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" Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. "
The Old Paths: Or, A Comparison of the Principles and Doctrines of Modern ... - Стр. 47
авторы: Alexander McCaul - 1837 - Страниц: 240
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Heaven Opened: Or, A Brief and Plain Discovery of the Riches of God's ...

Richard Alleine - 1852 - Страниц: 402
...only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." III. Add to your covenant YOUR SACRIFICE. " Gather my saints together unto me, those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." Psalm 1 : 5. God has made with you, and he expects that you make with him a covenant...
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A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings ..., Том 1

George Fox - 1694 - Страниц: 536
...you according to your deeds. Therefore, whilst thou hast time, prize it, and repent : for verily " Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence ; a...above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people; and the heavens shall declare his righteousness : for God is judge himself. Consider this, ye that...
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New-England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord: In Two Parts. First ...

George Bishop - 1703 - Страниц: 602
...an evil time. For the Lord my God shall come, and all His saints with Him. A devouring fire shall go before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him : He shall call to the heavens above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people; and the heavens shall declare His righteousness,...
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Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General: And Particularly that Kind which ...

François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon - 1722 - Страниц: 360
...devour before him : and it fliall be very tempeftuous round about him. He fliall call to the heavens 4. from above ; and to the earth, that he may judge his people. Gather tny Saints together unto me ; thofe that have made f. a covenant with me by facrifice. And the heavens...
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Dialogues concerning eloquence in general; and particularly that kind which ...

François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon (abp. of Cambrai.) - 1722 - Страниц: 366
...fliatt be very tempefluous round about him. He /hall call to the heavens from above; and tofhe tarth, that he may judge his people. Gather my Saints together unto me; thofe that have made. a covenant with me by facrifice. And the heavens Jhall declart his righteoufnefs...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Том 1;Том 66

Edward Harley - 1730 - Страниц: 332
...DEVOUR before him, and it Diall be very TEMPESTUOUS round about him. 4 He (hall call to the Heaveni from Above, and to the Earth, that he may JUDGE his People. 5 Gather my SAINTS together unto me : thofe that have made a Cothy REFUGE, and underneath *"'«' i*v»i....
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E. Harley ..., Том 1

Edward Harley - 1735 - Страниц: 764
...tcrapcftuous round about him 6 And the HEAVENS (hall DECLARE his RIGHTEOUSNESS : for GOD is JUDGE 4 He fhal: CALL to the HEAVENS from above, and to the EARTH, that he may JUDGE his PEOPLE And there ye ftall ferve h ' mlelf Gods, the Work of Mens Hands, Wood and Stone, which neither fee,...
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The Christian common prayer book, or universal liturgy ... adapted to the ...

Cheyney Hart - 1761 - Страниц: 274
...confuming Fire, and a mighty Xempcft fhall be fl-irred up round about Him. Hi He fhall call to the.Heavens from above; and to the Earth, that He may judge his People: " Gather my Saints " together unto me; thofe that have made a Covenajit •' with me by Sacrifice." ... 13. " Hear, O my People, and I will...
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Several discourses. To which is added, a sermon preach'd before the assembly ...

Samuel Westcott - 1762 - Страниц: 276
...Silence ; a Fire Jhall devour before him, and it Jhall be very tempejluous round about him ; he Jhall call to the Heavens from above, and to the Earth,...he may judge his People. Gather my Saints together to me, thofe who have made a Covenant 'with me by Sacrifice. The Divine Order runs thus : Let thofe...
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Sacred Extracts: Or, Books and Chapters Selected from the New and Old ...

1788 - Страниц: 598
...filence : a fire fhall devour before him, and it fhall be very tempeftuous round about him. 4 He fhall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. 5 Gather my faints together unto me : thofe that have made a covenant with me by facrifice. 6 And the...
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