Pregemont March 16th 1837 Dear Sir, The inclosed are but odd numbers but I dare say you will find them sufficiently valuable to induce you to procu to procure the whole. Jet which I suppose must be know Completed. Mr. Mrant I know had originally intended to publish but 52 Weekly numbus - Huy Han been sticked in somethily parts may be had from Duncan throughe Milliken or at the Jews Society Office 16 Sackville St. Where you I dan say, see the Hebrew Praze book. My brother in Law has not only an intimate acquain Cam Agadah, recognized in Jewish Prayer-book, 2 Circumcision equivalent to all the command- Cruelty, Rabbinic, 5, 106, 51, 52 -, may be robbed and slain with im- Cruelty, Rabbinic, to women, 191 punity, 235 lawful to kill, 3 Amulets, virtues of, 93 Dead, Rabbinic mourning for, 217 -, prayers for the, 149 Angels carry up the sound of the horn at new Demons, asking counsel of, 103 Charm, Rabbinic, for a bleeding of the nose, Fire, not to be extinguished, 52 215 Hilchoth Maakaloth Asuroth, 213 Mamrim, 169 Matt'nath Aniim, 153 Megillah, 25 Mikvaoth, 37 M'lachim, 12, 13, 19 Sh'vuoth, 221 Taanith, 109 Talmud Torah, 9, 74 T'phillah, 64 T'shuvah, 2, 125 Hillel, the elder, 95 wine, to drink, worse than fornication, Holyday, how to make fire on, 54 Gentiles, idolatrous, to be exterminated, 22 to be converted by force, 22 Holydays, additional, prescribed by the rab- Jeremiah unjustly condemned, 7 -, idolatrous, not to be suffered in the Jewish-German, 69 land of Israel, 15 Gentile, drowning, not to be delivered, 15 Gentiles, duties towards, 13 not brethren, 13 nor neighbours, 13, 14 13, 14 Jews, persecuted in Spain and Portugal, 19 Intolerance, Talmudic, 15-19 Ioma, 10 not to be greeted except from fear, Jonathan, son of Uzziel, 95 condemned for transgressing the com- Isaac, merit of offering, 137 still have the defilement of the serpent, Judaism the religion of the oral law, 1 and of the Jewish Prayer-book, 1 and Christianity cannot both be true, a false religion, 237 its authors wicked men, 238 Judgment, Rabbinic, idea of the final, 141 K'hillath Shlomoh, 143 Kiddushin, 10 of Kimchi, 48 Leaven, putting away of, 41 Legends, 65-84 Levi, family of, still known, 158 privileges of, in the synagogue, 158 Leviathan, legend of, 65, &c. Levites, scriptural privileges of, 157 Liberty, religious, first taught by Jesus Christ, 24 Luck, good, 92 Magic allowed by Talmud, 85, 86 Maimonides, 14, and passim intolerance, 16 Meat, lawful and unlawful, 194 Mishna, recognized in Jewish Prayer-book, 2 Purgatory, Rabbinic, 150 Mixture, Rabbinic, command of, 59, Purim, feast of, 25 Rabbi, duty to, goes before duty to parents, 5 reverence due to, 8 whosoever despises a, to be excommu- nicated, 3 not to forgive a public affront, 123 Rabbies not agreed, 203 Rabbinic charity, 57 evasion, 55, 56 order, novelty of, 165 power to excommunicate, 122 born, 198, 199 Ramban, 72 Rome called Edom, 12 Rosh Hashanah, 150 Oral law opposed to the Word of God in duty Saadiah Gaon, 82 to parents, 5, 6 a mixed system of good and evil, 9 the study of, 9 9 Sabbath, unlawful for a Gentile to keep a, 12 -, spirits cannot be cited on, 71 women and children not to study, Sabbath-day, amulets on, 93 and 2 teaches the authority of the Talmud, 2 Parisian, 185 Satan deceived by the blowing of the horn in the month of Elul, 134, 135 |