with the coming of peace. The War has forced upon this country a rational and humane method of caring for and treating mental disorder among its soldiers. Are these signs of progress merely temporary? Are such successful measures to be limited to the duration of the War, and to be restricted to the Army? Germany has applied them for years to the alleviation of suffering among her civilian population with a success which has made her famous— outside England. Can we be content to treat our sufferers with less sympathy, insight, and common sense than Germany? It is at this time, while our country is anxiously considering how best to learn the lessons of the War, that we wish to call attention to one of these lessons which is in danger of being overlooked." After a careful study of the nature of "shell-shock" there follows a chapter on "Treatment" full of sensible and serviceable suggestions. Chapter III is devoted to an exposition of Psychological Analysis and Re-education in Cases of Psychoneurosis. The concluding chapters point the lessons which war experiences are enforcing and elaborate the reasons why we should hasten 10 revise our attitude to and expand our service for the needs of the mentally affected. The authors are insistent on the importance of establishing psychiatric clinics, the chief functions of which would be (1) To provide attendance of experts on the mentally sick. (2) To secure opportunities for personal intercourse between patients and psychiatrists in training. (3) To serve in the theoretical and practical instruction of students. (4) To advise general practitioners and others who are faced with difficult problems arising in their daily work. (5) To serve as a connecting link between investigations in the large asylums and researches in the anatomical, pathological,

bacteriological, biochemical, psychological and other laboratories of the Universities. (6) To encourage the scientific investigation of the mental and bodily factors concerned in mental disease. (7) To further international exchange of scientific knowledge concerning mental disorder, by providing a welcome for visitors from other countries. (8) To provide for the dissemination of medical views on certain important social questions and the correction of existing prejudices concerning insanity. (9) To provide where necessary for the aftercare of discharged mental patients. We have sought to direct special attention to this pioneer publication, for it is one to which medical advisers and all workers for human betterment should give serious consideration. We are of opinion that the study of these pages by school medical officers and child welfare workers will encourage them to devote greater attention to the beginnings of mental derangement in childhood and adolescence. If a sound prophylaxis is to be secured it is clear that diagnostic and therapeutic measures must commence early in life. Much of the psychoneurosis which now prevails undoubtedly had its foundations prepared in morbid conditions which were allowed to exercise prejudicial influence during the developmental period of plastic childhood and impressionable youth.

"Woman's Great Adventure." By Arabella Kenealy. Pp. vii + 322. London : Hurst and Blackett, Ltd., Paternoster House, 34, Paternoster Row, E.C. 2. 1917. Price 6s.

"The most beautiful witness to the evolution of man is the mind of a little child. . . . It was ages before Darwin or Lámarck or Lucretius, that Maternity, bending over the hollowed cradle in the forest for the first smile of recognition from her babe, expressed the earliest trust in the doctrine of development. Every mother since then is an unconscious evolutionist, and every little child a living witness to Ascent.' These summarizing words of the late Professor Henry Drummond stand on the title-page of Miss Arabella Kenealy's latest novel, serving most fittingly as text for a remarkable exposition in fiction form regarding woman's greatest adventure

motherhood. Miss Kenealy has written many striking works of fiction, and in this, her latest work, there is originality in design, boldness in execution, and considerable artistic and literary power. The novel is a psychological study of much interest, and throughout there is evidenced a spirit of altruism and a worthy eugenic purpose. The main interest centres in the charming personality of a nurse who strangely enters into her, adventure of Blessed Circumstance. The psychology of a modern, scientifically trained, pregnant and eugenically directed woman is skilfully revealed, and the author indicates in forcible language the condemnation which is meet for women who are willing to forgo and eager to relinquish the noblest of dignities and the most blessed of responsibilities. We do not pretend to endorse all Miss Kenealy's physiology and psychology, but with the main claims for eugenic principles and practice we are thoroughly in sympathy. The novel is full of life and interest, and is not without its atmosphere of war. The descriptions of infant ways and the doings of winsome childhood are particularly delightful. All who desire a good story with at the same time valuable suggestions regarding maternity and child welfare should read Miss Kenealy's strange and stirring story.

A Text-Book of War Nursing." By Violetta Thurstan. Pp. 227. London and New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1917. Price 2s. 6d. net.

This is a book for the needs of to-day. It should be studied by all classes of nurses engaged in war work either at home or abroad. It will be found of much practical service by those who are engaged in the instruction of nurses and V.A.D. workers or conducting classes in first-aid and nursing. The book will be appreciated by all interested in the scientific practice of military nursing. The manual opens with an account of nursing on active service, then indicates the duties of a probationer, and describes the work of a sister in a military hospital. There are also chapters on nursing in special cases. The book is crisp, direct, interesting, instructive, and up-to

date. A copy should be available for the nursing staff in every British and American hospital where sick and wounded combatants are being cared for.


'Walter Greenway, Spy and Hero: His Life Story." By Robert Holmes. Second impression. Pp. x1 x 295. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. 1917. Price 5s. net.

Among the wonders of war stories the strange tale of Walter Greenway is one of the most wonderful. Mr. Robert Holmes, with much patience and persistence, has unravelled the fascinating records. The story has been told in parts in "My Police Court Friends with the Colours" and in Blackwood's Magazine, but in this volume the whole fascinating history is set forth with rare charm. This account of thrilling adventures, suffering and sacrifice heroically borne, and noble service rendered, by one who was a Rugby schoolboy, a ten-times convicted “criminal," a Bedouin-like deafmute, a sojourner in Arabia and Mesopotania, and a self-dedicated spy in the interests of his well-beloved Britain. This is a story which will prove irresistible to youthful minds, and it is full of lessons for all who have to deal with boys as well as those who seek to offer assistance to their fellows. Mr. Robert Holmes has rendered a truly patriotic service by thus placing on record the life of a misunderstood and misguided man, who at the last himself found a way to rank with heroes.

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Circular Letters" sent to friends at home. These "Budgets" were well worth the gathering into book form, for they provide graphic pictures of the sorrows and sacrifices heroically borne by our men, and indicate also something of the effective way in which science, human sympathy, and the powers of religion can lighten the load and bring support to the stricken. This is a book which should be read and talked over in every home. It is full of noble lessons, and will serve as fuel to the sacrificial flames of a truly religious patriotism.

"Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales, Set forth in Simple Words for Young Children.” By William Woodburn. Illustrated by Gordon Robinson. Pp. vii + 513. London and Edinburgh: W. and R. Chambers, Ltd., 1917. Price 7s. 6d. net,

The immortal stories of Hans Andersen should be among the best-prized possessions of the mind's treasure house. Every child should be given the privilege of early entering into the delights of these masterpieces of the imagination. Mr. Woodburn has accomplished a difficult task with sound judgment and real literary skill. He has presented thirty-three of the best known of the stories in such easy words as that every boy and girl of from 7 to 8 should be able to read and thoroughly enjoy them. This is an ideal gift-book for little people. It is a large handsome volume with large bold type suitable for young eyes. It should also be added that Mr. Robinson's clever illustrations, many in colour, add greatly to the charm of this fascinating volume.

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health, presented in non-technical language and in a form which will be easily understood by busy men and women. Each volume of the series is written by a well-known medical expert, Dr. Murray Leslie, as Chairman of the Women's Imperial Health Association and a medical adviser of much experience, contributes the volume on "Women's Health." It is a helpful dissertation, simply expressed, on the fundamental, physiological, and hygienic facts and principles which every woman should be able to appreciate. All is excellent and reliable, but the concluding chapter, on “The Woman Worker," is particularly timely. Dr. Arthur Saunders's manual of the infant is one which should have a wide circulation among potential and actual mothers. In few words it provides reliable guidance regarding the care of the baby in all stages of its development. Very rightly special attention is devoted to the subject of so-called artificial feeding. The chapter on " Premature Babies" seems rather out of place in such a little volume as this, for skilled medical advice and nursing where possible is always necessary for infants who arrive before pre-natal development is complete. There are many helpful suggestions in the chapter on "Education and Training," but the chapter on "Ailments and Accidents" is too brief to be of any real service and might well have been omitted. There are fifteen illustrations. It is difficult to understand why the figure of a Thermos bottle should be included, as everyone knows what a "Thermos" is, and should further understand that it is just the convenient appliance which should never be employed for keeping milk hot for a baby. Each little volume is effectively got up and bound in red cloth.

"Twenty-two Goblins." Translated from the Sanskrit by Arthur W. Rdyer. Pp. viii+220, with 20 illustrations in colour by Perham W. Nahl. London : J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd. 1917. Price 7s. 6d. net.

This handsome book will make a delightful New Year gift-book for youth. This wonderful collection of a score and two oriental stories will also prove of interest to many grown-ups. These remark

able Sanskrit excursions into the realm of the occult and mystic make most attractive reading for the imaginative. The English version has been skilfully prepared, and the Eastern form and atmosphere is well preserved. The book is something more than a mere story-book; it is a gathering of ancient fairy-tales and goblin stories which will be appreciated by students of mystical literature. The illustrations in colour are numerous and particularly suited to the incidents they illustrate. The whole work has been produced with much skill and is charmingly got up.

"The Eurhythmics of Jaques-Dalcroze." Second and revised edition. Pp. 64, with portrait, frontispiece, and full-page illustrations. London: Constable and Company, Ltd., 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W.C. 2. 1917. Price 2s. net.


This exposition for British readers of M. Jaques-Dalcroze's system of eurhythmics has been prepared in the main by the enterprise of friends and supporters of the English School of Dalcroze Eurhythmics, at 23 Store Street, W.C. The first edition appeared in 1912. Mr. John W. Harvey provides an introductory note, and Professor M. E. Sadler supplies a particularly sympathetic and suggestive introduction proper. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Ingham have furnished an excellent translation of Dalcroze's "Essays on Rhythm as a Factor in Education," "Moving Plastic and Dance," &c. Ingham also provides an explanatory paper on the "Dalcroze Method," which Mrs. Ingham describes her experiences as a pupil with M. Dalcroze. Finally, Mr. M. T. H. Sadler closes with a thoughtful estimation of the value of eurhythmics to art. For those who are anxious to understand the claims, aims, methods and underlying principles of this new educational system, this artistically prepared and attractively written collection of essays will be much appreciated. The excellent portrait of M. Dalcroze and the charming illustrations of the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze at Geneva and students at work add much to the interest and value of a book which all educationists should study.

"Adolescence." By Stephen Paget. Pp. 59. London: Constable and Company, Ltd., 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W.C. 2. 1917. Price 7d. net.


This brochure contains the record of a lecture given in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, in August, 1917, in connection with the Oxford University Extension Course. The main interest of the discourse centres in the lecturer's views on so-called "Sex Education." Mr. Paget in his introductory note simply but effectively expresses sound guidance: The great thing is that the parent, or it may be the teacher, should be able to tell the child, Do come to me, right away, whenever you are puzzled or shocked at anything that you read, or hear, or notice; and I will tell you, as well as I can, all that you need to know about it.' And the greatest thing of all is careful self-preparation. To answer a child with evasive or lying nonsense is to offend the child; and we have it on good authority that we deserve for that offence the millstone round our necks, and the depth of the sea." Mr. Stephen Paget is always delightful in the simplicity of his expression of the fundamentals of true wisdom, and in this most helpful little volume he throws light on many dark corners which perplex parents and puzzle children. Here are words of truth and practical suggestiveness: "So many of us hang about the child's mind, in a timid sort of way, hesitating to go in. We look up at the windows, we peep through the letter-box, we try the back door, we ring the bell very gently-the left-hand bell, which is marked Servants'; we dare not ring the visitors' bell, nor ply the knocker. And the child, all the while, is expecting us. We wait for opportunities. It is probable with some children, that we ought to make them, not wait for them. I do not altogether like the word 'initiate'; yet I have in my imagination some special day set and appointed for a grave little home ceremony; the whole thing well thought out, the exhortation written down beforehand, every word of it. The occasion of telling boys and girls the truth about their bodily nature would thus be made solemn and memorable as an act of their lives." teachers will appreciate Mr. views as to ways and means:

Parents and Paget's own

If it were


my duty to inform a boy between 12 and 14 years of age-and it certainly is not the business of any man to speak to girls about their bodily nature-I would not begin with botany. I would begin with mankind. I would tell him that all of us come out of the bodies of our mothers, and in that way come all creatures. would argue from us to animals, not from animals to us. Then I would say something about the anatomical differences between male and female children; and I would tell him that this difference runs through all creation, all the distance from us down to plants and flowers. And I would say to him, 'All creatures are formed in this way, in the bodies of their mothers, before they are born; but they cannot begin to be formed till the male and the female have actually come together; and that is all that you need to know.' If it were my duty to talk to a young man 18 or 19 years old, I would talk to him as to any other man, freely and explicity; I would also warn him of the disastrous bodily results which may follow even one act of wrong-doing, and how these results might be visited, years hence, on his children. And, of course, whatever the age, I would not only picture, I would also preach. If I am to help a boy to keep straight,' I must appeal from that which is natural in him to that which is spiritual in him." We wish it were possible to get all doctors to think and speak as does the gifted son of the great Sir James Paget; then we might safely place physicians and surgeons to fulfil the functions of the preacher in all the pulpits of our land, and then we should be nearer to the realization of a pure adolescence, worthy maturity, a reliable parenthood, and a healthy and happy childhood. Every parent and teacher should possess and ponder Mr. Paget's helpful little volume.

The Round Table. A Quarterly Review of the Politics of the British Empire. Published by Macmillan and Co., Ltd., St. Martin Street, W. C., and at 175, Piccadilly, W. 1. Annual subscription 10s. Single numbers 2s. 6d.


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Teachers will find its articles of the greatest value. The contributions can be taken at their face value as they appear anonymously. They are free from bias and prejudice, afford a constructive view of existing situations, and are written with real vision and much literary charm. The articles in the current issue deal with the Gathering of the Nations, the Genesis of the Present Situation in India, America's Part in the War, Freedom and Unity, Turkey, Russia, and Islam, and there are, other contributions dealing with problems in the various parts of the great British Commonwealth.

Child Study. The Journal of the Child Study Association. Edited by T. G. Tibbey, M.A., 36, Drakefell Road, New Cross, S. E. 14. Published quarterly by Edward Arnold, 41 and 43, Maddox Street, Bond Street, London, W. 1. Price 6d. net each number. Annual subscription 2s.

The last issue of this valuable journal, much curtailed in size, is almost entirely taken up with a highly suggestive paper on "The Unstable Child," by Mr. Cyril Burt, the Psychologist to the Schools of the London County Council. The library of the Child Study Society, we understand, is now permanently located at the London School of Economics, Clare Market, W.C., and particulars regarding the use of the same and copies of the catalogue can be obtained on application to the Hon. General Secretary of the Association, Mr. W. J. Durrie Mulford, 69, Hosack Road, Upper Tooting Park, S. W.

American Journal of Care for Cripples. The official organ of the Federation of Associations for Cripples and the Welfare Commission for Cripples. Edited by Douglas C. McMurtrie, and published quarterly at 2929, Broadway, New York City. Annual subscription $3.00.

This notable journal is accomplishing a much needed service. The latest issue, Vol. v, No. 1, consists of 217 pages and numerous fine illustrations, and contains a series of informing articles on various aspects of the problem of the war cripple. "The French System for Return to Civilian Life of Crippled and Discharged

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