O that men would therefore praise the Lord, &c. O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, and his mercy endureth for ever. Qall ye Angels of the Lord praise ye the Lord: praife bim and magnifie him for ever. Oye fpirits and fouls of the Righteous, praise ye the Lord: praise him and magnifie him for ever. And now, O Lord God, what fhall I render to thy Divine Majefty for all the benefits thou haft done unto thy fervant in my personal capacity ? Thou art my Creatour and my Father, my Protetour and my Guardian, thou haft brought me from my Mother's womb, thou haft told all my joints, and in thy book were all my Members written: Thou haft given me a comely body, Chriftian and careful Parents, holy education: Thou haft been my guide and my teacher all my days: Thou haft given me ready faculties, an unloofed tongue, a chearful fpirit, ftraight limbs, a good reputation, and liberty of perfon, a quiet life, and a tender confcience, [a loving Wife or Husband, and hopeful Children.] Thou wert my hope from my youth, through thee have I been holden up ever fince I was born. Thou haft cloathed me and fed me, given me friends and blessed them, given me many days of comfort and health, free from thofe fad infirmities with which many of thy Saints and dearest Servants are afflicted. Thou haft fent thy Angel to fnatch me from the violence of fire and water, to prevent precipices, fracture of bones, to rescue me from thunder and lightning, plague and peftilential difeafes, murther and robbery, violence of chance and enemies, and all the fpirits of darkness: and in the days of forrow thou haft refreshed me; in the deftitution of provifions thou haft taken care of me, and thou haft faid unto me, I will never leave thee nor for fake thee. I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart, fecretly among the faithful and in the congregation. Thou, O my dearest Lord and Father, haft taEen care of my Soul, haft pitied my miferies, futained my infirmities, reliev'd and inftructed my ignorances and though I have broken thy righteous Laws and Commandments, run paffionately after vanities, and was in love with Death, and was dead in fin, and was expofed to thousands of temptations, and fell foully, and continued in it, and loved to have it fo, and hated to be reformed; yet thou didft call me with the checks of confcience, with daily Sermons, and precepts of Holinefs, with fear and fhame, with benefits and the admonitions of thy most holy Spirit, by the counfel of my friends, by the example of good perfonis, with holy Books, and thousands of excellent Arts, and wouldft not fuffer me to perifh in my folly, but didft force me to attend to thy gracious calling, and haft put me into a state of Repentance, and poffibilities of pardon, being infinitely defirous I fhould live, and recover, and make use of thy grace, and partake of thy Glories. congrega I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart, fecretly among the faithful and in the tion. *For falvation belongeth unto the Lord, and thy bleffing is upon thy Servant. But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercies, and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. *For of thee, and in thee, and through and for thee are all things. Bleffed be the Name of God from Generation to Generation. Amen. A fhort Form of Thanksgiving to be faid upon any fpecial deliverance, as from Child birth, from Sicknefs, from Battle, or imminent Danger at Sea or Land, &c. Moft merciful and gracious God, the fountain, of all mercy and bleffing, thou haft opened the hand of thy mercy to fill me with bleflings, and the sweet effects of thy loving kindnefs: thou feedeft us like a Shepherd, thou governest us as a King, thou beareft us in thy arms like a Nurfe, thou dost cover us under the fhadow of thy wings and shelter us like a Hen; thou (O dearest Lord) wakest for us as a Watchman, thou provideft for us like a Hus X 4 band 2 band, thou loveft us as a friend, and thinkeft on us perpetually, as a careful mother on her helpless babe, and art exceeding merciful to all that tear thee. And now, O Lord, thou haft added this great bleffing of deliverance from my late danger, [here name the bleffing] it was thy hand and the help of thy mercy that relieved me; the waters of affliction hath drowned me, and the ftream had gone over my Soul, if the Spirit of the Lord had not moved upon thefe waters. Thou, O Lord, didft revoke thy angry fentence, which I had deferved, and which was gone out against me. Unto thee, O Lord, I afcribe the praise and honour of my Redemption. I will be glad and rejoyce in thy mercy, for thou haft confidered my trouble, and haft known my Soul in adverfity. As thou haft spread thy hand upon me for a covering, fo alfo enlarge my heart with thankfulnefs, and fill my mouth with praises, that my duty and returns to thee may be great as my needs of mercy are; and let thy gracious favours and loving kindnefs endure for ever and ever upon thy fervant; and grant that what thou haft fown in mercy, may fpring up in duty and let thy grace fo ftrengthen my purposes, that I may fin no more, left thy threatning return upon me in anger, and thy anger break me into pieces but let me walk in the light of thy favour, and in the paths of thy Commandments; that I living here to the glory of thy name, may at laft enter into the glory of my Lord, to spend a whole eternity in giving praise to thy exalted and ever-glo rious Name. Amen. *We praise thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the Earth doth worship thee the Father Everlasting. *To thee all Angels cry_aloud, the Heavens and all the Powers therein: To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry, *Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabbaoth; * Heaven and Earth are full of the Majefty of thy glory. *The glorious company of the Apoftles praife thee. *The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praife thee. * The noble army of Martyrs praife thee. The holy * Church Church throughout all the World doth acknowledge thee, the Father of an infinite Majefty; *Thine honourable, true and only Son; * Alfo the Holy Ghost the Comforter. *Thou art the King of Glory, O Chrift:* Thou art the everlafting Son of the Father. * When thou tookeft upon thee to deliver Man, thou didft not abhor the Virgin's womb. When thou hadft overcome the fharpness of death, thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers. *Thou fitteft at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father. *We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge. * We therefore pray thee help thy fervants whom thou haft redeemed with thy precious Blood. * Make them to be numbred with thy Saints in glory everlafting. *O Lord, fave thy people, and blefs thine heritage. * Govern them, and lift them up for ever. Day by day we magnifie thee, and we worship thy Name ever world without end. * Vouchfafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without fin. *O Lord, have mer cy upon us, have mercy upon us. * O Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us, as our truft is in thee. Lord, in thee have I trusted: let me never be confounded. Amen. A Prayer of Thanksgiving after the receiving of fome great bleffing, as the birth of an Heir, the fuccefs of an honeft Defign, a Victory, a good Harveft, &c. Lord God, Father of mercies, the Fountain of comfort and bleffing, of life and peace, of plenty and pardon, who filleft Heaven with thy glory, and Earth with thy goodness; I give thee the most earnest, most humble, and moft enlarged returns of my glad and thankful heart, for thou haft refreshed me with thy comforts, and enlarged me with thy bleffing; thou haft made my flesh and my bones to rejovce for befides the bleffings of all mankind, the bleffings of nature and the bleffings of grace, the fupport of every minute, and the comforts of every day, thou haft opened thy bofom, and at this time haft poured out an excellent expression of thy loving kindness, [here name the bleffing] What am I, Q Lord, and what is my Father's houfe, what is the life and what are the capacities of thy fervant, that thou shouldft do this unto me; * that the great God of Men and Angels fhould make a fpecial decree in Heaven for me, and fend out an Angel of bleffing, and inftead of condemning and ruining me, as I miserably have deserved, to diftinguifh me from many my equals and my betters, by this and many other fpecial Acts of grace and favour? Praifed be the Lord daily, even the Lord that helpeth us, and poureth his benefits upon us. He is our God, even the God of whom cometh falvation : God is the Lord by whom we escape death. Thou haft brought me to great honour, and comforted me on every fide. Thou, Lord, haft made me glad through thy works: I will rejoyce in giving praise for the operation of thy hands. O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his Name: tell the people what things he hath done. As for me, I will give great thanks unto the Lord, and praise him among the multitude. Bleffed be the Lord God, even the Lord God of Ifrael, which only doth wondrous and gracious things. And bleffed be the Name of his Majefty for ever: and all the Earth fhall be filled with his Majefty. Amen, Amen. Glory be to the Father, &c. or the A Prayer to be faid on the Feast of Christmas, Holy and Almighty God, Father of Mercies, Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Son of thy love and erernal Mercies, I adore and praife and glorifi- tiv i finite and unspeakable love and wisdom, who haft fent thy Son from the bofom of felicities to take |