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possesses handsome and serviceable headquarters and club house at 32, Russell Square, W.C.1. A brochure, "The Student Christian Movement during a Third Year of War," has just appeared, being the Report of the General Committee of the Movement for the College Year, 1916-17.

The National Home Reading Union, the headquarters of which are at 12, York Buildings, Adelphi, W.C.2, has just issued as pamphlets, "Ideals of Painting and the Study of Painting in General," by J. Steward Dick, M.A., and "Contemporary Thought in France as seen in her Literature from 1900 to 1914," by Dr. Lilly Mary Grove (price 15. each).

The London "Safety First" Council, the President of which is Lord Sydenham of Combe, with headquarters at 31, Westminster Broadway, S.W.1, have just issued in their series of " Posters," No. 7, which provides in striking lettering "Safety First' Object-lessons for School Children." The whole set of these effective posters should be available in every school, and teachers will be wise to see that their scholars learn the lessons so clearly and effectively presented.

We desire specially to direct Our readers' attention to the interesting experiment which Mrs. G. T. Kimmins and her co-workers are carrying out at Chailey, in Sussex, in connection with the Heritage Craft Schools. There has been established a "St. Nicholas Home for Raidshock Cases among School Children." This veritable house of smiles and refuge for raided little ones will prove a sanctuary for many nervous children. The work is based on sound psychological lines and is being delightfully carried through. We hope to publish an account of this beneficent enterprise in a future issue of this journal.

The Cinema Recreative Circle is a new body which seeks to enlarge the service of the cinema for educational, moral, social, economic, and recreational purposes. Full particulars may be obtained from Miss Mary C. Horne, the Organizing Secretary, Reynolds House, Great Newport Street, W.C.2.

The Penal Reform League, 68A, Park Hill Road, N. W.3, has issued as No. 14 of its "Penal Reform League Series" a brochure, "A National Minimum for Youth," which contains the recommenda

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tions of a Committee appointed to consider a policy with regard to problems connected with juvenile delinquency.

The American Institute of Social Science, Bible House, Astor Place, New York City, is publishing monthly Studies in Social Progress in the Gospel of the Kingdom, edited by Rudolph M. Binder (annual subscription, 75 cents).

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Incorporated by the State of New York) is issuing for the use of its policyholders a series of "Welfare Publications." One deals with "The Child," another with “Milk,” and a third is on "First Aid in the Home," and so on. British Life Insurance Companies would be wise to follow so sensible and scientific a lead.

The National Child Labor Committee, Incorporated, the headquarters of which are at 105, East Twenty-second Street, New York City, publish quarterly The Child Labor Bulletin (annual subscription $2). Among recent issues which have reached us is the "Report of the Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference"; "A Consideration of the Next Chapter in Child Labor Reform"; and "A Study of Causes of Absence from Rural Schools in Oklahoma" (price, each number, 50 cents).

The Historical Association (Secretary, Miss M. B. Curran, 22, Russell Square, W.C.1) have published a Bibliography of Mediæval History, 400 to 1500 A.D. (Leaflet No. 44). Books specially useful for teachers are marked with an asterisk. The Association have also issued Leaflet No. 3 (revised). It is a summary of historical examinations affecting schools, including matriculation examinations and entrance scholarships.

The National Food Reform Association have just issued a leaflet (No. 9) prepared by the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Charles E. Hecht, M.A., entitled "Sugar: Why Worry about it?" together with a statement by Mr. Percy J. Proud, L.D.S., on "The Sugar 'Habit.' A copy of the publication may be obtained on sending two penny stamps to the office of N.F.R.A., Danes Inn House, 265, Strand, W.C.2.

The National Council of Public Morals, 20, Bedford Square, W.C., have just issued their annual report as an attractive booklet entitled "Building Jerusalem."


Reviews and Notices of Books and Journals dealing with all subjects relating to Child Life appear under this heading.


Women's Work in War Time: A Handbook of Employments.' Compiled and Edited by H. M. Usborne, with a Preface by Lord Northcliffe. Pp. 174. T. Werner Laurie, Ltd., 8, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 2. Price 2s. net.

Mrs. Usborne's excellent guide should be in the hands of all called to advise women and girls in regard to vocation under war conditions. Lord Northcliffe's recommendation is fully justified. The first part of the volume furnishes in convenient, concise, and alphabetically arranged order explicit information as to the various employments now open to females. The second part contains a number of signed articles from a number of women experts on various forms of war and after-war employment for trained workers. Miss A. E. Mack deals with Welfare Work in Munition Factories; Miss J. Halford explains what can be done in Infant Welfare Work and the Care of School Children. This practical, up-to-date, reliable little handbook meets the real needs of the present, and we think it might well develop into a complete and authoritative directory on all forms of women's work.

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Health of Working Girls: A Handbook for Welfare Supervisors and others. By Beatrice Webb, M.D., Ch.B. Pp. 103. London: Blackie and Son, Ltd., 50, Old Bailey, E.C. 1917. Price 2s. 6d. net.

This manual is based on lectures delivered in the University of Birmingham and elsewhere. It is a successful attempt to provide supervisors and others engaged in welfare work among girls in munition factories and other centres of industry with a concise, reliable, and helpful guide to the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease. Miss Hilda Martindale, H.M. Senior Lady Inspector of Factories, supplies a sympathetic foreword, in which it is shown that not only as potential mothers but as active agents in the production and distribution

of munitions, equipment, food, and other essential products, working girls of the country demand and deserve consideration and protection and all necessary guidance. In twelve chapters Dr. Webb deals with such important matters as the prevention and correction of indigestion, the care of the teeth, the causation and arrest of anæmia, the nature of headaches, the pathology of the common cold, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, the physiology of reproduction, the abuse of alcohol, foods, work and rest, and the taking of medicines. Much ground is covered, but the information provided is presented in a clear, precise and serviceable form. The book will be of permanent value to those for whom it has been written, but it will also be of assistance to medical advisers and lecturers on personal hygiene, and serve as a good model for the discourses which will be appreciated by working girls and will help them to conduct their lives on wholesome lines.

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C. S. Peel. Pp. x + 190, with 18 plates. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W. 1. 1917. Price 3s. 6d. net.

Mrs. Peel has won distinction as a novelist and as a writer of attractive works on cookery and housecraft. Her latest volume is one of the most attractive and serviceable of her productions. It is a book for the needs of to-day, and every wise home-maker will gain much profit by its perusal. It is an interesting, concise, thoroughly practical guide to time, money and trouble saving contrivances and appliances which can be employed in ordinary middle-class English homes. It is very different from the customary works on domestic management, but it is nevertheless a most valuable aid to effective house-keeping and economic home-making. It will be of service not only to wives and mothers and housekeepers generally, but may be recom

mended to teachers of cooking and home management in schools and colleges. The work is attractively got up and plentifully illustrated. We trust Mrs. Peel will give us further instruction on how to save under war conditions. All books on this important topic are now to be welcomed.


46 The Venereal Diseases Problem: book more especially for Nurses and Midwives." By J. K. Watson, M.D. Pp. xi + 54, with 16 illustrations. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 8, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2. 1917. Price 2s. 6d. net.

This book effectively meets a real need. Everyone dealing with pregnant and puerperal women, infants and children or engaged in war nursing should have clear ideas regarding the nature, prophylaxis, and principles of management of venereal diseases. The policy of secrecy is at last gone for ever. The great reality of war has opened the way for science. Dr. Watson, in wellarranged, concisely expressed, non-technical language, sets forth essential facts such as every midwife, nurse and social service worker should understand. There is a particularly good chapter on "Inherited Syphilis." The manual is one which medical advisers will find useful for recommending to suitable students and as a guide to the preparation of lectures to nurses, soldiers and sailors and others. The practical value of this book is much enhanced by the series of instructive illustrations taken from the well-known "Students' Manual of Surgery," by Rose and Carless.

"Pitman's Shorthand Rapid Course." Pp. vii + 200. London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., 1, Amen Corner, E.C. Price 3s. 6d.

In these strenuous and critical days, clerks, typists, stenographers, secretaries and journalists are being commandeered for national service, and all sorts and conditions of inexperienced and untrained workers are being pressed into the vacant places. With wonderful powers of adaptation many are doing

their utmost to equip themselves for their new duties. Many of these will be glad to know of this useful manual. It consists of a series of twenty simple lessons in the well-known and generally approved system of Sir Isaac Pitman's phonography. The lessons are arranged in a graduated series with reading and writing exercises. The book has been skilfully designed and prepared to assist time-limited learners in the speedy acquisition of the fundamentals of the stenographer's art. By an intensive study of this "tabloid" handbook of the elements of shorthand the serious student may speedily acquire skill in this now much-needed time and labour saving system. The book, both in form, substance, arrangement, and general presentation, is in every way admirable, and in quality of paper, printing and get-up. leaves nothing to be desired.


The City Churches." By Margaret E.. Tabor: with an Introduction by L. CopeCornford. Pp. 134, with maps and 18 fullpage illustrations. London: Headley Bros.. Ltd., Kingsway House, Kingsway, W.C. 1.. 1917. Price 2s. 6d. net.

London has a great possession in its City churches. Few realize the wealth of historical treasure and human records in these quiet and much neglected Houses of God. These churches should be used as educational centres for the mind and spirit. This artistic little volume is a worthy introduction to their study. Much of the history of London City lies engraven on the stones of its ancient churches. In the fourteenth century London is said to have possessed 126 parish churches, and in Elizabethan days the number was over 100. The Great Fire in 1666 destroyed eighty-six. There are still, however, within the City square mile between fifty and sixty churches. Many of them are of great interest. Mrs. Tabor divides them into three groups: the churches built before the Great Fire,. those designed by Sir Christopher Wren, and those built after the time of Wren. The illustrations provided are excellent, and the descriptions given are concise, reliable, and just enough to make us long for more. As a serviceable intro

duction to the study of London churches the book is deserving of high praise. We commend it to all lovers of London, city-going clerks and merchants, and all teachers of children. It would be an excellent plan if arrangements could be made whereby the historical associations and the architectural features of the various churches could be explained to children brought from our various L.C.C. schools, but we fear imagined "religious difficulties" would preclude so sensible an educational experiment.

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Old French Nursery Songs.' Music arranged by Horace Mausione, Pictured by Annie Anderson. Pp. 87. London: George G. Harrap and Co., 3, Portsmouth Street, Kingsway, W.C. 1918. Price 6s. net.

This delightful album will be welcomed by many parents and teachers. It contains a collection of thirty-two charming, simple, tuneful French songs for little folk. The verses are, of course, in French and move with a lilting rhythm. The musical accompaniments are easy, but perfectly adapted to their purpose. The most conspicuous feature of the volume is the series of dainty and truly artistic illustrations in colour. The whole work is typically French in its grace and charm, and the publishers have produced it in a form which leaves nothing to be desired. This fascinating collection only requires to be known to be appreciated. These gay nursery songs should do much to encourage young children to acquire a real love for the beauties of the French language and, if we mistake not, will go far to bring into our somewhat sombre and halting child-songs a little of the gaiety, brightness, and artistic simplicity which form such characteristic features in the domestic life of French children.

betterment. The present book is a stirring story of adventures and detective work which will appeal to all Wolf Cubs. It is written by a lady who has accomplished notable service in the development of this fine branch of boy betterment work.

Robin Goodfellow and other Fairy Plays for Children." By Netta Syrett. Pp. ix + 139. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W. 1. 1918. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Here is a gathering of good things which teachers and others responsible for the instruction and amusements of young children will know how to appreciate and use wisely. There are six little plays in the volume, and three are arranged primarily as frames for ballets. Miss Syrett has arranged the plays so that they can readily be simplified for performance by school children. No elaborate staging or complicated equipment are really necessary. The following are the titles of the six plays: "Robin Goodfellow," ," "Princess Fragoletta," "The Old Toys," "Venus and Cupid," "The Dryad's Awakening," and "Queen Flora's Court."

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Committee of the Guild on the Carnegie Trust and Scientific Research; Notes from an Address on "The Problem of Infantile and Child Mortality," by Dr. T. Sheldon Withers; a paper on "The Registration of Schools," by Lady Napier Shaw.

Overseas. The Monthly Journal of the Over-Seas Club and the Patriotic League of Britons Overseas. Published at Headquarters, General Buildings, Aldwych, W.C. 2. Price 5s per annum, post free.

This patriotic and informing journal is issued in an attractive form with excellent illustrations and interesting articles and numerous serviceable notes. It is just the magazine to put in the hands of teachers, scoutmasters and all who are in touch with the young life of the Empire. We understand that the journal is sent to all members of the Over-Seas Club.

of Height for School Children," and it is urged that "heights and weights of school children should only be taken and recorded in the international metric system, to the nearest centimetre and tenth of a kilogramme." No doubt this is an admirable suggestion, but it is scarcely a practical one at the present time, when under war conditions there is not an adequate staff to take necessary standards of any kind. And school doctors and school nurses will be anxious to know how the old-fashioned measuring rods and scales are to be replaced by such standardizing instruments as would be required if the suggestion is to be generally carried out. Rather than have a dual system at work in our public schools it will probably be wisest to postpone Major Kerr's suggestion until such time as the Board of Education can issue an instruction which will apply to all schools.

Colour. Published Monthly at 53, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. 1. Annual Subscription, 16s. Single numbers, 1s. net.

This artistic journal occupies a unique position among British periodicals. It is a production which appeals not only to the artistic but to all lovers of the beautiful. The current number contains a fine series of beautiful examples of excellent British work in colour printing. Many of these fascinating pictures will be admirable for school instruction and decoration. There are several interesting articles and a number of gossipy notes.

School Hygiene. A Quarterly Review for Educationists and Doctors. Vol. viii. No. 3. December, 1917. Published by Adlard and Son and West Newman, Ltd., 23, Bartholomew Close, E.C. 1. Price 1s. net.

This journal is the official organ of the Medical Officers of Schools Association. The current number contains as frontispiece an excellent portrait of Major James Kerr, R.A.M.C., the new President, and until recently the Research Medical Officer of the London County Council. The chief article is contributed by Dr. Kerr, and deals with "Standards


"The Incidence of Venereal Diseases and its Relation to School Life and

Teaching," by Sir Thomas Barlow, K.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.S., issued by the National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases, Avenue Chambers, Southampton Row, W.C.1 (price 2d.), is the substance of an address delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Incorporated Association of Head Masters. It is a timely pronouncement on a subject of grave importance. Facts are calmly set forth in clear language with scientific precision. General principles are presented in a way which will prove of practical service. The tract is one which every teacher should study, for the subjects dealt with are of paramount importance to the moral protection and sound physical development of our coming citizens.

"The Religious Difficulty in Schools," by Dr. F. H. Hayward, published by the Author at 87, Brenthall Road, Stoke Newington, N. (price, post free, 31d.), is claimed to be "a solution of an insoluble' problem." the Readers of author's "Educational Administration and Criticism" will be prepared for a courageous and constructive presentation of the

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